Wife got her car hit in parking lot at work.

3 January 2003
So my wife's 2012 car got hit at her work parking lot by old lady. This old lady wAs in her work to file a clam about a accident she had that morning were people we're injured. She had a rental car by the time she when to my wife's work to file. When she leaves she hits my wife's car that was pArked and another car parked on the street. So she had 2 accidents in one day. Now her insurance is telling my wife that they will not pay for her damages because the old lady does not have enough coverage to cover all the damage she did that day. On top of it all now the old lady clams she can't remember biting my wife's car. The police did not file a report for my wife because her car was hit in privet property but she has witnesses that the police gave her. What can she do now? Seems like every one is just giving her the run around and now she has to file one her own insurance. How is it possible a old lady get away with 2 accidents in one day with injured people and say she can't remember.
I don't know if Nevada laws are the same as NY, but generally if she was driving a rental car at the time she hit your wife's car, the rental car company's insurance would be primary, then the driver's personal policy (she must have had one since she was in an accident that morning) is excess to the rental policy.

It is just easier to let your own carrier pay the damage and then subrogate to your rights and let them chase her down.
That is what she is basically doing now. It's just crazy how people could just clam they don't remember and get away with it. If I every get in trouble I'll just say I can't remember and get away with it . :confused:
the system is setup to allow those with little to lose play with those with plenty,those with plenty always lose regardless of who's at fault.the best insurance coverage makes up for the minimum amount that many marginal players get by with.....:rolleyes:
the system is setup to allow those with little to lose play with those with plenty,those with plenty always lose regardless of who's at fault.the best insurance coverage makes up for the minimum amount that many marginal players get by with.....:rolleyes:

Very true in New York where we have joint and several liability, a/k/a/ "the 1% rule".

If DocJohn and I get in an accident with the OP and DocJohn has the NY miminum 25k policy limits and I have $1 million in coverage, and DocJohn is 99% responsible and I am only 1%$ responsible but you have a million dollar injury, DocJohn pays his 25k and I have to pay $975k.
Those "with" continue to subsidize those "without"...that is the world we live in. Any wonder why people remain on unemployment until their benefit expires?
Sad world we live in. I'll keep positive but sometimes you can't help but get mad. I know a guy who has been on unemployment for 3 years and he got over one million dollar inheretance. Then there are people who worked had and need the unemployment but get denied.
Sorry to hear.

Here's my story: my car was hit by a driver in traffic. The other driver then proceeded to drive off!!! I chased after him, got the license plate #, and tried to get him to stop so we could exchange insurance info...he took off again, and I lost him.

I filed a police report, come to find out he had no insurance on his new SUV!!! :eek: :confused:

So I persist with the police department to file charges, and ask to come in to do a photo line up.

After calling for a year and keep getting the run-around from the police department that they're too busy, their photo line up system is down, etc, etc., I gave up.

That other driver got away with a hit & run in traffic, and nothing happened to him!!!

Justice? It only exists if you're rich or powerful.
Those "with" continue to subsidize those "without"...that is the world we live in. Any wonder why people remain on unemployment until their benefit expires?

Haven't you heard, though....every $1 spent on unemployment benefits generates $2 of "economic benefit." :tongue: :rolleyes:
as a general rule the "system" is so busy helping those who game it or really don't have thier sh#t together,that it is unwilling to help those who do have thier sh$t together.That is one advantage to small town living,you can get to know and support your local everything...kinda like friending the "system" .You can really get stuff done if you know the right people.
Haven't you heard, though....every $1 spent on unemployment benefits generates $2 of "economic benefit." :tongue: :rolleyes:

Really wow, so that means 1+1=4 sweet. Any one want to sell me there NSX ? If you want 40K I will give you 20K for it and it will all work out. Come on if the government is saying this it must be true. Have they ever lied to us? NO not once.:rolleyes::confused:
Think about this, in most jurisdictions here in the SF Bay Area, police will not respond to "cold crimes" i.e., suspect is not there. So homeowners pay butt-loads of property taxes to pay for the police/sheriff and the one time in who knows how long, when you need them they tell you they won't come because they do not have the time/staffing because they are fighting crime in the parts of the county where the residents pay no taxes, earn no wages and collect every benefit imaginable (we pay for that too) and commit 90% of all crimes.

