Who are you?

12 May 2007
Wichita, KS
Not sure how iffy people are about sharing personal information with strangers. But I was kind of curious to see what the average nsx owner is here so anyhow.

Me i'm 28, never married, no kids. I'm an engineer full time, and a SSgt in the Air National Guard. Also drive a 2000 eclipse (which is getting sold here shortly). Just bought my first house a few months ago. Was dumb when i was a teenager and ended up with a criminal record but live and learn. Anyhow my real name is scott, and nice to meet you all. :smile:
I'm 31 and live in Atlanta. I'm a clinical research manager and own my own small contract company. I don't own an NSX yet, but hopefully I will before the end of the spring. I am single and have no children. My other car is a 2005 Acura TL A SPEC with Navi.

I was also dumb as a teenager, but I was a fast runner. But now that I'm old and slow, I have to obey the law lol.

My name is Johnny. Hi everyone!
Eclipsed (Scott) this was a great thread idea. I find many of the prime posters like Steveny, Supra2nv, NSXtasy, NSXNMG, and quite a few others, to be very fascinating. I hope they post as well; I would like to learn more about them. Johnny, what happened with the yellow '05 in Atl?

I'm 31, never married (though when I was younger I thought I would be by now, yet finding a decent girl to have a relationship with is challenging enough:rolleyes: ). Though, I think if I moved to Europe, I would be married by now. Especially in Finland (inside joke for Pegi):biggrin:

As many know (since I've been on prime for so long) I'm a cop. Not a high salary job unfortunately. It's frustrating to have such a demanding, complex, and thankless job for low pay, but I am content. I plan on getting my personal training certification this year and doing that on the side for extra income.

I purchased my NSX from a local dealer very close to where I live and work. The car was a dream come true; yet as Steveny would say, it was not a wise financial decision. I hadn't yet purchased a second car or even my first home. I have since then remedied this with an S2000 as my daily, and have been living in my first home for over 6 years now.:redface:

oh...erm...I have a ridiculous obsession for Blade
A high school dropout and homeless at 16 after the bitter divorce of my parents, had a fantastic Childhood though thanks to Lego :biggrin:
I Was a father On my 17th birthday and was so young and poor I had to Double my girlfriend to Hospital in labor on my BMX at 3 in the morning .
Cut a long story short , I had to raise my Son by myself who is also a Diabetic While working 2 jobs and studying Electronics via correspondance .

I am now 33 ,Happily married to my Gorgeous Wife have 2 kids trying for more , My Son is now 17 and is a 2nd year apprentice Chef , own 2 beautiful houses , One is on a mountain , 3 cars . I am a Cheif engineer for a TV network , my Wife is a Sales rep for yellow pages . So can't complain .

My Name Is Ricky and I'm an Alcoholic :tongue: Social Of course
92NSX said:
We'll I'm his side kick, Robin

Well, since we have... ~~~Blades*, Batman, &Robin~~ On Board...

I feel safe to Add my Identity: ~ .... :tongue:
Part~*CatWoman~ , Part~*Wonder*Woman~~
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My name is Jose Jimenez, and Topo Gigio lives with me!:wink:
Well, I'm 52 and live with my mommy. When I grow up, and move out of my hole, I dream of becoming the guy who manufactures the laser that is used in the treatment of genital warts.
Hmmm...who am I. Well.... Good question.

I am really not sure. Thats a good thing. If I knew I think I would be bored. I like things that change and don't stagnate.

I am a high school drop out. Mildly successful in RE and finance. I am a husband and soon to be father of a baby girl. Which I am really psyched about and at the same time scared. I know it is going to change my life. I smoke but don't drink, not a recovering alcoholic just didn't like drinking anymore so I stopped. I never had a problem with drinking. I sometimes went months without it and then would drink every other day for a month. I drank mostly in social settings when I was single and hanging out at clubs.

I love my wife and my life dearly. We have so much fun together. We are together EVERY day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have a blast doing whatever it is we do. Not a single argument in 10+ years of being together.

I find comedy in everything. I am constantly joking around.

I have tons of friends and someone is always hanging out around my house somewhere, family or friends. I try to make everyones life better I come in contact with as long as they want it to be better. With the exception of my mother. I keep driving at her about making some changes in her life for the better and I won't let up until she makes those changes or dies.

I love to teach other people how to become independently wealthy, only if they are willing to put in the effort. I have made several millionaires in my lifetime.

I donate lots of time and money to charity. But only ones I choose not ones who solicit me.

I love to build and repair stuff. Either structures, businesses, or relationships with people. And maintain them, as long as they are give and take on both ends.

I LOVE CARS! They are the only thing I foolishly spend money on. I don't think that will ever change.

I am always looking to make new friends. I am extremely talkative and can spend hours running my mouth off on just about any topic.

I trade options and stocks. I also have some (:smile:) rental property.

I was born extremely poor but had a VERY happy childhood.

I think the one of the best decisions I ever made in my life was buying a NSX and finding this site. NSX Prime has made me a better person and I have made many great friends through Prime. I am certain this site has kept me sane on days when staying sane seems impossible.

I expect everyone to do anything at full throttle or to get the phuck out of the way. There is always that second when something is right there and ready to be picked. If you wait the opportunity is missed. Much like day trading.

I try and learn something new every day.

I love animals, especially dogs.

I am allergic to shrimp but no other shellfish:confused: ?????

I love spell check!!!

I have thousands of dollars worth of electronics that I have no clue how to operate and no time to read the owners manual.

I am 42.

I am lucky to have a great set of skills.

I would like to learn how to play a musical instrument.

I would like to build a new primary residence to live in but can't seem to separate myself from the house I live in which I rebuilt from scratch over the last 20 years.

I have composition books full of inventions that I will never follow through on because the process to bring a product to market seems like a huge time consuming headache. I have seen several products come to market that I did put in that book years before they came to market. I would love to have someone else take some of the ideas and do all the leg work and split the profits with me.

I like to ramble on.......
my name is really Ponch...a good friend of mine, John Baker and i used to have a semi-popular TV show in the 70's....since then i havent been doing much, altough i have been trying and sell some swamp land in missouri for the last couple years....SteveNY, you interested?
A high school dropout and homeless at 16 after the bitter divorce of my parents, had a fantastic Childhood though thanks to Lego :biggrin:
I Was a father On my 17th birthday and was so young and poor I had to Double my girlfriend to Hospital in labor on my BMX at 3 in the morning .
Cut a long story short , I had to raise my Son by myself who is also a Diabetic While working 2 jobs and studying Electronics via correspondance .

I am now 33 ,Happily married to my Gorgeous Wife have 2 kids trying for more , My Son is now 17 and is a 2nd year apprentice Chef , own 2 beautiful houses , One is on a mountain , 3 cars . I am a Cheif engineer for a TV network , my Wife is a Sales rep for yellow pages . So can't complain .

My Name Is Ricky and I'm an Alcoholic :tongue: Social Of course

Wow Ricky, what a life story for ya buddy. Much props to you for getting thus far...:)

As for me, I am Dan 31 yo, married w/ 2 kids. Very outspoken even things (the truth) that will make others dislike me... 10 years in the Navy, currently in the reserve. Also happily married to my 94 GPW.
real name is Ken

  • 1991 highschool grad
    1991 join army
    1992 first GF cheats on me w/ best friend
    1992 start drinking
    1995 leave army
    1995 move to Tucson Az
    1995 become cook at dennys
    1995 lose that job
    1996 become jobless and homeless live in VW bug
    1996 move back to cali get hooked on drugs
    1997 move in w/mommy get away from drugs
    1998 join Marines
    2001 leave sydney AU for Afganistan
    2002 get married
    2002 wife gives birth to my perfect Son Jarod
    2002 become a Marine DI
    2002 - 2005 never see wife and son, never get more than 4 hrs of sleep and eat once a day.
    2005 move to Camp Lejeune
    2005 get promoted to Ssgt
    2006 deploy to iraq
    2006 5 days later lose legs to IED (go figure)
    2006 meet the president/recover
    2006 awarded the purple heart by the CMC
    2006 move to tampa and larn how to walk again
    2007 move to Wa state and buy a home
    2007 drive to cali and buy my first nsx
    2008 attempt to pay off bills and have fun at the same time........?
    highly unlikley
    I didnt want to write a life story that would just be borring.
real name is Ken

  • 1991 highschool grad
    1991 join army
    1992 first GF cheats on me w/ best friend
    1992 start drinking
    1995 leave army
    1995 move to Tucson Az
    1995 become cook at dennys
    1995 lose that job
    1996 become jobless and homeless live in VW bug
    1996 move back to cali get hooked on drugs
    1997 move in w/mommy get away from drugs
    1998 join Marines
    2001 leave sydney AU for Afganistan
    2002 get married
    2002 wife gives birth to my perfect Son Jarod
    2002 become a Marine DI
    2002 - 2005 never see wife and son, never get more than 4 hrs of sleep and eat once a day.
    2005 move to Camp Lejeune
    2005 get promoted to Ssgt
    2006 deploy to iraq
    2006 5 days later lose legs to IED (go figure)
    2006 meet the president/recover
    2006 awarded the purple heart by the CMC
    2006 move to tampa and larn how to walk again
    2007 move to Wa state and buy a home
    2007 drive to cali and buy my first nsx
    2008 attempt to pay off bills and have fun at the same time........?
    highly unlikley
    I didnt want to write a life story that would just be borring.

That is a lot to go through in about 10 years. Can you walk on your own now? I am glad things are getting better for you. Like they say that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I think you have had some strong doses of that.
31, single. Lecturer, love sports and cooking. Diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis about 8 years ago.

I am a college drop out and took time off from studying for 6 years (currently back to finish where I left off just for pleasure).

-I speak 4 different languages

-I love my two cats to no end. They treat me so well. One of them is still alive and healthy.

-I don't think I ever put anyone down once in my life intentionally.

-Never took a day off from my daily work out routine since age 16, even on Christmas or when I am sick. If I travel I jog rain or snow. For those early PAGs, I wake up 2 extra hours early to do my work out before the meet.

-I love good eats, live to eat, eat to live

-I like to travel and see different things

-I love family and people

-Not as gifted as Sis and Bro in terms of extrovert and brain, but I have discipline.


Came to America at age 13 by myself, I choosed America, sister and brother choosed Australia. I went through entire teen years without parents by my side. I had very unique situations.

Age 13 worked as child labor at Tracy Motel in front of Tracy high school, it was nasty environment, $5 a day not my well, was forced by mean ass relative. (Bay area NSXers, is Tracy Motel still there on the main street?). Didn't know any English at the time. Zero freedom, relative were extreme sacrastic all the time and tried to put me down. A single word of encouragement were never received from her, lots of discouraging words. My grandmother witnessed when she came to visit her daughter (my aunt). Grandmother cried and couldn't believe the daughter she adored is such a nasty person, she wanted to take me back.

Age 14 The relatives who made me worked at Tracy Motel, landed in jail. Karma bitch. You see that is why I believe in karma.:biggrin:

Age 14 Relocated to youth shelter in Stockton by Social Workers. It was actually kinda fun there. Basketball, kids, TV, work for fake money so you can exchange it for toys.

Age 14 moved and live under a really loving homestay family in Ripon, CA. Lived in a really old abandoned mobil home that leaks in countless spots (it rains a lot during the winter), no heater. Smell like shit at night, because it is next to Chicken farm. The mobilhome was really cool though, because I get the entire mobil home for myself. All my friends loved it. But even them couldn't stand the smell at night.:biggrin:

Work at chicken farm picking eggs 6 hours a day. Just because I felt bad that my homestay mother's kids doesn't want to help out. My parents was paying them good money. I wasn't living there for free, but seeing home stay mother picking eggs by herself. I don't have the heart not to offer a hand.

Age 15 I couldn't took it any more, I had to find legitimate excuses so I don't have to pick and wash chicken eggs, so I joined cross country team at school and took Tae kwon Do classes. I practice and do my homework at Dojo until 10:00pm everyday. I do still help out on Weekends. She would take me out to Hometown buffet in Modesto to eat as much as I wish. Little thing like that, make a big difference for kids. She always give me a ride to malls and anywhere I asked. If hers kids have it. I have the same. She treated me like her own kids. God I miss her.

-Graduated from Ripon High

-Stay in Sydney, Australia for 6 months with my sister and brother.

-Drop out of San Jose State University and worked at Howies Hi Tech games (bay area guys do you remember me?) Howies at Barber Lane in Milpitas Square. Howies is no longer there:frown: Sony kinda put him out of business. The evolution of the business in his field didn't help him. Kinda similar to what DVDs did to Blockbuster video.

1998 camped out overnight to get the right to purchase and bought a 5 bed room house in Milpitas for $420k. Near the county jail (aka correctional center with inmates) and great mall. Today it worth $850k. One of most convenient location in Bay Area.

2002 took off to Japan and lived in Nishi-Shinjuku for almost a year.

Damn I am getting tired

2004 back in school at community college

2004 March My cat Meowth clapsed for the first time with no prior sign.

2004 December 4th my cat Meowth passed away. I went on and had serious depression for nearly 2 years. it almost destroyed me.

Her story:

2006 Received AA degree

2006 GF graduated from UCLA, got good job offer immediately after and been doing well since. She encouraged me that it is never too late to study.

2007 Admited into University of California Irvine (Business Economic and Japanese double major). My GPA should had been good enough to get me into UCLA if I wanted to, but don't want to leave home and not down for driving 3 hours a day like GF did.

2007 Fall, went to class for the first time, had tough time adjusting to the pressure and stress. Amazed by # of snubby kids on campus driving entry level Lexus 250s, Bimmer 325s, Mercedes C 230s and think they are king of the world. Majority of kids are still hard working and good kids. Just some bad ants.

2008 Winter quarter- I think I am getting better at managing pressure and stress.

20xx I plan to enjoy the campus life for as long as I can, maybe grad school someday. If I have Bill Gate money, I still want to enjoy campus life. I do miss my freedom and earning power when I had more time to devote to my business and travel.

Out of all the years, the year during my age 13 felt like rest of the years combined. 2004 was not the toughest but definitely saddest, it was like I lost a child and family member.
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That is a lot to go through in about 10 years. Can you walk on your own now? I am glad things are getting better for you. Like they say that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I think you have had some strong doses of that.

yes I walk, i can almost walk a block now. but you know everyone is unique and has a story, i dont wanna hog a thread, it would take a server to hold my life story. lol . i love my mom, son, wife, and car, and friends....i just want to make some more. take care..ken
After the nick fiasco, I've learned not to give out personal information to you guys!!
No, Batman drives a black RX7 or atleast use to till he sold it recently. He also strongly dislikes me because I picked on the RX7 and his random ideas he gets sometimes.

Me, I'm not important. I'm just a poor nsx owner.

Shut the f*ck up Batmans sold his "super powerful immense/huge torque curve mention it in every other post never has any problems embarrasses almost every other car on the road" RX7! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Koolaid shut your mouth I know you're lying ..LOL
After the nick fiasco, I've learned not to give out personal information to you guys!!
Lol, If you got nothing to hide, no worries. Just share the interesting points and keep anything you don't feel comfortable sharing to yourself:smile: .

I never had much chance to be with my family, so my friends are my family, who else do I get to share my interest? Who else is there for me when I need to vent? My friends. One thing I love about prime is that I met a lot of friends here. Friends that helped me when I need help, friends who are there for me when I need them. They always deliver for me when I need it.

This thread allowed me to let it out. I really want to hear others unique experiences that they had encountered, maybe I can learn something form it or change my perspective for the better.