Who wants to go to Heaven?

Most of my friends are Buddhists, one is even a monk and if I had to choose I think that is the religion which is the closest to which I live my life.

Actually probably not a religion at all. If you delve into Buddhism you will see that what people may be practicing as a "religion" has little to do with the Buddha or his teachings which in their nature, are quite simple.

The essence of Buddhism is emptiness. Religion is the opposite of that. It is mind based. Thought based. Idea based. Contradictory. Religion is noise, Buddhism is silence. Religion is material, Buddhism is the formless. In religion you try to find God through thoughts and ideas, in Buddhism you will know God only through silence... the only thing that is indivisible.
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What if the deck was stacked so a royal flush could be dealt every time?

I know people who have claimed to see people walk on water or float in the air after taking illegal drugs. I can't imagine what I could convince someone of with a time machine and a suitcase full of illegal drugs. I am sure there must have been mushrooms back then. There must have been a time where the first person discovered a substance and then got his buddy to take the same substance without his buddy knowing the outcome but the first person did know the outcome. Mind alteration is extremely powerful and someone under the influence can be made to believe almost anything.

I'm guessing you're saying that the circumstances were so at the begining that it makes it only appear as if it's design. Among all possibilities, this is certaintly one of them. However, imagine though that you were set to be executed and had 10,000 (or some other large number) marksman on you that hard performed 10,000 flawless executions in the past. As the order for the shot goes out, everyone fires but you are unhurt. Which is more probable and reasonable to believe? That it was just a highly improbable event and you have the luck of chance, that it just is, or that the event occured because an external third party altered the environment and made it so.

I don't get what you are saying on drugs?
I hope that this topic does not get out of control.. :rolleyes:

I agree with a number of the posts here; Religion, hypocrisy and hate is counter-productive for society. It has been so for so many thousands of years. We have so many examples of this, only some listed here that it's just sad. In the case of Christianity, Christianity - as preached by, the author and the New Testament, is sadly often very drastically different than what you find on TV, or discussion boards. In early Christianity, being "Christian" was a derogatory term which basically meant you were doomed for torture and execution. Today it can mean being a bigot.

Conversely, Christianity teaches that God is real and he is just, that there is evil - and by nature - we all are eg bad/evil ( eg sinners, including Christians), and that although we deserve punishment, Christ died for our sins so that if we believe in him and follow him we may have eternal life, eg "heaven." Christianity also teaches that the more we understand him, the more we realize how evil we are and how less of a right we have to judge others (not a typo).

Christ also teaches that there will be many "Christians" that will proclaim their faith but having failed to understand who Christ is and being a disservice to him, will be...sent to hell. You probably know many of them. Conversely, plenty of people who we (Christians) would easily judge to the same place will be in heaven. In fact, it might come as a surprise that the Bible is full of murderers and criminals that met Christ/God and then became messengers of Christianity (really).

Christ and the teachings of the NT repeatedly put down the religion overzealous which acted as a burden on people, and lifted up those with genuine faith. The same message continues to apply today.

Here are a few videos by crazy guy named Marc Driscoll from a church called Mars Hill that agrees with the fact that Religion is bad and provides it's own POV. Even if you don't agree, I hope you can find it at least entertaining

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXKT8IPdvzA (On Religion)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23LaK99PEko (On Religion & Jesus)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZvgNuGzvUc (On Suffering)

My personal take on the case for God, Jesus Christ or other, this is and will always be a personal decision of faith for each individual. It takes Faith to conclude personally that God does or does not exist, and that he can or cannot be known, through Christ or other.

