TyraNSX said:Apparently, the accuracy is everything in your signature does not apply to spelling, punctuation, or grammar. Good way to bolster your argument. And portraited isn't even a word. Portrayed, maybe?
:redface: other than the grammar, my point is right on the money. (you understood it, right?) thanks for the spell check, but thats not the point...after all i said thats all you can respond with? thats exactly the attitude i mean. old owners not participating on prime anymore? awww...new, younger owners scared them off??:tongue: they got too much class?? im not here to bash anybody. but just to unveil the "truth". i understand you guys wouldn't want an NSX owner with no class,..it cheapens the image? i guess... dont worry, im not one of the new owners you guys fear, i got class..... CAUSE I JUST TOOK YA'LL TO SCHOOL!!!!
wutdup Eddie!!! holla