I assume you own a NSX of some year, obviously pre 2017? I find it interesting that you might consider buying one at the right price. Pray tell what do you consider the right price for the S spec NSX?
Probably true, people who purchase Ferraris are not as concerned about upkeep as might a person purchasing a $35,000 family car. Most people who purchase Ferraris new do not purchase used Ferraris unless it is a special car. That is something I observed over the years-generally people who purchase expensive new cars do not buy used cars. Having said that people who have money are not stupid either. If a car falls apart as you drive it away there is not much to brag about with respect to your skill set.
I personally have never liked the look of the Lambo. Not my cup of tea. I have not heard wonderful things about Lambos. I am sure I do not hear all the relevant information as to their reliability and performance. As for Ferrari I think they look grand. However, I am not into that particular image. Porsches kind of have that "I am special" image that I don't particularly like. McLarens look great but, again I have not heard great things about them.
The NSX is a pragmatic car that is well engineered, holds up really well, and is very balanced. i can drive it relatively fast and not look like a complete ass. It is not the most expensive of sports cars, though it is a league above the more common reasonably priced sports cars like Miata, BMW/Toyota, Fiat, Corvette, Nissan Z, Lotus, and some of the Porsches.
It is almost like Trader Joe’s best customer-an unemployed PhD. Someone who is cost conscious and appreciates things that are special.
In the end it really is personal preference. Everyone who posts can say what they want.