Why do WP with TB replacement ?

17 January 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
I'm about to do my TB plus fit an ATI damper & SoS billet fuel pump. After getting the price of a replacement water pump (almost $400 down here) I 'm wondering if I really need to replace it, since my 91 NA1 only has around 75,000 miles on the clock ?
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I really recommend replacing it, since the bearing and seal have worn out even if they aren't leaking the will have set to the previous timing belt, a new timing belt tensioner can cause the load on the pump to shift slightly causing a leak in the future.
We have refurbished pumps.
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There are two reasons to replace it. First, it's fairly common for the water pump to fail after a while. The other reason is, there is a whole lot of labor to replace the timing belt, and there is a whole lot of the EXACT SAME labor to replace the water pump. Since you're in there anyway to replace the timing belt, there isn't much additional labor to do the water pump at the same time. If you don't do it now, and the water pump fails, you'll have to do all that extensive labor all over again, a second time, when you could have avoided duplicating the labor if you had replaced the water pump while you were in there.
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OK you've convinced me, I'll bite the bullet and buy a new one, thanks

BTW the TB/WP DIY instruction from the Wiki talks about an option to replace the lower timing belt cover with a new style, presumably from a later model. Wondering what is the advantage of this?

Also does anyone know how to get hold of the TB/WP DIY instructions by Larry Bastanza?

many thanks all
Also does anyone know how to get hold of the TB/WP DIY instructions by Larry Bastanza?
I don't know if there is any such thing. Larry B sometimes posts tips on how to do something, but not complete DIY instructions, AFAIK.

If you plan to do this yourself, do you have a service manual? You'll need it. You can find a .pdf of the 1991 one on this site, or you can order one here.

One final note - if you don't have much experience working on cars, a timing belt replacement is awfully ambitious. You may be better off starting with smaller, simpler tasks rather than taking this on as your first DIY project.
In addition you will get the new style water pump and cover, which is a much better design then the original in that is will allow any leak to drip outside the cover rather then inside the timing bekt housing.

I beleive the T/B DIY is in the WIKI;).

OK you've convinced me, I'll bite the bullet and buy a new one, thanks

BTW the TB/WP DIY instruction from the Wiki talks about an option to replace the lower timing belt cover with a new style, presumably from a later model. Wondering what is the advantage of this?

Also does anyone know how to get hold of the TB/WP DIY instructions by Larry Bastanza?

many thanks all

I agree with both A.S & Nsxtasy.... think of it this way... its not if it will fail, but when it will fail... which would leave you with the mystery of not knowing when? Maybe it will fail 100miles after you do the TB replacement.

I recently went through this on a '91 and off the top of my head I suggest things to consider if your doing the TB job & water pump. Consider the tb tensioner, internal/external VTEC spool gaskets, cam plugs, cam seals, oil filer housing o-ring seal, special sealing bolts that secure oil filter housing (you can apply sealant instead of replacing), oil pan gasket, valve cover gasket set, harmonic balancer (if you car is early 90's), main seal (trans side), oil pump seal (tb side), LMA upgrade (pre '00 years), coolant flush, coolant lines (especially the ones off the oil cooler, and engine in general), thermostat, cleaning the TB intake, cleaning the Air Temp Sensor (in the intake), fuel filter, tans oil flush & cleaning filter, rebuild/refresh CV shafts, main relay, fuel pump relay, ignition switch, and both alternator & A/C belts . All things you should consider, I'm sure I might have missed a few, but you get the idea.

Are you doing the TB service yourself?
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I have a 1995

first 12 years... 15,700 miles one /first owner
april 2007 new owner did TB/WP and some other stuff at the dealer, I have receipt
2nd owner put on about 12,000 miles and sold car at 27,000 miles
3rd owner drove car 11,000 miles to 38,000 miles when I bought it last month

should I be planning on a TB/WP next spring???? april will be 6 years..... and about 23,000 miles since last done

I would wait another year.


I have a 1995

first 12 years... 15,700 miles one /first owner
april 2007 new owner did TB/WP and some other stuff at the dealer, I have receipt
2nd owner put on about 12,000 miles and sold car at 27,000 miles
3rd owner drove car 11,000 miles to 38,000 miles when I bought it last month

should I be planning on a TB/WP next spring???? april will be 6 years..... and about 23,000 miles since last done

Larry, the reason I asked about your DIY is that in the very first paragraph of the TB-WP DIY (by Gary Kentosh) in the Wiki states "I strongly suggest getting a copy of Larry's write up because..."

? No one answered my question about the "new style lower timing belt cover" (mentioned in the DIY) ?

Thanks for the tips NSXCessive I've already done most of the items you list, and I have a new ATI damper and CAM plugs/seals ready as part of this work. Curious about why would I replace the TB tensioner? - that's not suggested in the DIY

nsxstasy I would thought you would recognise me by now? I've been working on almost every aspect of my NSX and posting here for almost 6 years? Before that I rebuilt the engine of my previous car, a Porsche 968 Club sport, and wrote up a detailed engine timing DIY for that community including the timing diagram attached (disclaimer: this won't work for an NSX :smile:). In summary: no, I don't see this as "awfully ambitious".

BTW if anyone knows how to fix a problem with the Wiki .... the Engine and Drivetrain Index page is muddled on the line where the TB-WP DIY is listed, and makes it hard to spot / easy to miss


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Wow, I thought all my info was integrated in the writeup, not sure I even have the original anymore. I kind of answered your question about the cover;).

To be complete: It comes with the new cover, 19200-PR7-305 is water pump, cover and grommet as a kit. It is CHEAPER then the water pump alone, which I do not think you can even order anymore:).

nsxstasy I would thought you would recognise me by now? I've been working on almost every aspect of my NSX and posting here for almost 6 years?
Sorry for not recognizing you or your mechanical experience. I wish I could recognize everyone here (including you) but I can't. If I can just recognize all the owners I've met in person, at NSXPO and elsewhere, I'd be happy, but even then there are folks I don't recognize right away.

? No one answered my question about the "new style lower timing belt cover" (mentioned in the DIY) ?
I think Larry did, as follows:

In addition you will get the new style water pump and cover, which is a much better design then the original in that is will allow any leak to drip outside the cover rather then inside the timing bekt housing.
EDIT: And I see Larry posted as much, at the same time I was posting... :)
OK thanks, sorry I misunderstood the comments as being about water pump, as opposed to timing belt cover. Sorted now ... cheers