So grab a cold one out of the frig and go have a seat on the couch you placed on your front stoop and watch the world go by as the taxpayers for it all.
That sucks, but the easy answer is just file under your own insurance and let your insurance company subrogate to get your deductible back. If you have rental coverage and another vehicle to drive while the car is in the shop, tell your company that you don't want the rental car, but wish to cash out on your rental coverage. You can get back some, if not all of your deductible that way.
Gotta love Vegas! Worst drivers eva!

Drunk drivers - Up all night partying, clubs and free flowing booze
Lost drivers - Rental car tourists, brand new residents, non stop road construction
Old drivers - Large retirement community
Distracted drivers - Out of stat tourists, ooohhh look at all the lights
Angry drivers - Horrible economy, lost a bunch of money gambling
Risky drivers - Double or nothing mentality
Uninsured drivers - Now up to 42%!
Stupid drivers - Nevada ranked 48 out of 50 states on education

This exact thing happened to my mother one time. She actually had to go to a police station file a report and and sue the lady who was unlicensed and uninsured for the damages on the car.
In VA, a parking lot is typically private property. In that case, the damage falls under comprehensive and each person's insurance is responsible for their own car, regardless of who was "actually" at fault. Reimbursement for damages would be a civil claim and fought in court. A police report WILL NOT be provided.
In VA, a parking lot is typically private property. In that case, the damage falls under comprehensive and each person's insurance is responsible for their own car, regardless of who was "actually" at fault. Reimbursement for damages would be a civil claim and fought in court. A police report WILL NOT be provided.

Exact thing my mother said but she brought it into court and won the amount of the damages of her car. She had a brand new Mercedes 300E at the time of the accident. Sooo best thing I can say is try your best the worst thing happens you are awarded nothing and left with some court room fees and etc.
Sorry to hear.

Here's my story: my car was hit by a driver in traffic. The other driver then proceeded to drive off!!! I chased after him, got the license plate #, and tried to get him to stop so we could exchange insurance info...he took off again, and I lost him.

I filed a police report, come to find out he had no insurance on his new SUV!!! :eek: :confused:

So I persist with the police department to file charges, and ask to come in to do a photo line up.

After calling for a year and keep getting the run-around from the police department that they're too busy, their photo line up system is down, etc, etc., I gave up.

That other driver got away with a hit & run in traffic, and nothing happened to him!!!

Justice? It only exists if you're rich or powerful.

Hmm, well I was hit by an uninsured, unlicensed, unregistered, not inpected, switched plate person who fell asleep at the wheel and was issued seven tickets. My 3 day old vehicle was totaled and it cost me 5 grand to replace. The best part was getting sued by the other driver. My insurance company paid them thousands to go away. Justice or just us?
Sorry to hear.

Here's my story: my car was hit by a driver in traffic. The other driver then proceeded to drive off!!! I chased after him, got the license plate #, and tried to get him to stop so we could exchange insurance info...he took off again, and I lost him.

I filed a police report, come to find out he had no insurance on his new SUV!!! :eek: :confused:

So I persist with the police department to file charges, and ask to come in to do a photo line up.

After calling for a year and keep getting the run-around from the police department that they're too busy, their photo line up system is down, etc, etc., I gave up.

That other driver got away with a hit & run in traffic, and nothing happened to him!!!

Justice? It only exists if you're rich or powerful.

Had the same exact thing happen to me some years back. Asshole was drunk, driving down the wrong side of the road, sideswipes my car that my son is driving, attendant at Exxon station witnesses wreck & my son gets license plate number of said asshole. Report to City of Franklin, TN PD that night, get a friend of mine to run plate the next day & find this DB's address along with the fact that his license was currently revoked for multiple DUIs and had ANOTHER pending DUI. Next day, we drive to his house, take pictures of the car my son described with my paint on it, hold matching piece of broken headlight lens up to car & take more pictures. Turn all of this info over to detective at City Of Franklin PD and...nothing. Got the run-around and every conceivable excuse for 6 months, by that time my car was fixed and said asshole had left town. Now the Franklin PD wonders why I cuss them every time they call selling tickets to some idiotic benefit for their 'roided-up officers.

Agreed. Justice only happens if you're either rich, famous or know somebody. Like N.W.A. said, "F@#k Tha Police."
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