Why no Indy Car thread

9 May 2010
Aotearoa New Zealand
just wondering why there is no Indy Car thread, they do race Honda engines and have been very succesful there.
I used to go to the Gold Coast Indy all the time when it went to Aus, used to be a fun week from what i can remember.....
Honda has finally got the new engine running more competitively in the Target entry of Kiwi driver Scott Dixons car with 3 wins in a row, so with all the Honda love here why does no one discuss this series here?
Is it a dying class in the States.
The reason I don't follow IRL is I can't stand spec racing. Half the reason I love F1 is the constant development, the race to find that slight edge off the track to match the action on the track. On top of that, I like watching the best in the world. The best IRL and CART could send just haven't been able to measure up. Michael Andretti, DaMatta, Zanardi, even Montoya just couldn't get it together and really push for a championship.
They race bought chassis on ovals. Yawn. (yeah I know, they race road courses too. But the ovals are too boring.)

I'm with Hasdrubal, I like F1 for the nerdy side of it. The way every year someone finds a loophole to exploit and the other teams scramble to find a solution to answer it.

Plus Indycars (or whatever they're called now) are butt ugly lately.
Indy Car is a dying series. Too much internecine warfare between the IRL and CART brought both series to their knees.
Now we have one series but with spec chassis on ovals/second rate street courses with a few real road courses.
Perhaps if they open the series up to innovation like different chassis design, hybrid drivelines etc. they may gain popularity.

With F1 you have the best drivers, designers, mechanics, and crews working all season to gain an advantage over their competitors.
Can't beat that.
Watch it all the time. Still enjoy it. We go to Long Beach GP almost every year. Dixon and Honda is on a roll. Don't mind watching Dixon win, wife Emma is very easy on the eyes. Was surprise to see Ganassi and Honda finish 1-2-3 on last oval race.
Not so surprising see them win on the road and street courses. Andretti AutoSport is very strong so far. No wins for Penske yet??
Interesting comments i feel the same when there was two classes competing it did destroy the brand and really only gets followed here because of Dixon flying the New Zealand flag, same probably goes for the aussies and their drivers.
F1 is and always will be the main game, at least the new NSX will be on show at the Ohio round for some demo laps.
In saying that if they ever did make it back to the Gold Coast in Aus i would go again as its a great spectacle and the racing is only part of the show there.