Why buy NSX when you can get used Z06 for 35,000?

9 June 2003
New York
For 35,000 the vette is so much more car then the NSX. You can get a Z06 with under 10,000 miles for this price. The NSX you get for this price is about 10 years old. I am looking at all sorts of cars since I sold my porsche a couple months ago. Please do not flame me, I want opinions of people that might have been looking at both and picked the Acura. Thanks
It is simple. If you want a reliable exotic car that turns heads, has a glorious engine note and handles like a dream.. by the NSX.

If you want a car that you see 30 of a day. Buy the Z06.

There is nothing to compare performance wise between the Z06 and a 94 NSX (your price). The Z06 will toast it everytime.

It is a matter of personal preference.

Good luck. You cannot go wrong with either car.
I disagree with your statement that the Vette is a lot more car than the NSX. But I'll bite.

For one, I've owned GM products in the past and vowed never to buy another one. My experiences with GM have been night and day compared to those with Honda. Secondly, the Vette just doesn't do it for me in the looks department. Not all sports car buyers care about bang for the buck. If we did, we'd all be driving souped up Mustangs that could kick any Corvettes' butts for a lot less $$$.
NetViper said:
There is nothing to compare performance wise between the Z06 and a 94 NSX (your price). The Z06 will toast it everytime.
Unless you buy a 91-93 and slap on a FI kit. ;)
911-NSX said:
For 35,000 the vette is so much more car then the NSX. You can get a Z06 with under 10,000 miles for this price. The NSX you get for this price is about 10 years old. I am looking at all sorts of cars since I sold my porsche a couple months ago. Please do not flame me, I want opinions of people that might have been looking at both and picked the Acura. Thanks

I test drove the NSX and everything in or within that price range. That included alot of cars like the 911, Vette, Viper, and such. I liked the NSX the best. Didn't need opinions from anyone else. I even had some friends that try to deter me from getting it, they actually sounded alot like you, but also cited the M3. However, after driving all of them, the choice was easy for me. The NSX just gave me an "aura" that I didn't get in the rest of my choices. After all, its gonna be my car, not theirs. You should do the same as well.

Bottom line is that this is going to be your car, so it should be what YOU want. If we all liked the same the car then everyone would be driving the same thing.

Instead of "looking" at 'em, did you actually go drive all of the cars that you were looking at? If you have driven all of them it won't be hard for you to determine which car you like best. At least for me it wasn't.

Alot of NSX owners will cite factors like build quality, gawk factor, prestige, handling, good acceleration, or even something like gas mileage and Senna's influence on the car. Some of these factors might not be important to you at all. The question is, however, what is?
911-NSX said:
For 35,000 the vette is so much more car then the NSX. You can get a Z06 with under 10,000 miles for this price. The NSX you get for this price is about 10 years old. I am looking at all sorts of cars since I sold my porsche a couple months ago. Please do not flame me, I want opinions of people that might have been looking at both and picked the Acura. Thanks

Just a thought, what did the Z06 go for new? And now, 2 years later, you can get one for $35,000. Not putting down the Z06, it's a awesome car. I wish I could have both NSX and Z06. But if I had gone with a Z06, I'm affraid those rare times I'd see a NSX on the road, I'd wish I had one. Maybe cuz it's always been my dream car. :)
Asset Valuation

In five years the 15 year old NSX will be worth MORE then the 5+ year old vette, IMO. Futher the operating cost for the NSX would be less.
Can you imagine looking at that "delco" radio and that tarted up pontiac dash? Have you ever - as a kid sat in a bathtub and pretended you were driving? Do you think there is still a lot of life left in pushrod technology? Do you think Kentucky is the mecha of automotive engineering and manufacturing? Do you think that you can never have enough colors and stickers and "indy" versions of a car?

Step right up - your chariot awaits.

By the way - I have been on the track with both and although very capable - the difference is not night and day as others would have you believe.

Also - there are lots of people still buying f-cars like a 308 for about the same money too. If you have to find the fastest car for $35k - keep looking as neither of these will do.
Five years ago, I could have sold my moderate-mileage, well-maintained '91 NSX for somewhere around $35K. Today, I could sell my moderate-mileage, well-maintained '91 NSX for somewhere around $35K. 'nuff said.
Test drive both and buy the one you like.
I have driven MANY vettes, Vipers, Porsches, Ferraris etc. all have their own feel. The two cars you mentioned feel completely different to me.
I had no interest in a NSX at all until I drove mine.
Since that day I've been hooked (4+ years) and every time I get behind the wheel it is just as exciting and fun as my first drive was. Before I drove the car I would of bet against liking one enough to buy one but now I'm ga ga over this car. It's not for everyone but it sure pushed my buttons.
Hey, some people don't even CARE about cars at all?
CAN you imagine?
This was part of the original advertising materials - still as true today as it was 13 years ago:

Our goal in building the Acura NSX was to produce a new-generation, limited-production, handcrafted, mid-engine exotic sports car. One that would create a new synthesis between the often contradictory targets of high performance and mechanical refinement. In short, a bona fide exotic, but one without the ergonomic and reliability penalties often associated with this type of car.

