Wi-Fi poll

Which wireless setup are you running at home?

  • 802.11b

    Votes: 26 49.1%
  • 802.11g

    Votes: 8 15.1%
  • 802.11a

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No Wi-Fi, I'm still on a wired router

    Votes: 6 11.3%
  • My PC is directly connected to the cable/dsl modem

    Votes: 9 17.0%
  • Whatcha talkin' about? I'm still on dial-up!

    Votes: 4 7.5%

  • Total voters
10 September 2002
With cheap wireless gear now becoming readily available, I'm wondering how many people have made the switch? I'm referring to home users; I assume most businesses (like my employer) have yet to embrace Wi-Fi in the workplace. Also, I would venture to guess that NSX owners are more likely to adopt new technology, after IT professionals. ;)

I am running 802.11b at home, with a mixture of Orinoco, Netgear, and D-Link equipment. As far as security goes, I have WEP encryption & MAC filtering enabled, and SSID broadcast disabled. I think that's sufficient to deter all but the most determined hackers, although I'm still waiting for wireless manufacturers to release WPA enabled firmware upgrades for my hardware. I'm not technically saavy enough to implement SSH or VPN for my home network yet, although I do access VPN for work.

Is anyone else here interested in wireless technology?
I'm on my second wireless set-up and I still can't get it to work properly. The first one was a complete pos (Linksys), and the second one by Belkin worked great for three weeks and now stopped working.

I figure that since I can't even post a picture here correctly that my wireless experience is on par for my intelligence level at this computer stuff.

So to answer your question, yes I am interested, yes I went out and bought the newest 802.11g system, and yes it would be great if I knew how to use it.
Have you checked out the linksys WMA11B wireless media adapter. I will be getting one on these the first of the year.
Doc, I would also check the vendors' web sites for firmware and software upgrades, if you haven't already done so. With wireless being such new technology, they are still fixing various bugs with the products. Another helpful tip is to search the net for your equipment, I'm sure there are lots of user forums with people having the same problems as you.
I can not think of any other product in the history of time that when you bring it home and plug it in, it works. Just imagine if the next car you bought worked as good as the last piece of software or pc hardware you have purchased.
I recently bought the pc game Halo. Wow this looked like a great game. I paid 50 bucks. Load the game up in my pc, window pops up "this game has not been tested with your video card" Well then why is it even on the damn market. For Fifty dollars I should be able to load it and play it. After all it is a game. Games are suppose to be fun not frustrating.
After downloading the latest drivers and numerous patches, I gave in. I called ATI to see if they could help. Because Alienware was the seller of their VGP card I had to call Alienware. This was my 3rd call to Alieneware since I had bought my pc from them. I was not surprised to hear from them just like I had the first two times I called, "you will have to format your machine". This has been Alienwares answer to all my questions about the 3500.00 pc I purchased from them through Best Buy. I would not be surprised if they have one guy that answers the phone and tells everyone to format so they don't have to deal with problems. BTW I bought the extended warranty through Best Buy but they can not help me because Alienware handles all the problems that happens in the first year of usage.
So I called the toll charge long distance Microsoft number in the Halo owners manuel. I have nationwide free calling so I really don't care but it seems the toll charge may deter others. After explaining my problem in detail to the representative I am connected to some soft spoken woman with a thick Indian accent that sounds as if she is 10 feet from the phone. Rather than deal with any more stress I hung up the phone. I returned the game to the store for a full refund. Halo, what a fun game.
steveny said:
I was not surprised to hear from them just like I had the first two times I called, "you will have to format your machine". This has been Alienwares answer to all my questions about the 3500.00 pc I purchased from them through Best Buy. I would not be surprised if they have one guy that answers the phone and tells everyone to format so they don't have to deal with problems.
Steve, don'tcha know -- it's not a human answering your calls, it's a tape recording! ;) I called tech support once, many years ago, about my Toshiba PC after a casual scandisk caused Windows 95 to lose one of my partitions, and got an Indian woman (probably the same one!) who told me to use the system restore CD. After that incident, I learned all I could about PCs so that I would never have to rely on "tech support" again.
I really feel there is a niche here for a company that stands behind what they build. If they made it easy for the customer to get help their company would take over the whole market. I guess its true of all business today.
Try and find within 5 minutes
A e bay phone number with a human on the other end
An e bay e mail address to report a fraudulent auction on e bay
a phone number for paypal with a human on the other end
any company that even cares about the customers time

Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook S6120 with built in wifi in my lap in the livingroom. Then a old laptop in the bedroom with a Dlink wifithingy.

Then 3 computers+palmtop connected directly to the ADSL wireless router in the "serverroom". And also a neigbour connected wireless to my router throug the wall.

The setup works okey. The router I have is called
Belkin and works okey. I read the article about Belkin above, but I have not seen any advertismentthingy.. I would like the router to be easier to operate/configure..but it works okey.

I connected to Gheba's wifi when I was down in Switzerland and bought the NSX. Checked my bankaccount to see that the money was ready on my bankaccount..then a few hours there were nothing left..but I had the key to the NSX :D

I have the Compaq Ipaq Connection point 802.11b under XP pro...I've been running this wireless network for over a year. It's been flawless up to know considering it's been on forever(24x7x365). It has a built in firewall for security. Total cost - $29 for the router and $29 for the usb wireless adapter - total of $60 bucks - not bad...also have a Bluetooth wireless connection which I'm experimenting right now.

Wireless Networking is just awesome!!!

Glad to know that some members here share the same interest!

Okay now...who likes pretty women here..raise your hands!

