will i ever have an NSX someday?

get some of that education people have been talking about, then set your path! Car/house Priorities change over the years. If you want it bad enough you will get it. :)
yellowpad said:
stop scaring people away..................you need to get hook up w/ phil :cool:

I know, I know. I've been considering it really hard actually. It's been nagging at me. I just don't want to jump into something I have little knowledge of.
missnsx said:
Mike, your story sounds pretty much like mine...too bad you live all the way in NC~now that I have my dream car, the only thing that could be better is having a man with my dream cars sis!

hey hey now, this isn't the personals!!! :p btw, I'm in Houston!!! ;) :D

Oh, and yeah, please no gold digging!!

Oh and Ana, I think it possible to get an education and have a NSX at the same time, like me! But if you have to pick one, obviously, the NSX!!! hehe j/k.... education of course! :D
I too don't own one yet however I do have a plan in place to accomplish my goal. Currently, I have a savings account deticated to the NSX's down payment, I am in the midst of becoming a partner in a local business and with that additonal income I figure I should be able to afford the NSX by the time I turn 25 (about three years from now). Hopefully by that time my driving record will be clean enough to afford insurance on the car. Ideally, I will buy the NSX on my 25 birthday as a present to myself for the years of saving and compromising! :p Best of luck to everyone trying to get one, stick with it and learn as much about the car as you can! :D
Steal-Dragon said:
Doc didnt say that George McFly did;)

ACTUALLY.... Doc did say that to Marty in 1985. When Marty goes back to 1955 he says it to his father (George), who THEN says it to Marty at the end of the movie when he returns home to 1985.;)

Like I said, it's one of my favorite movies. :p
I too am of a tender young age (19) and I share the similar dream of owning an NSX. I am currently in stage 1 of the process (education) and intend on completing as many steps as it takes to achieve my dreams. I go to college in Knoxville, TN and, unfortunatly, my girlfriend attends college at NYU (so we are states apart from each other). We are extremely level-headed individuals who know we are better off getting married at a later age (25-30 somewhere around there). It is YOU guys that keep "people like me" motivated to achieve these dreams. For that, I must thank you. Furthermore, I wish to leave one final comment. I do not like the NSX just for the car that it is, but for the community that comes with it. The NSX community represents some of the most intelligent, down-to-earth, and understanding individuals to walk the face of the earth. It is so easy to understand a "post" on one of these forums because they actually know how to use punctuation (something Honda-tech.com needs to learn). For now, I will continue to "study my ass off" with my dreams for the future as my ally and motivation. Thank you for your time.


Note: My future postings will NOT be as dramatic as the aforementioned.
Thankyou for your intelligent post! To think that was kinda lost on this generation nowaday really put a smile on my face.
You are very welcome. To be honest, I believe the majority of my generation is, unfortunatly, spiraling downward. They just don't make people like they used to. :( Everyone should try being nice to someone at least once throughout the day because it's amazing the kind of people you'll meet (and it actually makes you feel good about yourself). Being nice to someone is the reason I have my current job (started when I was 16 and I've been here for over 3 years now).