why won't my car sell???

Mods may bring 30-50% of actual costs. Also, putting aside all the mods it's a 91.
You can get a stock 95-96 for about the same price. I like your car a lot and realize the heavy investment and very nice mods. A first time buyer may not realize the same thing. Oh, BTW, I have a 91 also.

Very nice NSX you have regardless!

The question is do you really want to sell the car or do you want a certain amount for the car? Anything will sell at the right price. If you priced it at 25K I bet you would sell it today!
Its a fine car! but I think its a bit expencive! Dont get me wrong, I´m not saying its not worth the money, hell I´d buy it if the price was lower! but it still is a 91, and alot of people dont like to buy a car with that mouch engine mods, it does´nt feel safe!
Just hang in there, I bet the right buyer will come along soon enough!
NetViper said:
Possibly people are afraid of the Twin Turbo kit.

I am :wink:
It is heavily modified, that would scare me off. I think you have limited your market becasue of that to a small segment of the community. I think most people are OK with wheels, exhaust (so long as it is not to loud) and cosmetic stuff. (Heck, I would be OK with a CTSC so long as that was the extent of the engine upgrades on a car. I know you do not have one BTW)

Your car is beautiful, but it will take some time to sell. You might want to try some of the high-end auto mags given the mods you have. People reading those magazines might be more inclined to accept those modifications and have the money to drop. Good luck, and again beautiful car.
NetViper said:
Possibly people are afraid of the Twin Turbo kit.

Or more specifically, what that kit could do to the engine/gaskets. :frown:

Personally, I think your car is very well done and well worth the $38k you are asking. It is definitely one of the most tastefully modded NSX's on Prime. Good luck!
Your car is nice and I truly love it. But being in California, it is no way we could make it smog legal. Also, many people are under the impression that heavily modified car is not reliable, high maintenance cost and that scare them away.
Sell your mod parts, put it back to stock. You'll get a higher price for the car and the value of the *individual mods* is worth much more than the sum.

Adding mods does not add value, in fact it takes it away (mods = ~$0, vehicle = slightly less) . I think the only exception would be a CTSC, where you could recover about 60% of the mod cost and still maintain the value of the vehicle.

If you don't have the stock parts, start recovering them from other people that are modding their car (and foolishly dumping their stock parts). It will take a while, but it will be worth it.

It is not "original miles", it is ACTUAL MILES. All miles are original, despite the odo reading....

/There are already people that would love to swap parts for a fee....take advantage of it.
Yup. Like everyone else posted. No one wants to buy a modded car...especially the NSX...return it back to stock and sell parts seperatly. To me, mods=abusive driving.
Spinner said:
Yup. Like everyone else posted. No one wants to buy a modded car...especially the NSX...return it back to stock and sell parts seperatly. To me, mods=abusive driving.

That is not true. There are plenty of people that want to buy mod'd cars because it costs so much to do the mods yourself. You can get a car with i/h/e done for maybe 2K more than a stock car and save yourself $3000 bucks.

Most people on prime know what a CTSC and BBSC are. Most DO NOT know much about turbos and that makes them a less likely purchase.
Put the NSX on Autotrader. You will get a better response. About 5 years ago I sold my Newport Conversion NSX w/bell turbos for an outrageous amount of money ( considering it had a copped top :redface: ). Just be patient. Someone out there will buy it. :smile:
Dave Hardy said:
IMO $38K is too much for a 91, regardless of how nice it is. Also, as others stated, you dramatically limit your buyers when you mod a car, especially something as major as turbocharging. Mods don't add value, and in many cases they lessen the value. If you really want to sell it, you need to drop about $10K off the price.

Yup...you're limiting yourself to a smaller % of people from an already fairly small market.
(If 20 people are looking for a used '91 NSX, perhaps 1 might want a modded, used '91 NSX...)

You could get $28-30K easy in a somewhat stock form, and I'm sure another $10k if you sold most of your mods seperate.

(Side note: It's hard to finance a 1991 car for much more than blue book, which is something like $27k, so you're also limiting yourself to people with cash in hand)
The custom turbo set up scares me if I were in the market for one. I don't have the foggiest idea how frequently one would have to tune the car to keep it operating at peak performance, nor is there anyone in my area that would have an idea on how to work on it. So assuming I do find someone who would touch it, they're gonna have me bent over so far with how much they'd charge me to touch it that I wouldn't take that chance in buying it.

Face it, your selling someone bill for (possibly?) expensive services. It's mostly because the turbo kit isn't well known and has alot of possible service questions makes people scared.
The market for an NSX is small to begin with, and with a heavily modified NSX, the market is even smaller. You will have to wait for just the right person, so the wait will very possibly be a long time. It is also a low HP turbo car. I think if someone wants more HP, then they will want at least 400 RWHP. On top of it, people are a bit scared of a FI car. Who installed it, and more importantly, who tuned it? (rhetorical questions). If it were running lean at some point, it is near impossible to determine without engine breakdown. Also to check bearings, etc. is very difficult.

I am currently doing a HIGH HP build, and I WISH I could jump into your car for only $38k. Granted, for a high HP NSX, I would pull the motor out and sleeve the block, go closed deck, design and build new rods, design and build new pistons, etc, etc,etc, but you already have the wheels ($$$$$), suspension, the brakes, the paint, the clutch, the hood, headers, some electronics, and it seems to be in excellent shape.

I bought my 93' for low $30's, and I have COMPLETELY redone the engine, and upgraded many other components. I have probably about $30k in upgrades, and I still don't have everything I want. Someone with the desire to have a nice NSX with the upgrades you have is WAY AHEAD of the game at $38k.

Hang in there, this is a GREAT DEAL, and trust me, I have been paying for many upgrades, and it adds up, QUICK!!! Many people don’t realize how good of a deal it is because they don’t have (or want) many of your upgrades.
Location, location, location. But for cars, it's price, price, price. Actually, it's the same for real estate. That combined with all the comments above.
Some people modded their car for looks and recognition, so it doesn't mean for abusive driving. It's probably in the garage or shop most of the time.