:D :D :D
jagtiger said:
Total cost - $29 for the router and $29 for the usb wireless adapter - total of $60 bucks - not bad
Damn, that's awesome! I haven't seen prices like that until recently. Over turkey day I got a Netgear wireless router for $20, and a PC card for $25. All after rebates, of course.
jagtiger said:
Wireless Networking is just awesome!!!
Totally. And I *know* some of you wirelessly empowered people have been abusing this power...and reading Prime from *ahem* unusual places! :D


jagtiger said:
Okay now...who likes pretty women here..raise your hands!
Sounds like we need to start a new a poll! With pictures!
PHOEN$X said:
By the way, for those of you thinking about moving to wireless, I would avoid Belkin products if I were you:


I can't believe those fockers!!! Thanks for the link Pheon$x, I was wondering why I kept getting that stupid a$$ pop-up everytime I went online. You have no idea how pissed I am now that I have learned that it was put there and I can't get it off.
I installed 802.11g a few weeks back and it's working great. I hooked up the Linksys WMA to listen to my tunes on the stereo, got a wireless adapter for the xbox, then hacked my tivo to use wireless instead of the phone line.

Here's a better poll: Am I the only person with a wireless network that doesn't own a laptop?
tmeekins said:
Here's a better poll: Am I the only person with a wireless network that doesn't own a laptop?

Maybe after X-mass you will be. I have been putting off getting a laptop for way to long. If Santa does not bring one I am going to get one in January. How well does the WMA work? Any conflicts with other devices? How is the sound quality? How easy is it to integrate the TV menu to pick and choose MP3s?
Thanks in advance.
Are these Wi-Fi areas at the airports only of certain users? Do you have to join multiple services to cover various airports? Is any certain service "the one" to use? Thanks
I have had the home network on a 2Wire router for about a year now. Works great. Got a new laptop (centrino mobile tech), fired it up and entered the router number and presto. Now I never even use my desktop PC at home. Just too easy to move around the house (inside and out) with my laptop.
coolnsx said:
Are these Wi-Fi areas at the airports only of certain users? Do you have to join multiple services to cover various airports? Is any certain service "the one" to use? Thanks
You're talking about Wi-Fi hotspots, which you can find out more about here.
I use Linksys & am well satisfied with performance, ease of install set-up etc.
I did have a stange quirk however - all worked perfectly with normal internet access, even had great signal strength in my garage which is a couple of walls away (& closets too!) - however my company vpn wouldn't work with the 802.11b wireless laptop card. However it connects fine with the g wireless card.
I now have a literally new Linksys WPC11. v4 (802.11b) pcmcia wireless network card spare and am considering upgrading my Linksys BEFW11S4 to g series router to match (even though the g card works fine with the b router)
So if anyone is interested in a great deal on this matched b series router & laptop adapter, send me a pm.
Both BEFW11S4 & WPC11. v4 <1 month, all original boxes, software, documentation etc.
tmeekins said:
Here's a better poll: Am I the only person with a wireless network that doesn't own a laptop?
Me too, I went wireless b/c the 2nd machine was in the basement and it was far easier than trying to snake cable down two levels and around the basement. I'm on 811b but the damn card stopped working about 3 months into its use. I've been too busy to plug it into a different machine to see which is at fault.
Thanks to everyone for participating in my poll, I'm finding the results to be very interesting indeed. As I suspected, we are technologically more advanced than other car owners...I mean the public at large. :D

D'Ecosse, I found documented problems with your Linksys B router and VPN:


Sounds like it needs a firmware update (which is not uncommon with older equipment).

Wireless works great for me because, like an idiot, I didn't have cable & telephone jacks put into all the rooms when I built my house. Instead of retrofitting, wireless gives me even more freedom to move around the house, not to mention it's also cheaper. Now if I can find a way to supply power to my laptop wirelessly, I'll be all set. :D
martin said:

I connected to Gheba's wifi when I was down in Switzerland and bought the NSX. Checked my bankaccount to see that the money was ready on my bankaccount..then a few hours there were nothing left..but I had the key to the NSX :D

Next week also the XBOX will be connected wireless to my router... and I will play LIVE without my GF complaining for the LAN cable going through the living room.

Project Gotham 2 as xmas menu! :D
PHOEN$X said:
D'Ecosse, I found documented problems with your Linksys B router and VPN:


Sounds like it needs a firmware update (which is not uncommon with older equipment).
Thanks for links Kelvin, lots of interesting reading there - actually equipment is brand new directly from Cisco (friend works there, purchased through their direct employee shop), but wasn't quite latest firmware which has only been out a few weeks. I have no problems connecting with the G card but went ahead & upgraded to the latest firmware anyway on the BEFW & the WPC11 so whoever buys will get latest.
I have a Linksys 4port switch and 802.11b wireless router, Linksys wireless notebook card (for my wife's laptop computer), a Linksys wireless ethernet bridge (for my PS2's network adapter), and a Linksys wireless signal booster.

It didn't take much effort to get everything working and working well and I haven't had any real problems with this setup.

The only hitches came when I first got the wireless ethernet bridge (needed upgrade the firmware of both router and bridge before they'd see one another) and when I started using Qcast to stream video from my PC to my PS2 (the wireless connection is only stable enough for mpeg1 encoded clips...no problems playing mp3 audio). So far, I haven't seen any problems playing PS2 games over the wireless connection (can't wait for GT4).

I bought the signal booster because my wife started regularly using her laptop computer as far from my router as possible (down two-and-a-half floors on the opposite end of our townhome). Technically we didn't need it (got enough signal for her to browse the Web), but sometimes large file transfers would get interrupted.

The upcoming PSP (PlayStation Portable) will have 802.11b built-in...must get it!