Wild West is back again in Texas

A gun in every locker and a gun for every desk.:wink:
"In order for teachers and staff to carry a pistol, they must have a Texas license to carry a concealed handgun; must be authorized to carry by the district; must receive training in crisis management and hostile situations and have to use ammunition that is designed to minimize the risk of ricochet in school halls."

Sure there are some "wacko" teachers too but at least they'll have training, better back ground check, etc. The bottom line is common sense, the culprits of school massacres are students historically. Schools are usually "gun free" which can also be translated in to "if you have a gun, you are free to start and finish a slaughterfest". If it makes a kid with a very bad idea hesitate, good enough for me.

You can NEVER get the guns totally away from the criminals so you have to do what you can.
I guess we'll never know until it's tried. I really had my doubts about the concealed gun law years ago. On the other hand, I think if a person passes a thorough background screening, they should be allowed to wear their gun on their hip. Imagine if a would be robber walked in 7-11 and four people had guns on their hips. Hmm:cool:
I don't see anything good coming of this. Given all the accidental discharges police officers have who deal with guns and receive training monthly in the use of them, I just don't see teachers having guns as a good development. I would say they are better off hiring an off-duty cop or retired cop to be on staff during school hours. He can be armed and provide the fire-power if ever needed. Just my two cents.
I don't see anything good coming of this. Given all the accidental discharges police officers have who deal with guns and receive training monthly in the use of them, I just don't see teachers having guns as a good development. I would say they are better off hiring an off-duty cop or retired cop to be on staff during school hours. He can be armed and provide the fire-power if ever needed. Just my two cents.

I agree with you. And thats coming from someone who doesn't leave the house unarmed.
There is a difference between accidental and negligent.
I don't see anything good coming of this. Given all the accidental discharges police officers have who deal with guns and receive training monthly in the use of them, I just don't see teachers having guns as a good development. I would say they are better off hiring an off-duty cop or retired cop to be on staff during school hours. He can be armed and provide the fire-power if ever needed. Just my two cents.
Most schools in my area have off duty police officers on campus all day. The problem is, campuses are to big for one, maybe two officers. They can't be everywhere at the same time. On another note if a teacher had to return fire in a situation, god forbid it have to happen, and struck another student, the liability would be astronomical. I think backpacks should be banned from schools, and I think every student should wear a school uniform. They can carry their books just like I did.

Sweet! I can't wait for the first teacher - student shootout at the OK cafeteria.

I don't know about you guys, but I don't agree with this policy. There are some sickos who are teachers too.

This is a wonderful idea. I don't see the issue? You think all cops are qualified to carry guns? LOL

And why would a policy stop one of these "sicko" teachers from NOT bringing a gun to school to hurt people anyways? Now a LAW ABIDING teacher will have the means to stop this sicko. You think a criminal cares about the law? Hint hint....thats what makes them a criminal.


You liberals are so damn funny and clueless. "Yes, the RULES will stop them!"
I don't see anything good coming of this. Given all the accidental discharges police officers have who deal with guns and receive training monthly in the use of them, I just don't see teachers having guns as a good development. I would say they are better off hiring an off-duty cop or retired cop to be on staff during school hours. He can be armed and provide the fire-power if ever needed. Just my two cents.

The question is if you have your consealed permit, why should you NOT be able to carry at work? Which is where you are 90% of the time? There should be NO exceptions.

Sweet! I can't wait for the first teacher - student shootout at the OK cafeteria.

I don't know about you guys, but I don't agree with this policy. There are some sickos who are teachers too.

Fact: Gun Free Zones only apply to those who obey the law.

Fact: Armed citizens with permits to carry have proven to be responsible contrary to all the Liberal anti-gun rhetoric and scare tactics.

Fact: There are anywhere from 400,000 - 600,000 lawful self defenses per year against forcible felonies in the US.

Fact: Israel armed their teachers a decade ago quickly ending attacks to schools by armed terrorists.

Fact: Over 30 innocent people were slaughtered like animals at Virginia Tech because they were rendered defenseless by the school who enforced a gun-free zone.

Fact: Anti-gun Liberals will never discuss the 2002 shooting at the Appalachian School of Law where a shooter was only able to kill 3 people before being stopped by an ARMED student! Appalachian School of Law is also in Virginia contrasting a much different outcome compared to VT.

Fact: I am a well educated person (Aerospace Engineer) and am not the stereotypical Redneck that Liberals brand me as because I choose to arm myself with a gun. I arm myself to protect my family, myself, and my society in that order.
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Fact: Gun Free Zones only apply to those who obey the law.

Fact: Armed citizens with permits to carry have proven to be responsible contrary to all the Liberal anti-gun rhetoric and scare tactics.

Fact: There are anywhere from 400,000 - 600,000 lawful self defenses per year against forcible felonies in the US.

Fact: Israel armed their teachers a decade ago quickly ending attacks to schools by armed terrorists.

Fact: Over 30 innocent people were slaughtered like animals at Virginia Tech because they were rendered defenseless by the school who enforced a gun-free zone.

Fact: Anti-gun Liberals will never discuss the 2002 shooting at the Appalachian School of Law where a shooter was only able to kill 3 people before being stopped by an ARMED student! Appalachian School of Law is also in Virginia contrasting a much different outcome compared to VT.