The NSX would have the performance potential of the heavyweight exotics that are generally equipped with V-8 or V-12 engines, and at the same time the quick response and agile handling of lightweight sports cars. It would also offer the comfort and interior amenities of mass-produced sports cars. But more important than this, the NSX would actually enlarge the performance envelope. Through the use of new technologies, the handling and performance limits have expanded beyond the capabilities of conventional exotic sports cars.

(chapter headings...)

We placed the engine at the rear because it was the appropriate technology, not tradition

A shape designed primarily to meet the functional needs of the driver.

When they designed the chassis, the engineering staff were absolutely rigid in their thinking.

Good aerodynamics require far more than a low drag coefficient.

A truly competent suspension should offer outstanding performance, not demand it of the driver.

When pavement conditions are less than ideal, the NSX will probably sense it before you do.

Total performance requires being prepared for the unexpected.

Proving high power and driveability are not mutually exclusive.
Exclusitivity, gorgeous, reliable (100,000-200,000,) good performance (less than ZO6,) quality, great handling. That is all i care about. Like somebody stated, you should have added the F328 and F438 in the list, too, but the NSX won us over by far.
Your priorities appear to be clear, so let me assist you with your decision. To hell with the NSX and the Z06... what you ought to look at is an old Camaro and bolt on a blower and some fat tires! There you go, even higher performance than the Z06 for half the cost one! What a deal! Who needs those overpriced Porsches and NSXes when you can have that kind of bang-for-the-buck?
I had this comparison between the NSX and Z06 archived that was written by Gary Milgrom. Pretty much sums it up.


I've been driving a Corvette Z06 for a few days. Here's a comparison against my 1991 NSX:

- Steering is too light. No feel. Advantage NSX
- Shifting is truck-like. Advantage NSX
- Body rigidity is worse than my 11 year old Honda. Advantage NSX
- Ergonomics are pathetic. Wiper and stereo controls vintage 1970. Advantage NSX
- Build quality poor. Wavy panels and uneven gaps. Advantage NSX
- Trunk is larger but accessible from interior = possible theft. No advantage.
- Acceleration and braking are much better. Advantage ZO6
- Handling seems good but I went nowhere near the limits. N/A
- Styling is subjective. N/A

What strikes me more than the specifics is the general feel of half sports car and half truck. The shift feel in particular is horribly coarse, while the precise gearbox of my NSX continues to delight after a decade of ownership. This car feels like an old rattly shitbox with a big engine stuffed into it. There is none of the hi-tech feel one gets from most modern cars and none of the carved-from-a-block feel you get with the best Japanese or German autos. Sure it costs less than a new NSX but I don't see the attraction at all.
Re: Asset Valuation

coolnsx said:
In five years the 15 year old NSX will be worth MORE then the 5+ year old vette, IMO. Futher the operating cost for the NSX would be less.

I agree with the above statement and will even add this:

Not that I ever thought my NSX was an investment or anything, but if you have $35K to bet on by owning a car, where would you put your money on ? After all, the Z06 is a Corvette, made by GM and the NSX is an Exotic made by Honda ! ;)
matteni said:
Do you think Kentucky is the mecha of automotive engineering and manufacturing?
Actually, some very high-quality vehicles are made in Kentucky, using the most advanced automotive technology. They carry names like Toyota Camry and Toyota Siena.
I appreciate the way in which the thread starter asked the question. It does not appear he is just trying to stir things up, but my $.02 would be that until you have driven each of them, do not get caught up in the figures you read in magazines. Sure the Z06 is faster and has a lot of bang for the buck. Only a fool would not give it props for what it does bring to the table. Many people will say after a test drive of both that the Z06 is exactly what they are looking for, and more power to them. It is a great car. That said, to look at the NSX you must see the whole picture. Usually a short drive will be enough to convince the skeptical of what a great and unique driving reward it offers (unless you jus doan lyke dem cars made from WWII GI beer cans):p , but also consider the items you will likely come to appreciate only after you have had the car for awhile: Great resale value (if you buy used), exclusivity (in most areas of the country), lots of admiring looks, and inquiries from other people as gas stations, stoplights, etc. Low service costs (compared to other exotics), and the fact that owning a car like the NSX does make you feel like you belong to a little higher class of people. That is not to say you are a superior person to a Z06, or any non-NSX owner, but rather that you "get it" and do not buy a car solely based on numbers from a magazine test, or because it is the "hot car to have" at the moment. The only true downside is that everywhere you go any modded Honda or Acura car that you pass will rev up his/her engine in either some challenge, or show of respect (which of these is the case I do not know:rolleyes: )
For me, I would love it if the NSX had Z06 performance numbers. No question, the Z06 is an awsome performance machince. However, I for one could not live with the interior. I just did not like it. For me, no matter how good the performace and how much bang for the buck it had, I would be the one to sit in it and I could not live with it. Also, while purely subjective, I like the NSX styling better. Call me a poser or those "All show no go" guys, but I like style and looks moreso than all out performance. That is another reason why I could never buy a Viper (Not that I could afford one anyway;) )
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ChrisK said:
Also, while purely subjective, I like the NSX styling better. Call me a poser or those "All show no go" guys, but...
In 1991, it was all-show and boatloads of go. The irony is its the performance of other less-flashy cars that has changed the balance of that equation.

