OK you've convinced me, I'll bite the bullet and buy a new one, thanks
BTW the TB/WP DIY instruction from the Wiki talks about an option to replace the lower timing belt cover with a new style, presumably from a later model. Wondering what is the advantage of this?
Also does anyone know how to get hold of the TB/WP DIY instructions by Larry Bastanza?
many thanks all
I agree with both A.S & Nsxtasy.... think of it this way... its not
if it will fail, but
when it will fail... which would leave you with the mystery of not knowing when? Maybe it will fail 100miles after you do the TB replacement.
I recently went through this on a '91 and off the top of my head I suggest things to consider if your doing the TB job & water pump. Consider the tb tensioner, internal/external VTEC spool gaskets, cam plugs, cam seals, oil filer housing o-ring seal, special sealing bolts that secure oil filter housing (you can apply sealant instead of replacing), oil pan gasket, valve cover gasket set, harmonic balancer (if you car is early 90's), main seal (trans side), oil pump seal (tb side), LMA upgrade (pre '00 years), coolant flush, coolant lines (especially the ones off the oil cooler, and engine in general), thermostat, cleaning the TB intake, cleaning the Air Temp Sensor (in the intake), fuel filter, tans oil flush & cleaning filter, rebuild/refresh CV shafts, main relay, fuel pump relay, ignition switch, and both alternator & A/C belts . All things you should consider, I'm sure I might have missed a few, but you get the idea.
Are you doing the TB service yourself?