Fact: I am a well educated person (Aerospace Engineer) and am not the stereotypical Redneck that Liberals brand me as because I choose to arm myself with a gun. I arm myself to protect my family, myself, and my society in that order.

I agree with everything you have stated! Very well put!
There is a difference between accidental and negligent.

No, a "negligent discharge" becomes an "accidental discharge" when the person holding the gun refuses to be accountable for his negligence.

There is no such thing as an "accidental discharge". If your finger is inside the trigger guard when you don't mean to shoot and the gun goes off then you are negligent. Very simple.
Not that long ago, guns were not uncommon in schools with school rifle teams. Students used to carry their rifles on the school bus.(only .22 caliber, but still...) As for the teachers in Texas being armed, if they are properly screened and trained, it could be a life-saver.
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I am from Texas, so I am familiar with the gun laws there. Note that you have to pass several tests in order to get your CHL. Its not as easy as filling out an application. If 15 year old kids can carry guns to schools to shoot each other, there is no reason that a certified citizen that happens to be a teacher should not be allowed to have their legal sidearm with them. Sure there are teachers that are wackos, but wackos don't usually go and get a CHL. Also, note that 0% of all the CHL holders in the state of Texas have been arrested for a felony since inception of the the CHL law over a decade ago.

Recently DC was forced to lift its ban on handguns. The mayor was on TV crying about how disappointed he was that the supreme court made this decision and how there would so many more guns on the street and how much more dangerous the streets would be. Ummm...HELLO???!!!! DC was the murder capital for many years during this ban and has always been notable for its crime rate. I think the liberals might have to shut up once the crime rates fall dramatically in the coming years.

Enact laws to strip LAW-ABIDDING citizen's of the right to protect themselves and you only take the guns from the good guys. Citizens must take more responsibility for themselves and their community. Relying on the government to take different roles in your daily life is a serious mis-step as they are not able to be where you need them to be WHEN you need them to be there. If you don't exercise your 2nd amendment right, that's fine! Just don't infringe on anyone else's right!
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I am from Texas, so I am familiar with the gun laws there. Note that you have to pass several tests in order to get your CHL. Its not as easy as filling out an application. If 15 year old kids can carry guns to schools to shoot each other, there is no reason that a certified citizen that happens to be a teacher should not be allowed to have their legal sidearm with them. Sure there are teachers that are wackos, but wackos don't usually go and get a CHL. Also, note that 0% of all the CHL holders in the state of Texas have been arrested for a felony since inception of the the CHL law over a decade ago.

Recently DC was forced to lift its ban on handguns. The mayor was on TV crying about how disappointed he was that the supreme court made this decision and how there would so many more guns on the street and how much more dangerous the streets would be. Ummm...HELLO???!!!! DC was the murder capital for many years during this ban and has always been notable for its crime rate. I think the liberals might have to shut up once the crime rates fall dramatically in the coming years.

Enact laws to strip LAW-ABIDDING citizen's of the right to protect themselves and you only take the guns from the good guys. Citizens must take more responsibility for themselves and their community. Relying on the government to take different roles in your daily life is a serious mis-step as they are not able to be where you need them to be WHEN you need them to be there. If you don't exercise your 2nd amendment right, that's fine! Just don't infringe on anyone else's right!

In high school I hung around some kids that hung around some guys that were not model citizens. Nice to me, we worked on Honda's together, ate at the same table at lunch, that's about it. Well some of these guys were in a gang and after high school they all went to DC. I asked one of our mutual friends in Houston once what the hell did they have to do in DC they couldn't do in Houston? Their main business was selling small arms and in DC they got triple the money and the cops were so overwhelmed there was little to no chance of getting in trouble. He said they joked and said they wanted more places to get bans because it just makes guns that much more valuable-no matter their purpose. Here are these thugs, in DC, selling guns without significant worry of being caught, because there is a gun ban.
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Sweet! I can't wait for the first teacher - student shootout at the OK cafeteria.

I don't know about you guys, but I don't agree with this policy. There are some sickos who are teachers too.

If the teacher was 'wacko', referring to the teacher using a gun in an illegal way, odds are that the teacher would not care if he was allowed to carry the weapon or not. That's how I see it anyways.
I am from Texas, so I am familiar with the gun laws there. Note that you have to pass several tests in order to get your CHL. Its not as easy as filling out an application. If 15 year old kids can carry guns to schools to shoot each other, there is no reason that a certified citizen that happens to be a teacher should not be allowed to have their legal sidearm with them. Sure there are teachers that are wackos, but wackos don't usually go and get a CHL. Also, note that 0% of all the CHL holders in the state of Texas have been arrested for a felony since inception of the the CHL law over a decade ago.

Recently DC was forced to lift its ban on handguns. The mayor was on TV crying about how disappointed he was that the supreme court made this decision and how there would so many more guns on the street and how much more dangerous the streets would be. Ummm...HELLO???!!!! DC was the murder capital for many years during this ban and has always been notable for its crime rate. I think the liberals might have to shut up once the crime rates fall dramatically in the coming years.

Enact laws to strip LAW-ABIDDING citizen's of the right to protect themselves and you only take the guns from the good guys. Citizens must take more responsibility for themselves and their community. Relying on the government to take different roles in your daily life is a serious mis-step as they are not able to be where you need them to be WHEN you need them to be there. If you don't exercise your 2nd amendment right, that's fine! Just don't infringe on anyone else's right!

+100 ! I am currently waiting for my CHL to arrive in the mail.