Nonetheless, while I don't offer this as unequivocal proof – I clearly make the case as a matter of faith in both ways - I find it highly fascinating to consider these 2 facts in making that personal decision for/against God and Christianity:

1.) The Universe has the configuration so elegant, that an infinitesimally small change would have ceased or drastically altered the course of the universe - even taking into account billions of years of existence and minimized the possibility of life to near infinitatum. In other words, life is highly improbable. Stephen Hawking even stated plainly that the “Universe is very suggestive for a Designer” (paraphrased) The odds that Universe came into being as it is by chance would be like getting a Royal Flush thousands and thousands.. or millions and millions in a row - even after taking into account 12+ billion year old Universe. This is known as the Anthropic Principle and, although hotly debated, it is to some, clearly suggestive of there is a Designer, a Creator... dare I say, "God".

Each person, confronted with this, I think, is then forced to make a leap of faith and believe either that: “God exists and…....” or “God doesn’t exist, it just is and I’m sticking to it. There is nothing that would make believe otherwise.” or I think the most humble, “I don’t know.. I’m hoping to figure it out before I die..” Each person has to take either the blue pill or the red pill and without ever being able to fully know the eternal implications of the decisions. Ultimately, we will "know" or will not "know" until after the end of this life. Let’s just do it peacefully and wish each other the best of luck, enh?

Since I go with the former, I can’t help but think that God, even if he had a banner in the sky that said "Hi, stop arguing. I'm God and I exist" we would explain it away saying that it is not improbable that elements of stardust would gather together to form something that we would seem to be intelligeble. If there was then a second banner that said, "No really, it is me, you know, God from the Bible. Larry King from CNN - can we do an interview? I'm tired of the bickering. 8 PM next Monday is an open slot for me" We would not be more convinced. The decision for or against God, are personal.

Note: Another response is that there is really a multiverse, or multiple universes, and we are in one that just works. I don’t buy this because there is no way to measure, test and ultimately prove this hypothesis since we do not have a way to interface with it.

2.) 2ndly - 10 of the 12 disciples of Christ died a torturous murderous death; the 2 exceptions, Judas, who betrayed Christ, committed suicide, and one of the apostles, John, was exiled. All the others left everything they had and were killed for preaching a radical message that Jesus Christ was God, that he was killed and that he resurrected, and that the way to Eternal Life with God was through the acknowledgement/faith and following of Jesus Christ: http://www.everystudent.com/wires/apostles.html

Additionally, another apostle of Christ/writer of the Bible was a guy name Paul who was a highly respected, educated Jew, Roman Citizen with a privileged life initially pursued and killed Christians at that time, only to find himself one day, on another such journey, receive a vision that would transform his life and turn him into the biggest impact on Christianity after Christ; him too, having chosen death with Christ, then life without.

I find it very disturbing that 10, no 11 men would choose this path for a lie, if it is/was a lie, especially considering such radical claims....Although this does not prove that Christ was who he said he was, it brings serious question as to why there was such devotion and makes it more difficult to dimiss if they had instead gotten fame, glory, money, power etc...

In short - if you've read this far... and not addde me to your ban list - religion is bad, biggotry is bad, lots of Christians are bad - no wait, all Christians are bad - and it is my opinion that it is a matter of personal faith to believe or not believe that there is a God, that he can or can not be known, with or without Christ. Good luck. In the end, you can take the blue pill or the red pill.. but you have to take a pill...

Hmmm, I'm no theology expert, and you seem to have put some serious thought into this. But I'm not convinced by your two points.

1) The fact that the universe appears to be elegantly configured may suggest that there is some divine creator, but it certainly does not prove the existence of the God that christians believe in (the one that the bible so specifically describes).

2) The fact that 10 disciples suffered terrible fates does not convince me that Jesus is the messiah. Remember the hundreds of Jim Jones followers that committed suicide in the Jonestown massacre? Or David Karesh's followers that died in Waco? I don't think much of either Jones or Karesh.... I think they were both nut jobs. The fact that hundreds of people followed and died with them does not convince me otherwise.

