Who's driving the NSX in the Rain for the Bay Area Meeting Tomorrow??

23 October 2007
Bakersfield, CA
Am I going to have the only NSX or one of the many Mini Van's in the parking lot for tomorrow's meeting?? Does anyone drive their NSX in the rain, because I haven't yet? Help me make my decision.:rolleyes:
Am I going to have the only NSX or one of the many Mini Van's in the parking lot for tomorrow's meeting?? Does anyone drive their NSX in the rain, because I haven't yet? Help me make my decision.:rolleyes:

You should make this a poll. :biggrin:

I could go either way, but my car has been tucked under her car covers in the garage for the past two weeks.

Am I going to have the only NSX or one of the many Mini Van's in the parking lot for tomorrow's meeting?? Does anyone drive their NSX in the rain, because I haven't yet? Help me make my decision.:rolleyes:

If it's not a heavy downpour I'll take mine. It needs a detail anyway so I might as well have a good reason to get going on that chore..

I better reinstall the wipers..first
Oooh, the peer pressure to drive our NSXs in the rain is mounting. :tongue:
EVERYONE should drive the NSX to the NSX meeting. You can always wash it.
My skimobile goes everywhere.:biggrin:
No, I am not telling how I mounted the skis.
There will be alot of opportunities to drive the NSX for other meets/meetings. I will be driving the DD, maybe we can all bring our DD and take pics of the other "car". :biggrin:
The heavy rain should not come until late afternoon/early evening. There's only a 60% of light shower in the north bay and moving down to the South Bay during the day. I'll decide tomorrow when I wake up. Light showers = NSX, rain or wetter = DD. See you all tomorrow, rain or shine.:biggrin:

You guys are serious about driving your daily drivers?
I thought it was an NSX meet.... my NSX IS my daily driver....

I've been driving it since I bought it.

If I knew it wasn't a meet, I wouldn't of borrowed the digital camera from work. :(
Bay Area NSX Meeting
February 2, 2008

I have taken the liberty to outline a rough agenda for today’s meeting.

1. Welcome all for coming out to the initial formation meeting.

2. Pass out roster of those interested in belonging to the “Chapter”
  • Minimum of ten members needed.
  • Name, phone #, City, Email address and NSXCA membership #

3. Discuss structure of Organization and term lengths.
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Staggered terms? & Term lengths?
  • Committee formations
4. Discuss Chapter Name (must be subset of the NSXCA)

5. Choose Initial Contact Person to facilitate formation of chapter with National Club.

6. Discuss written Charter needed outlining proposed structure, events and goals of the chapter.
  • Final draft to be submitted to NSXCA Board of Directors for consideration.
Example of Charter struture:
Article I - Organization and Affiliation
Article II - Purpose (Charter Statement)
Article III - Membership
Article IV - Officers, Web Master
Article VI - Elections
Article VII - Amendment of Charter Statement

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7. Choose next meeting Date.​