Which color to order the new 2022 Type S NSX?

Lol Acura did exactly the correct thing ( for 4 years) to sell very few....now they did something to sell many more...ding ding ding...the car is a widget they didn't make it to satisfy the needs of only a few. I too believe they are wrestling with how to satisfy every deposited order(within reason) from every dealer with the ability to provide service to it...people pay up for limited stuff...hence why people shop at the Limited...:tongue:
I am fine with a few more....

Lol Acura did exactly the correct thing ( for 4 years) to sell very few....now they did something to sell many more...ding ding ding...the car is a widget they didn't make it to satisfy the needs of only a few. I too believe they are wrestling with how to satisfy every deposited order(within reason) from every dealer with the ability to provide service to it...people pay up for limited stuff...hence why people shop at the Limited...:tongue:

say 100-150 max. Over time these cars will maintain their rareness. I had vin #176 of all the S2000's from Sept 1999 and even after many AP1 and AP2 sold I am amazed how fewer I see now. 100+ would be fine with me to satisfy the true enthusiasts and lovers of this car.
I think what's cluttering things up is that marketing decided to employ the (1 of 350), (2 of 350) playbook sales strategy which inadvertently pigeon-holed them. Had they not done this they wouldn't have this problem and in my opinion demand would be the same. I can see how they arrived at this conclusion, however, of needing to employ every tool in the toolbox after 5 years of how-else-can-you-describe lackluster sales .... so they felt the need to do everything in their power to make it work. So they upgraded, enhanced and improved ... power bump, check, updated front and rear fascia, check, etc. then at some point they came to a crossroads wondering, is that enough? In my opinion it would've been enough simply being the 2022 update (akin to the 2002 update) with stronger/faster/better stuff. But hey, that's too risky and they, being Hondacura, have to play it safe and sent Marketing up to bat tasked with hitting a "Type-S" double using a "limited run" bat. Perhaps they are wondering hard what it would've been like had they kept him on the bench in the dugout.

Let's declutter, back in 2015, Acura had projected 800 units annually. Keep in mind that's what THEY wanted to produce with this halo vehicle to help bolster their brand. Acura knows they need to get back on the map stat. And in the world of supercars you don't get to skip steps, you make mistakes and learn from them all in an effort to crack the code. I had mentioned as an aside in another thread that Jackie Chan tried for years and years to break into western audiences and he too struck out several times, but took away the valuable lessons learned and on his fourth try, Rumble in the Bronx, he finally hit a paydirt home run by demolishing the box office and the rest is history. It's important to note that that movie wasn't that much different from any of his other movies/plots/comedy/abilities/etc. up to that point ... it's just that he was finally able to dial in the right amount of everything in his toolbox to achieve 'marketable balance' when his brand was still relatively unknown/weak over a quarter century ago.

I had surmised back then IF the "final" model Type-S achieves its own 'marketable balance' donning the right look, the right power output, right amenities, right price point, etc. they too might finally hit the home run they'd been waiting for. And it sure seems like they did (at least so far on paper).

Humor this thought, if they came out in 2015-2016 with this look and having hit the magic 600hp number and with the current int options ... there is NO WAY they would be talking about ending production the following year. So this could really all just be viewed as a game of framed semantics brought to you (unintentionally) by the good folks at Acura Marketing Division. It kinda betrays the fact that internally, they'd been so shell-shocked that they quietly didn't really believe that this kind of game-changing turnaround was even possible perhaps. Granted anyone could argue we are not in '15 and Hondacura doesn't get to skip steps therefore they weren't experienced enough back then to have done that which is all true, but hey ... here we are today ... they finally cracked the code they'd been wanting and waiting for. And for the entire Acura brand, this is that moment in the game when their superstar player makes a tremendous play and it causes the entire team to all of a sudden start to 'believe'. The goal is not to just have a game-changing moment for the NSX, but holistically for the entire company .... so are they just gonna toss all this momentum to the wayside? We shall see.

But let's say they do and call their superstar player back to the bench and sit it out and see if the momentum can carry itself (unlikely) ... let's hope it's not for a dozen years (2034) before they put him back in the game. Because by then you will have lost all your impetus and the rawness of some of the chiding you felt from your previous experience wears off and then tend to forget how humble you need to be to compete at this level ... and perhaps the hardest part is that in some ways it will be like starting all over again needing to re-learn steps.
no one is saying they will. Simple opinion and expressing what they should consider as clearly they underestimated the demand. This is enthusiast discussion forum, no need to read things out of context IMO.

It has nothing to do with being well respected organization what so ever either way they choose. Your opinion may differ, nothing wrong with that. You and I do not represent for everyone's opinion. End of the day, the love for the NSX is same, that is really what matters.

