Who plays Burnout 3 online via PS2?

27 March 2000
Palos Verdes, CA
I saw in another thread that some of you have already picked up Burnout 3, but I've been wondering how many of you are playing the PS2 version online.

If you hadn't noticed, I haven't written many posts lately...and Burnout 3 has a LOT to do with it. My lunch hours have been consumed by this highly addicting game. I've been known to stay up late and play this game into the early hours of the morning. "Just one more" turns into hours of aggressive driving. This is not a racing game, this is a raging one! Thank gawd we have this game or the recently announced delay of GT4's online racing mode would have been too much for me to take!

I'm roughly 70% complete with the single player mode and I've played just enough to unlock all of the tracks, all of the heavy crash vehicles, and make the U.S. Grand Prix Circuit Racer available for multiplayer competition. And, yes, I'm playing it online (complete with USB headset for smack talking)...though my rank has been hovering in the not-so-impressive mid 2,000's. I'm having an especially fun time raging against the German and French players...even though I don't understand anything they're saying.

Look for akira3d in Burnout 3.

p.s. Why is it that no one ever logs into the U.S. West server?
Hey i have the game but i havent tried playing it online because for some reason my network adapter is not working.
vtecNSX1 said:
Hey i have the game but i havent tried playing it online because for some reason my network adapter is not working.

That sucks...I haven't had any problems with mine...and I run mine off of a wireless ethernet bridge too!

I finally dropped my rank into the 1,000's this morning. Just need to work on my takedowns...
Hehe ya the game is really fun. Im gonna try it again today and see if i can get the network adaptor to work.
Hey i got it to work! my name online is vtecnsx91 because vtecnsx1 was taken. I added you to my buddies hopefully ill see you on
vtecNSX1 said:
Hey i got it to work! my name online is vtecnsx91 because vtecnsx1 was taken. I added you to my buddies hopefully ill see you on

Excellent...I often hop on for an hour before going into work (8am-9am) and sometimes will hop on after 11pm at night. Tomorrow I've got something I need to take care of in the morning though...
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