My take on religion is simple -- I think in the grand scheme of things (considering that human existence is merely a grain of sand in the beach that is the time span of the universe), the creation of the universe (and any higher being that may have caused or contributed to it) is so beyond our understanding that we should simply admit that "we don't know."
I'm guessing you're saying that the circumstances were so at the begining that it makes it only appear as if it's design. Among all possibilities, this is certaintly one of them. However, imagine though that you were set to be executed and had 10,000 (or some other large number) marksman on you that hard performed 10,000 flawless executions in the past. As the order for the shot goes out, everyone fires but you are unhurt. Which is more probable and reasonable to believe? That it was just a highly improbable event and you have the luck of chance, that it just is, or that the event occured because an external third party altered the environment and made it so.

I don't get what you are saying on drugs?

On the 10,000 marksmen. I hold out my hand and reveal 10,000 firing pins and say "just kidding guys"

On the drugs... If someone was to be slipped some LSD while sitting around a campfire 2000 years ago I bet I could convince them I could walk on water. Especially if they had never been exposed to LSD before.
I hope that this topic does not get out of control.. :rolleyes:

1.) The Universe has the configuration so elegant, that an infinitesimally small change would have ceased or drastically altered the course of the universe - even taking into account billions of years of existence and minimized the possibility of life to near infinitatum. In other words, life is highly improbable. Stephen Hawking even stated plainly that the “Universe is very suggestive for a Designer” (paraphrased) The odds that Universe came into being as it is by chance would be like getting a Royal Flush thousands and thousands.. or millions and millions in a row - even after taking into account 12+ billion year old Universe. This is known as the Anthropic Principle and, although hotly debated, it is to some, clearly suggestive of there is a Designer, a Creator... dare I say, "God".

I hope your first comment is correct too.

BTW, you 1st main point about the universe sounds to me like Intelligent Design. Which I think is a new PC word for creationism. Intelligent Design has already been discredited in the Dover, PA school board lawsuit.


Btw, there was a fascinating 2 hour Nova episode on ID lawsuit. If you haven't seen it then I would check it out.
I am sensing lots of anti-religious hatred and a fair number of Christophobes in many of these replies. I wonder how many of them actually tried to seriously learn about a religion? Or does their only exposure to religion come from negative news stories about the religious frauds we hear so much about?

Just because someone is religious and is also a jerk does not mean that the religion is no good. It only means that the individual is no good. Going to church, synagogue, etc., is meaningless if you fail to follow their teachings when you leave.

There are plenty of a-hole atheists, Darwinists, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddists, etc., to go around. So don't let anyone think that they have the market cornered on good or bad.
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I have spoken before a congregation about the value of religious education, and I have a set faith that I need not advertise here. What it boils down to in my mind is the value set one uses as influence of their decision making paradigm.

Do I want to go to heaven? I guess the idea of it is cool, but I don't spend too much time worrying about it. I am too busy trying to figure out how to best utilize my time here than to plan for what comes next.

Do I think I can buy my way in, like greasing the doorman at an exclusive club? That seems preposterous. I think I would be better off giving that money to someone who needs it presently- even if that someone is me.

I also don't think I need to worry about what theology others ascribe too. They all basically aspire to the same thing- do no harm.
I try not to do any harm.
I often wonder if others feel this same way- I REALLY wonder when I see hate between followers of various religious belief.

I have no problem with an atheist who's values are centered around the golden rule "do unto others", just as I can identify with someone who would humble themselves before their God's judgement for the sake of their eternal salvation. As long as neither of them does any harm to others in the name of that belief.

With so much "rah-rah for my team" based religious segregation it is no wonder that followers take it to a level where attrocities are commited, and war breaks out. How anyone can extrapolate violence from religion is far beyond my comprehension.

I refuse to partake, so I plant no flag to defend.

My beliefs are as they are, and I do no harm.

I explained this to an aquaintance of mine who is very church oriented, and studies theology as a hobby. He called me a pluralist, and advised I would go "straight to hell". I found that assertion fascinating, but it did not in any way deter me from my point of view.

Off Topic (24 Viewing)
Everything else not NSX-related! Tread lightly on religion and politics. No "for sale" ads.

This thread is absolutely going to hell, and that's the only thing goes to hell. It's my belief there is no "god" and that when you die, that's the end. Your body lays in the ground and rots. Thank you, drive through.

Just waiting for Lud to shut this one down........... :)
Quote from Seneca:

Death is the release from all pain and complete cessation, beyond which our suffering will not extend. It will return us to that condition of tranquility, which we had enjoyed before we were born. Should anyone mourn the deceased, then he must also mourn the unborn.

I don't believe in the mourning part so much. We mourn people that die because we miss them and know we will never phycically see them again. You can relate it to religion though. I think the main reason religion exists is to help cope with death. I don't think many people care where we came from.
Gags about god are ok, but I never make gags about the devil.
I always worked on the principle that if I’ve already made an enemy of one, there is no sense in pissing off the other one.

No really, but I do believe that god has a sense of humour.
Is he doesn’t, I’m in bloody trouble, I can tell you that.
There are certain things about the bible that I find difficult to understand.

Can you take it literarily? Many people do.

Like if god has been there forever, what was he doing before he got to us? What was he out there doing? Twiddling his thumbs?
Yawn “I’m bored today, what will I do?” suddenly he decides to make a world. “I’ll make a world”. Wham! rivers, flash! seas, poof! Mountains. Bing! trees, plants voom, everything is there, a world.

I would like a garden, I want a nice garden.
Waaack! Garden!

Gardening. Dang, I hate gardening.

I need as gardener.
Zap! spit and dust, he creates a man to do the gardening. Adam!
Adam is suddenly there and he, Adam, NEVER once says “whoa, where in the name of god did I come from?”
I mean, he is 40 years of age. He has no child, he has no memory recall, “How did I get HERE?” He never asks.
But he is quite happy, he just moves around the garden, working away, and god is looking over at him, and he sees he is happy, keeps playing with something down there and Adam looks quite happy.
Adam is very happy, and then suddenly god is appalled and says “I didn’t put him down there to be that happy! And I’m certainly going to put a stop to THAT, what he is doing. Down There.”
Then god sneaks down in the night and steals, STEALS, doesn’t ask, doesn’t request, steals a rib.
And from the rib, he makes Woman.
And Adam wakes up in the morning, he is a really thick head, is Adam, and he is lying there next to her, he doesn’t say “whoa, where did you come from, how the hell did you get here? Where did you get those lumps?” No, he only looks further down and is speechless, confused.
He doesn’t ask anything, no he just goes out and goes gardening. Unbelievable!

Then god comes down and has a word with Eve. He tells her, you can eat of any fruit in the trees, in the WHOLE garden.
With the exception of ONE tree.

I mean, come on, he is talking to a woman!

He actually tells her NOT to eat of the fruit, she asks “which tree mustn’t I eat?”, and God actually says “That -- one -- over --there”.
HE ---POINTS--- IT---OUT ---TO ---HER!
It’s worse than President Bush and Iraq.

Then he goes and hides, she goes up the tree, and a snake comes down and has a conversation with her.
A snake!
Now, if I see a snake, I’ll back off.
But if one starts talking, I’ll crap myself!

Then the snake actually convinces her to eat the apple, and she eats the apple.
And she learns SHAME.
That’s what happens when you eat apples.

Now, she is not ashamed that she has disobeyed god, no, she is ashamed of one thing. Down there. Between her legs. Shame down there. One part of her body, that’s all. One area of her body.
And why that area? Why not her elbow? Her NOSE??

Do you realise that if Eve had been ashamed of her nose, every women in the world would be now ashamed of their nose!
You girls reading this would all be sitting behind the computer with little nose knickers on.
Men would be in night clubs watch totally naked ladies with G-Strings on their nose. TAKE EM OFF!! Oooh, I saw a NOSE!