Yes you are correct, that in the end the love/appreciation/respect for the NSX will endure. I would rather have a fond memory of almost getting a car (the story and all) to not have been in the game at all. Some have suggested that a lottery for certain cars might be fair. Hard to tell. After all if you as a dealer entered 10 orders you are thinking you made a bit of money. So if you lose those orders, how does Honda/Acura make that up? And of course if you were one of the folks like us, how do you feel when you lose the car? There is no simple solution here. But I will say it is better to leave the party and have everyone wish you had stayed, then to do stuff that makes some people wish you had left. The next NSX what ever the propulsion system it has will be paid attention to.

The next NSX will be a peak into the future of what Honda can do. I give it under 4 years. I believe they can produce what Tesla cannot-an all electric Sports Car that will blow everyone away. Honda has what Tesla lacks Racing Expertise.
The 299 for the US will satisfy the original rules of the game..its up to the dealers that took more than 2 deposits to deal with that decision...Thats why we have not heard anything...there is a lot of wheat from the chaff going on.
Yes you are correct, that in the end the love/appreciation/respect for the NSX will endure. I would rather have a fond memory of almost getting a car (the story and all) to not have been in the game at all. Some have suggested that a lottery for certain cars might be fair. Hard to tell. After all if you as a dealer entered 10 orders you are thinking you made a bit of money. So if you lose those orders, how does Honda/Acura make that up? And of course if you were one of the folks like us, how do you feel when you lose the car? There is no simple solution here. But I will say it is better to leave the party and have everyone wish you had stayed, then to do stuff that makes some people wish you had left. The next NSX what ever the propulsion system it has will be paid attention to.

The next NSX will be a peak into the future of what Honda can do. I give it under 4 years. I believe they can produce what Tesla cannot-an all electric Sports Car that will blow everyone away. Honda has what Tesla lacks Racing Expertise.

You are 100% correct, there is no easy solution here. One thing for certain, it generated interest and engaged many of us. That is a positive thing. Currently on the Acura web site, it implies the wait list is still open.

Depending on their goals, if their goal is to make an impact in terms of marketing. Increasing quantity or honor all orders received will have much greater impact and allow more cars goes to enthusiast. Since they are a public traded company, making good business decision also should be considered.

In terms of feeling for customers. There will be group that put in order and deposit early, a group that put in orders and deposit late. I can't see how first group would be unhappy as long as they do get an allocation.

I genuinely would prefer they bump up quantity to 600 or 700 (which IMO will not hurt the value one bit). That would be a solution with nearly no downside and loads of upside.

Fundamentally, first come first serve system has major flaws. Lets use Rolex and Hermes for example. If they had used first come first serve system vs (friends of brand what Rolex calls). Since items usually sell for double to triple price of MSRP in grey market. Their products will never go to people who genuinely love the brand.

Take Ferrari for example, typically cars are sold at MSRP including special models (certain hyper limited models exception). What dealer does is ask customer to purchase another model + fix amount of dollar (example $100k) mark up to the dealer, then customer gets the allocation at MSRP. Porsche not much better on GT3, GT2RS, GT3RS allocations.

As for EV, I can't wait to see what Honda can do. Sound, handling, styling, whatever new innovative trick they got, etc.

I used to dislike EVs before I tried them. In 2017 I picked up first Model S, it was life changing convenience and efficiency. For point A to point B car they are hard to beat especially for families with kids. Later I picked up Taycan Turbo S. I wasn't interested in the car what so ever in the beginning until one day a Taycan drove by in parking lot while I was walking. The sound it made was wicked. Shortly after I picked up the Turbo S. As point A to point B car and value, it is not as good as Tesla, anything above 4S is unnecessary. However, for fun factor, it is exponentially more fun than Tesla. It drives and handles like Porsche with rear wheel steering, active chassis control, massive URUS size CCB. Naturally I would also pick up Model S plaid to replace current family model S. Wife prefer Model X Plaid for the kids with additional seats, so we ordered that instead.
I think what's cluttering things up is that marketing decided to employ the (1 of 350), (2 of 350) playbook sales strategy which inadvertently pigeon-holed them. Had they not done this they wouldn't have this problem and in my opinion demand would be the same. I can see how they arrived at this conclusion, however, of needing to employ every tool in the toolbox after 5 years of how-else-can-you-describe lackluster sales .... so they felt the need to do everything in their power to make it work. So they upgraded, enhanced and improved ... power bump, check, updated front and rear fascia, check, etc. then at some point they came to a crossroads wondering, is that enough? In my opinion it would've been enough simply being the 2022 update (akin to the 2002 update) with stronger/faster/better stuff. But hey, that's too risky and they, being Hondacura, have to play it safe and sent Marketing up to bat tasked with hitting a "Type-S" double using a "limited run" bat. Perhaps they are wondering hard what it would've been like had they kept him on the bench in the dugout.


There is a lot of harsh reality in that, but I believe there are at least two more factors that also contributed.

First of all, Acura is pushing the "Type S" label hard, and the NSX was an obvious choice to include in that campaign. Personally I would appreciated if they made it an option to step up to, but here another factor played in.

Second fact is that NSX gen2 has served its purpose. The NSX gen2 proved that Honda could produce a state-of-the-art hybrid, a 918/P1/LaF with a reasonable price. As everyone is aware of Honda is focusing extremely much on the next phase, EV. I have no doubts that the next version will be some sort of EV, whether it's BEV, FCEV or some other fancy tech, which I'm really looking forward to.
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There is a lot of harsh reality in that, but I believe there are at least two more factors that also contributed.

First of all, Acura is pushing the "Type S" label hard, and the NSX was an obvious choice to include in that campaign. Personally I would appreciated if they made it an option to step up to, but here another factor played in.

Second fact is that NSX gen2 has served its purpose. The NSX gen2 proved that Honda could produce a state-of-the-art hybrid, a 918/P1/LaF with a reasonable price. As everyone is aware of Honda is focusing extremely much on the next phase, EV. I have no doubts that the next version will be some sort of EV, whether it's BEV, FCEV or some other fancy tech, which I'm really looking forward to.

Agree, the original plan I believe included many if not all the changes we are seeing. As noted, Honda/Acura had indeed accomplished a lot with this car. The slow sales which lasted several years was a signal to bow out earlier rather then later. It is much better to leave the party when others want you to stay vs staying until you are no longer wanted. The future beckons and I know based upon previous cars that Honda is readying the next big introduction.

Leaving the restaurant hungry for more makes me want to come back again. I might not get one of the new cars, and while I will be sad I will just get into my 2017 beauty and drive in the hills of Santa Barbara realizing I already have a magnificent car. Thank you Honda/Acura!
Actually it is pretty rare for a major to introduce an all new model esp one in the 200k range and kill it in 5 years...so maybe 20 years from now in retrospect this brief 5 year run will be seen as the hybrid version :confused:
Actually it is pretty rare for a major to introduce an all new model esp one in the 200k range and kill it in 5 years...so maybe 20 years from now in retrospect this brief 5 year run will be seen as the hybrid version :confused:

We had a year plus of COVID-19 which in a way was more deadly to the auto industry then the Great Recession was. Think back on all the changed plans resulting from the downturn of 2008. COVID-10 created an undefined disaster in the making. Again so much changed.

I was working with the three folks given the task of pushing the NC1 and driving up awareness. They traveled across the nation. I was scheduled for a day at the track and they wanted to drop off a NC1 at my house so that I could drive it on the hills surrounding Santa Barbara. I was invited to the Long Beach Grad Prix as a guest. All of this died when COVID-19 turned into a nightmare Pandemic.

I believe that Honda/Acura took a look and saw a great deal of uncertainty and made the decision to end the car rather than just introduce a updated car. I am sure it was a very difficult decision to make. While a lot of people on this forum chime in on what should have could have happened, as stated before most have no corporate level experience at that level of management.

I know that all the folks who were at Department level worked their hearts out to make this car a success. They achieved some success but not enough to prevent the hard decisions that are always right there in the wings of any program.

So yes, ending a car like this after only 5 years is not a purposeful thing to pursue.
the mark of any great company is to role with the punches make lemonade ect. I have no doubt that middle management was all in on NC1...I have no doubt you have some emotional skin in the game...fact is they could have done what every other player does in the high end sportscar market... sprinkling some new colors and tires aint gonna do it. This type S got me off the fence.
the mark of any great company is to role with the punches make lemonade ect. I have no doubt that middle management was all in on NC1...I have no doubt you have some emotional skin in the game...fact is they could have done what every other player does in the high end sportscar market... sprinkling some new colors and tires aint gonna do it. This type S got me off the fence.

So, were you able to order the "Bee" motif for your Type S?
...did the best I could Rog....:wink:
Wow, am I hearing you right? You finally came to the bar and ordered? My hat is off to you!

I like it when the ladies are tipsy and I am sober...:wink:
Frankly, I thought you were just bullshitting and making up excuses. But you put your money on the bar. You are the Man! Tell us about your build sheet.
Patience has served me well in life...:wink:
Man I still don’t know what color to get torn between LLB and casino pearl white

Does anyone on here have Casino White Pearl? Does it have more of a silverish tint or just a pearl white?
I would like to see how it comapres to the 130R White........

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Does anyone on here have Casino White Pearl? Does it have more of a silverish tint or just a pearl white?
I woudl like to see how it comapres to the 130R White........

I have seen both. Casino is silver-looking in cloudy skies. In bright sun it is a brilliant white pearl. 130R White is white in all light.
Does anyone on here have Casino White Pearl? Does it have more of a silverish tint or just a pearl white?
I woudl like to see how it comapres to the 130R White........

Here is video taken by youtuber of My 130R and business partner's Casino White. For me the Casino White Pearl looks sharper as 130R kinda gave the car more bulky look, while Casino White makes the car looks leaner somehow. Had pics of both parked side by side, but could not find it.

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