I appreciate the Z06 (heck, C5 in general) for what it is and I can't deny you get tremendous bang-for-the-buck with it in the league of supercar-level performance. I quite like the styling (not as much as the NSX but hey, I'm strongly biased). However to me there's just something more "special" about the NSX and it's worth taking a 12-year-old car for roughly the same $ as a 2 or 3 year old Corvette. I certainly wouldn't look down on somebody for choosing a vette tho.
PHOEN$X said:
For one, I've owned GM products in the past and vowed never to buy another one. My experiences with GM have been night and day compared to those with Honda.
Ugh, as if to underscore my point, the timing belt on a friend's 96 Monte Carlo failed yestoday at only 25k miles!! :eek: Luckily she was at idle and there appears to be no engine damage. Of course GM won't goodwill anything due to the age of the car, whereas Toyota replaced the failed transmission on my brother's 93 Camry (@68k miles) just a few years ago at no charge. GM...what a POS.
It is very easy to answer your questions. Think of the NSX as filet mignon, and the Vette as ground beef. Sure the ground beef offers more meat/protein for the price. But filet mignon is not about sheer quantity, but quality. If you are the pick-up truck/baseball cap kind that only cares for tailgate BBQ, your choice will be quite easy. If you want fine meat, you've got to pay.
How about we look at a Corvette ZR-1 from 1991. If I recall correctly it was priced about the same as the NSX, or maybe a little lower. It was supposed to be the "King of the Hill" and the best Vette ever. Well, look up its price at any of the used car info sites and it's worth, get ready folks.........a whopping $11,808 for private seller. It's only worth $9,302 at dealer trade in! What's a ten year old Z-06 going to be worth? I'd say about 9K? Furthermore I would never want to own a ten year old Chevy, but my grandpa might.

Now look at the NSX. Yes it's just as old, and yes spending $35k on a 10 year old car is alarming to some folks, but people have been paying much more for other exotics so why should the NSX be left out. In fact, the NSX today is still one of the few cars built by hand from start to finish.

Enjoy the Z-06. It's a wonderful car and I like them a lot. But I already own a V8 monster that will eat up a Z-06 any day of the week. :D
DocL said:
How about we look at a Corvette ZR-1 from 1991. If I recall correctly it was priced about the same as the NSX, or maybe a little lower. It was supposed to be the "King of the Hill" and the best Vette ever. Well, look up its price at any of the used car info sites and it's worth, get ready folks.........a whopping $11,808 for private seller. It's only worth $9,302 at dealer trade in! What's a ten year old Z-06 going to be worth? I'd say about 9K? Furthermore I would never want to own a ten year old Chevy, but my grandpa might.

That was a great way to put it! Maybe in 10 years I can afford to have a Z06 and the NSX!!! :D :D
DocL said:
How about we look at a Corvette ZR-1 from 1991. If I recall correctly it was priced about the same as the NSX, or maybe a little lower. It was supposed to be the "King of the Hill" and the best Vette ever. Well, look up its price at any of the used car info sites and it's worth, get ready folks.........a whopping $11,808 for private seller. It's only worth $9,302 at dealer trade in!

While I choose the NSX, and agree with the resale argument, I think those ZR-1 prices may be a little low. I am sure that is what the guides say, (although I assume those prices are with average mileage) but from the few ZR-1s I have seen for sale, most of which are low mileage cars, I would say market price is more like $20-25k. Less than an NSX, but pretty good for a Vette.

I think you would be hard pressed to find a nice ZR-1 for less than $15k.
I looked into a 'vette for my wife last year (She has always wanted one). While affordable to purchase, I was stunned at the insurance cost! More than twice my NSX! And more than twice than my Viper too. 4 years of insurance savings with the NSX would buy a supercharger.