And this is the book that you go into court and place your hand upon.
And promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
---Dave Allen

Such is the humour of taking the bible literally.:smile:
Just waiting for Lud to shut this one down........... :)

Quick somebody post a nude pic... lol... lets break all the rules while we have time. :biggrin: I have a pair of Focal bookshelf speakers for sale if anyone is interested. :D
Quick somebody post a nude pic... lol... lets break all the rules while we have time. :biggrin: I have a pair of Focal bookshelf speakers for sale if anyone is interested. :D

What size are the woofers? Are the mounting brackets included? Have they been blessed? Does flesh show when the grills are removed?
Holy cow what has happened. ANyways I just thought this would be an interesting stocking stuffer of sorts or random present for someone if you don't know what the hell to get them. Framed on a wall it could be a good conversational piece, like it has been in here :cool:
What size are the woofers? Are the mounting brackets included? Have they been blessed? Does flesh show when the grills are removed?

No, but one time dust collected on one of the woofers in the shape of the Virgin Mary.
I think everyone should believe in whatever God they feel like.

Because I think a 'BELIEF' is just what the word says it is.
It is, basically, accepting an explanation for the world we live in and how it came to be without needing any kind of proof for that particular explanation.

In itself, there is no reason why any belief should cause any problems.
Unfortunately, the problems starts when that belief (or religion) becomes a political instrument and is used as such to divide the human race in 'good' versus 'bad' people.
And, suddenly, we find that people who claim that their 'belief' is the only right one want to force other people to accept their statement as the ultimate truth.

And I do have serious problems with ANY religion trying to do that. Other than that, I will personally let you belief in anything you that makes you feel ok.
It is indeed unfortunate that virtually no religion, or should we use the term "religious group" ? , as a whole, does anything to endear itself to the rest of the world. We all spend too much energy/time/resources butting heads, and most of the time much worse, trying to convince each other that our way is right, your way is wrong. Most of the time whatever good we seem to be doing probably has the alterior motive of trying to convince someone that our way is better than their way.
If we examine Jesus simply as the man he was, and the way he lived his life (based upon descriptions in the bible, not trying to say they are true or not) , and if we can peel away the layers of religious ambiguity, we can say that he was a very caring and compassionate person who did whatever he could, to help in any way, anyone who he found to be in need. He didn't care what religious orientation they were. He did this selflessly and without any concern for compensation, or his own safety. He didn't hang out with the "A list" people. He loved everyone, judged no one, wasn't embarrassed to be seen with people who weren't considered cool. He forgave those who did him wrong, and asked that we love our neighbors as ourselves, and don't do anything to anyone that we wouldn't want done to us.
Imagine the world as a global village, and realize that everyone can be thought of as our neighbor. Then imagine the possibilities if everyone indeed started acting this way. It might actually be heaven on earth.
It is indeed unfortunate that virtually no religion, or should we use the term "religious group" ? , as a whole, does anything to endear itself to the rest of the world. We all spend too much energy/time/resources butting heads, and most of the time much worse, trying to convince each other that our way is right, your way is wrong. Most of the time whatever good we seem to be doing probably has the alterior motive of trying to convince someone that our way is better than their way.
If we examine Jesus simply as the man he was, and the way he lived his life (based upon descriptions in the bible, not trying to say they are true or not) , and if we can peel away the layers of religious ambiguity, we can say that he was a very caring and compassionate person who did whatever he could, to help in any way, anyone who he found to be in need. He didn't care what religious orientation they were. He did this selflessly and without any concern for compensation, or his own safety. He didn't hang out with the "A list" people. He loved everyone, judged no one, wasn't embarrassed to be seen with people who weren't considered cool. He forgave those who did him wrong, and asked that we love our neighbors as ourselves, and don't do anything to anyone that we wouldn't want done to us.
Imagine the world as a global village, and realize that everyone can be thought of as our neighbor. Then imagine the possibilities if everyone indeed started acting this way. It might actually be heaven on earth.

He wasn't afraid to get dirty either as he was a carpenter. I also like that he wore sandals. I wear sandals as often as I can and it really is liberating to wear them. I bet he hardly ever if once corrected anyones grammar or spelling either. :smile: