DG5 is a Japanese brand that either owned by "drift king" Tsuchiya Keichi, or co R&D with him. He used to have Kei office line for different cars.
from the sound of it, looks good and promising, but not until we have more technical data; we won't know if this is a product marketing for his followers, or this is "the" product.
Up2yu, cared to share a little more? maybe a link and if you have any real world experience? lap time?? etc etc??? At least you can clue us on how much you paid for the DG5? (as with most parts, more $$$$$ usually equates to better performance.)
from the sound of it, looks good and promising, but not until we have more technical data; we won't know if this is a product marketing for his followers, or this is "the" product.
Up2yu, cared to share a little more? maybe a link and if you have any real world experience? lap time?? etc etc??? At least you can clue us on how much you paid for the DG5? (as with most parts, more $$$$$ usually equates to better performance.)