Why doesn't 94 NSX Center Console fit in my 91 NSX?

6 June 2001
Honolulu, HI
Hey guys. I bought a 94 armrest assembly and I tried to put it in my 91, but it won't fit. THe armrest won't go into place, it kinda gets stuck and won't slide all the way snug so it lines up with the center speaker panel and shift panel. Is there anything I need to do or buy to make it fit? I noticed slight differences in the shape of the center console, but it looks like it should fit with no problems. But it doesn't. I thought it was a bolt in proposition? HELP!
hdsr5 said:
I thought it was a bolt in proposition?

Nope. In addition to the armrest assembly (part number 6 in the crash repair parts diagram here), you also need to replace the console box assembly underneath it (part number 2 in the diagram).
I DO have both the armrest and the under box. The under box assembly part is the part that didn't want to fit into the space that my old box was in. It felt like something at the back of the box was not allowing the assembly to fit snugly. I took off the 2 side panels that fit to the side of the box assembly and put them on my 91 box assembly. When I tried to put the 91 bos with the 94 sides in my car, it had the same problem of fitting as when I tried to put in the 94 with the 94 sides. Is the design of the 94 box different enough to the point where I have to buy something else to make it fit? The FRONT of the box assembly fit well, the part that connects to the shifter panel. BUT the back part that connects to the center speaker did NOT want to fit well at all.