Why Acura isn't keeping up

Inexcess said:
I don't understand why the NSX is such low volume other than Honda does not want to sell them. I looked for a new NSX in the Mid atlantic area for over 6 months and no dealer could get one. So I bought used. But it's best in class, it's in a class of it's own.

Well you have to understand demand for the car is not very strong. Everyone here is a NSX affectionato so our answers are biased. When I was shopping for a new car 3 months ago I asked around and the general answer I got about the NSX is,

1) Outdated. Its a 13-14 year old design. Yes the design was so advanced that it still a great car but to the general public the car is old.

2) Underpowered. Even you as NSX enthusist complain about the lack of power, imagine the image the general public has of the car.

Another thing my dad said was that it didn't suit him, that he wanted a classy vehical (M-B, BMW) He's 45 *rolleyes* And I personally ended up with a Yukon cause this is my only car and I love to snowboard. Also I live in condos right now with no garage on the east coast. I didn't want o ruin a perfectly good NSX =(


And going back to the original topic I think Honda/Acura will do just fine by sticking to smaller platforms. How do you think Honda became such a HUGE company? Do you guys not remember the whole gas thign in the 70-80's? I think Honda doesn't want to leave there original image as reliable gas efficent cars.
Honda has a history of not caring what other automakers do/think.

Think about Honda's first entry into America. it was in the form of motorcycles. The Honda 50 stepped into the ring against the huge Indians, Harleys, and British sport bikes that had already established "what people wanted in a motorcyle" The Honda 50 came in lacking nearly all of the main aspects of those big bikes. And it sold more than any motorcycle ever produced.
Honda sincerely believes they dont need a v8. And if i had to wager, they're the company thats most likely to stick to its guns.
paladin said:
Think about Honda's first entry into America. it was in the form of motorcycles. The Honda 50 stepped into the ring against the huge Indians, Harleys, and British sport bikes that had already established "what people wanted in a motorcyle" The Honda 50 came in lacking nearly all of the main aspects of those big bikes. And it sold more than any motorcycle ever produced.
Honda sincerely believes they dont need a v8. And if i had to wager, they're the company thats most likely to stick to its guns.

They may have started small, but they had the largest production motorcycle engines around 2000 and they are still up there with their big V6 1.8L motorcycle engine. :D

*edit: their big flat 6, not V6..my bad. :redface: