Why buy NSX when you can get used Z06 for 35,000?

911-NSX said:
I think the vette has a Cavalier interior, therefore, I will probably take it out of my options. I just wanted your opinions. I am still looking at the NSX, 911 (993 model), and the viper.

This wasn't implicit with your thread title...

You will have to drive those cars because they are all very different.

Unless if TT, you will not perceive a big difference in performances between a 993 and an NSX ( advantage to the NSX here ).

For long term enjoyment the NSX is definately the best choice.

For straight line racing pick the Viper but if you are like me, concern also HOW you do perform the performance, again an NSX is the classy choice.

Have you driven all those cars?

What are your impressions?

Also, what do you want in a toy car to satisfy you?

Good luck in your quest...

Hey, I'm a bit late to this party, and to tell you the truth I would have skipped it all together except that I just saw your last post with the picture of your 911 and a GTi (not sure if it's yours) behind it. Seeing that picture, I had to just chime in. I had a 1988 white 911 that I just sold this year when I bought my NSX, and I also own a 2001 GTi VR6. Since it seems like I may have the same driving preferences as you I figure I'll give you my 2 cents:D

I have wanted a NSX for about 13 years, but I only bought mine last June. When I bought the car my other choices were, Z06, or BMW M3. I have to be honest, the Z06 is a fast car, everyone here knows it. The problem I had with it is the same one you mentioned, the build quality, specifically the interior. I have seen Vettes after a few years, they creak, seats don't wear evenly, dash warps, plastic parts crack, it's basically a mess. The other issue was the fact that in NJ Z06s are everywhere. OK, some people don't care, and some think it's a plus, but call me a snob, I wanted to have something exclusive to replace my 911. The BMW M3 again was very fast, handled great, and this car has incredible build quality. The only reason I leaned away from that car was when my wife and I sat down and really thought about it, re realized we wanted a 2 seat targa. We didn't want a coupe, for the weekends we wanted something, excuse the phrase, "sexier".

I'm not sure if you ever drove an NSX, and if you did what year it was. Many people will get pissed at me for saying this, but around town you will see a big difference in the newer 97+ NSXs. Even though it only has 20 more HP, that with the combination of the 6 speed does wonders. With the 97+ cars you won't be disappointed with the performance. I'm sorry, this may be all "repeat info." because I didn't read the beginning of this thread, but it's worth hearing twice :D:D

I loved my 911, but the day I picked up my NSX was the best "automotive" day of my life. I will never forget my wife and I drove there in our white 911, she followed me home. We got on the highway, and I couldn't resist punching it. Instantly I put at least 6 car lengths in between us. A few seconds later, she called me on the cell phone, laughing in excitement as she told me she put it to the floor and didn't stand a chance of keeping up with me. Let me tell you the NSX is NOT a performance pig like some may suggest, my 911 was very fast. I had a B&B exhaust, chip, and about 10,000 miles on a fresh engine and it was no match. That was last June, since then I have put 12,000 miles on the NSX and I went to NSXPO (totally incredible experience). I saw many NSXs and every single one is gorgeous, doesn’t matter if it was a 1991, a 1999 Zanardi, or a 2002 targa. I wanted a car that was as timeless as my 911, I don’t thing I could have picked anything better!!!

I'm not sure if I helped at all, and I'm not sure where in NY you live, but if it's close to NJ and you want to take a ride/drive a 1998 feel free to PM me.


Thanks for the response. Yes, that is my GTI. It is the 20th Anniversary edition so it is the 1.8 turbo. I also have a jetta (the wifes) with the VR6 and although I like the look of the 20th over the VR6, the VR6 is by far a better ride then the 1.8 unless you mod the crap out of it. Anyway, I would love to take a ride in your '98 NSX when the time comes and the weather gets better. I have not driven an NSX yet, but would probably look at the 97 or newer for reasons you stated. If you could give me more input on your comparisons between the 911 and the NSX that would be great.
Eric5273 said:
I would just get about 200 Kia's instead. :rolleyes:

Oooohhhww! We are in presence of a real conoisseur! :D

Great choice!

I'm happy that the party here goes on!

911-NSX you surely understood that the purpose of my previous reply was to incite you to give us feed back.

Tell us when you will test drive an NSX!

As I told you before, you have to drive all the cars you are interested for...
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It is the 20th Anniversary edition
haha...I thought so, by the look of the wheels and I could see a little of the rear spoiler and side ground work.

Anyway, between the 2 cars it's really apples and oranges. I was the Parts Mgr. for Paul Miller Porsche in Parsippany a couple of years back, and I had the opportunity to drive many different Porsche models. Obviously some were faster and some were slower then the NSX, so for now I'll keep my comments to the 1988 911 we both owned.

With all the work I did to my 911 the NSX still beats it hands down, and it should, it has over 70Hp on it. I have topped my 911 out at 155mph. at this point I was at redline in 5th gear, the car still had more power left, but no more gearing. The NSX I have had to 145mph so far and it gets there a hell of a lot faster. At that speed the NSX is still begging to go faster. The easiest way to explain it is the 911 had this incredible feeling of pull from around 4000RPM to 6000RPM especially in 2nd gear, imagine the same thing except in the NSX at 6000RPM it gets stronger, all the way up to 8000RPM. One thing my friend said the first time he drove in the car is, "the acceleration feels like it never going to stop!!"

