Why are White Hondas rarer than other colors?

:) good info guys.
I probably shouldn't have created this thread, then all the GPW owners will demand a premium for theirs. :tongue:
I had a chance to see a White NSX at a dealership about a month ago.
it was an older one. 91-93 I dont know what year it was it looked like shit.

wasnt washed, scatches all over it. looked real bad. it was obvious the owner didnt give a crap about washing it...

There was a guy a few years ago with an early model Grand Prix White NSX around the Georgia / Florida area that had well over 300,000 miles on his car (and this was 6 -8 years ago). From what I recall the cosmetics of his car were similar to what you described, but he took good care of the mechanical components. I wonder if that could be the same car? There was someone on here that knew the guy.
If you look at statistics for color popularity over the years, white only started to take off the last 5 years, replacing silver as the most popular color. I think this is one of the major reasons why Honda didn't make too many whites.
The statistics you refer to are for all cars on the road. If you look at statistics broken down by type of car, you will find that some types of cars have a different color distribution from others - silver for luxury cars, red for sports cars, etc. Similarly, some markets prefer different colors from others. Silver and black are most popular worldwide. White is just barely on top in North America (17.8 percent white, 17 percent black, 16.7 percent silver), and black is increasing while white and silver are decreasing. DuPont does an annual report on color popularity; this past year's was its 57th year. You can read more details from their most recent report here.
I’ll let you guys in on a little unknown secret, white is the fastest color and Honda doesn’t want anyone to know. :biggrin: Unfortunately I owner a black one, I looked for a long time for a white one, :frown: but I could pass up on the price and low miles when I purchased it.
I'll go out on a limb here...

Since the Type R is white I feel that people want white due to its rarity and being a special model. How many conversions have we seen on here for Type R's making them white. Had the car been red would we see a different demand for color?

Also Synth has a point in that sportscar manufacturers and everyday car manufacturers are making it a point to produce more white cars. Its the new silver for sure and that rubs off on the general population - all of a sudden white cars are in demand from Civic's to Gallardo's.

Combine both of the above, the relatively low production numbers of white NSX's and voila you've got demand which thus creates threads like this.

Black is better IMO :tongue:
i dont know we all want a white rare nsx but in my opinion
black just waxed/washed blows white outta the water.
Now after you wax your black nsx and back it up, then pull it back into your drivway its dirty again. Its an endless battle.

White is a great color on both Honda's and Chevy's...now if someone here would buy either/both, I'd be able to get my new (white) Dodge Sprinter :biggrin: :

I wanted white too. It was my preferred color over red, but couldn't find a well maintained one. I still don't regret buying the NSX I have now, Red is an awsome color.
White is a great color on both Honda's and Chevy's...now if someone here would buy either/both, I'd be able to get my new (white) Dodge Sprinter :biggrin: :

I'll be coming to take a look at your car once I sell mine. :)
I wanted white too. It was my preferred color over red, but couldn't find a well maintained one. I still don't regret buying the NSX I have now, Red is an awsome color.

Red and white are an awesome color combo! What is there NOT to like! :wink:

My toys actually match down to the seats...hehehe (my wife think I'm nuts)

I'm actually not a fan of white on the NSX. Darker colors look much deeper on this car.

Like some have mentioned, it's the national racing color of Japan and is the signature color on the NSX-R, so it's in high demand now but was not always so highly desired.
All the world knows well that the red is the fastest color :smile::smile::smile: ...no??? ...yes !!! :smile:
For me, it was either a white (with black top) NSX or all Berlina black

I love my Berlina....one day I will also have that unicorn.

yin and yang *drool* I can't wait :biggrin:
White is a relatively recent automotive trend, which has really taken off the last 5 years. In 1991 and generally the 90s, not many people wanted white cars, so they didn't make many.

Popular car colors are cyclical (generally 5-7 year intervals for the 'hot' color). Right now everyone is clamoring for white, in 15 years people will be lambasting Honda for not making more blue or green NSXes.
<style>@font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0cm 0cm 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; }</style> I always dreamed of owning a black NSX, with red as my secondary choice. Then I went to have a look at a white one that had been advertised for a long time, albeit with an overenthusiastic price tag!!!

The bottom line was that I had never realised how nice a white NSX could be until I looked at this car. You can see it on the thread below with some other colors to compare.

<style>@font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0cm 0cm 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; }</style> I always dreamed of owning a black NSX, with red as my secondary choice. Then I went to have a look at a white one that had been advertised for a long time, albeit with an overenthusiastic price tag!!!

The bottom line was that I had never realised how nice a white NSX could be until I looked at this car. You can see it on the thread below with some other colors to compare.


Me too. I had always intended to buy a black/black NSX until I bought my first GPW from my friend sight unseen. When I got it I was glad I did. I had never seen a GPW in real life until that I had mine. I then sold it to my brother a few years ago. Now I have a black/black and while I like like, I really miss my GPW. Odd thing is he rather have black, but my current one has about half the miles as my old GPW he has. I would seriously consider trading, but its hard to give up nearly 50K miles.