Who do you think is the youngest NSX owner?

NSXchnk[/i] [B]it is a freakin GENERAL topic and that it is about a nsx thats why i put it in the GENERAL forum[/B][/QUOTE]I think Lud usually moves a topic to off-topic when it is about the owners rather than the car. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by peiserg said:
Well, instead of youngest, how about most immature? SInce i have the mental dexterity of a monkey, and the maturity set to match my daughters, I guess i'm in the lead?
Nope. Not even close. I could name a few candidates... :p
donwon said:
Why not be even more direct, and start a new thread called" My wanker is bigger than yours.

don't matter if anybody's "wanker" is bigger than mine it's how much wanking you do that matters the most.
and it has to be with the ladies....

:D :D :D