There are many different opinions on this, especially if you talk to true Porsche guys. The simple truth is the 911 has ungodly over steer. If you are lucky enough to have mastered the 911, then you were rewarded with a great handling car. For the rest of us, we are left biting our nails, hoping we have the right speed through a corner because we know if we lift we're dead. I have been auto-crossing for quite some time, my vehicle of choice is the CRX, I have had 4 of them. From the CRX I moved to my 911, and let me tell you, it's night and day. The CRX pushed, and the 911 wants to spin like a top. I could never get used to the dramatic over steer that car had. The NSX was such a relief, its mid engine gives it such a neutral feeling. You want it to under steer it will, you want to go heavy on the throttle and it will over steer as well. I am not an accomplished track driver, but I can tell you the NSX is far easier and rewarding for the everyday driver to have fun with. Plus once you master this car, it will give you just as much if not more than some other cars on the track. Trust me I have been in Peter Mill's (track instructor) 1997 NSX-T for a spin with him around Watkins Glen and the feeling was unreal!!

For the wife and I the 911 was our weekend car. We drove it everywhere in the summer. One of my biggest complaints about the 911 is that I thought it was a horrible "grand touring" car. Sure it was great going to Atlantic City and getting out of a 911 at the valet. However, once the novelty wore off we found ourselves very uncomfortable. The 911 was loud, had a bad stereo, was narrow inside, didn't have a practical trunk (the front sloped down too much for tall things), had an extremely bad climate control system, and heat that would give me headaches from the exhaust fumes. It basically had all the bad stuff my 1971 Beatle had. When we got the NSX we were in heaven, that’s part of the reason we drove it so much this year. The car is so quiet inside, even with my new exhaust it's still not that bad. The stereo is (IMO) not bad at all, scale of 1-10 I would give it a 7 (the 911 I would give a 2). The ride is surprisingly soft, especially for being so low to the ground and handling so well. There are so many great points about the touring ability of this car, I could go on for ever.

There is not much to say here. The NSX when it is a targa is unlike any other car I have driven, convertibles included. With the top off you don't get blown away and you can still hear the radio. Roll up the windows and you barely get touched by the wind!! Great for those October nights flying through the woods looking at the moon!! My 911......forget it I had a small sliver of a sunroof that was somehow always in the right spot to blind me by the overhead sun.

It's difficult to talk about this because many people claim that they don't care, but hey we are all human and most of us like to feel good about how we look and what we drive. The 911, like I said in the beginning was a blast. People recognized the car, and smiled, you got the occasional thumbs up, you know all the good stuff. With the NSX, forget it, people are constantly coming up to me and want to see the car, ask questions, ask what it is, race me, etc. Sometimes it's cool, other times it's annoying. Just some quick stories. The first week I had it my wife and I went into a 7-11 for some milk or something. We came out not even 5 minutes later and there was a crowd, no joke probably 8 or 9 people standing around it, talking amongst themselves. It was great I spent about 30 minutes there answering questions. Another time, Karen and I were at Woodbury Commons in Monroe, NY. When we were done shopping we came out and there was some guy having his picture taken while standing in front of my car!! I stunned the guy, he said he was sorry. I told him, "no big deal, do you want to sit in it and get your picture taken?" He smiled and said definitely.

the friends
Lastly, but to me most importantly are the people I have met while owning this car. I had a lot of experience with the PCNA when I had my 911, especially since I worked for a dealer. I have to say some people were nice, but more then a few were pretty snobby. Many times was I caught talking to a Porsche guy and he would say YOU have a Porsche, I would reply yeah. He would answer back what do you have a 924?? Then when I would say 911, they would ask what year!! It used to piss me off, they would break down owning a Porsche into sub-classes, and treat you according to what you owned. It was never good enough, you have a 944 well someone has a 911, you have a 911, well someone has a turbo. It would go on and on and on. The NSX is different, I tried to figure out why one day. I came up with the fact that not too many people know what the NSX really is, so the people that buy them do so because they are truly "enthusiasts", these types of owners aren't concerned with social standing, but more with having a good time. Every person I have met so far has been wonderful, I am happy to say that many have become good friends. Not once has someone made me feel out of place, nor have I witnessed anyone else being treated poorly.

Anyway, this was very long winded, but if you have read any of my other posts you will see that this is the norm. for me :D:D:D

As far as going out for a spin in my car, definitely when the weather gets better. If you have any more questions feel free to PM me.

jadkar said:


the friends
I came up with the fact that not too many people know what the NSX really is, so the people that buy them do so because they are truly "enthusiasts", these types of owners aren't concerned with social standing, but more with having a good time.


I agree !

In fact, it is obvious that most NSX owners are people who intrisically appreciate it.

Sometimes we complaint about having more hp etc. but fundamentally, this car is a marvel and one that will attract more educated people in the vast fine sportscar subject.

Very nice and interesting post jadkar.
Nicely said, after reading that I wanted to go out and buy a NSX, then I realized that I already had one.:D
If that doesn't convince 911-NSX, I don't know what will.
