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Who is this person

17 February 2008
EMAIL: [email protected]

Do anyone know who this is? this person says he from europe and he trying to sell me some NSX parts....

Im just wondering if he was a member on this forum..

This person seems like Tamoske!!
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Now,if only rso were around to harrass this goofus:frown:
He also uses a other e-mail address,
and says he's makes the parts in Poland,
But the writing and "products" are exactly the same and if your not interested in his offer he will start ranting over how strange and wired you are if you don't buy from him (that's just plain stupid if your trying to sell something).

he contacted with the e-mail address mentioned above but also contacted us with this e-mail: [email protected].

We are getting a e-mail from him every month pretty much the same text.
He also uses skype: Aparaciukas

So don't accept is offers.
He has also tried to contact me on numerous occasions.
LOL yeah he tried Using Downforce to sell for him lol and When I asked him how he made his parts he said it was proprietary LOL Not to sound arrogant But, I went to college to learn composites and build race cars using all the high end technology and he thinks I am going to steel his secrets it's just hilarious :tongue:
He must have got my email address from prime and used it to email and message me on msn too!