Which Airport is best?

29 February 2000
Lawrence, KS
I was having a discussion with another member at lunch.

What I am trying to determine is, which airport
(SF, San Jose, Sacrmento (sp) ) is the best for flying into NSXPO 2003.

What about Oakland. Must be giving a heck of a discount for advance, advance ticket purchase!
I would fly into Oakland or Sac. The traffic around SF is lousy. Oakland is OK...not to bad , Sac is a bit farther but not very much traffic to get to San Rafael
Traffic is horrendous throughout the S. F. Bay area. East Bay traffic can be as bad as the city, but more so south of Oakland than between Oakland and San Rafael.

San Rafael is almost equal distance from San Francisco and Oakland airports. Sacramento and San Jose airports are much further. San Jose, in particular, means driving the length of the bay in awful traffic. :(

From San Francisco, you would have to go right through the city to get to the hotel, so traffic could easily be worse than from Oakland. At most times, I think you would find that Oakland will be the shortest drive away.

Check your flight schedule, though. Depending on where you're flying from, there are likely to be lots more cross-country flights to San Francisco than the other airports. From closer distances, particularly Southern California, all of the airports are well served.

Private pilots can land here at DVO.
Oakland for sure. SFO is south of San Francisco. In addition there are no freeways through SF. You will have to drive city streets a good part of the way to the Golden Gate Bridge.

Oakland Airport on the other hand is a straight shot up to San Rafael via I880/580 and the San Rafael Bridge and should be MUCH quicker than flying into SFO and dealing with all that mess there.
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Gee, I thought I said that. ;)

However, if you're flying from Boston, you can fly non-stop to San Francisco, but you can't fly non-stop to Oakland. Any time you save on the ground flying to Oakland is likely to be more than offset by the connection time.
The Chamber of Commerce for the Greater Sacramento area would like to take this moment to bring to your attention our completely modernized Sacramento International Airport where unlike our neighboring cities, being friendly is our motto. Our freeways have less pot holes and wider lanes for a speedier travel times. And since your destination is towards the west, we advise you to stay overnight so you can drive in the morning hours and against the traffic flow.

So, common down, see the cows, spend some time and spend some of your green money in our beautiful city, the capitol of the world for trees - yes we are green and love $green$, and for those geography and poli-sci buffs, we are the capitol of Califfornia where budget deficits are the menu de jour.
My office is about about 1 mile from the HQ hotel... Oakland is definately the closest airport. It's also much smaller than SFO so it's easier to navigate and get through. You can get from OAK to Embassy in 30 minutes. It'll take 45 minutes for SFO. About half of OAK is Southwest Airlines, so they'll have the best rates. I think Delta, United, and Alaska also fly out of there.
Cliff's Notes version:

Oakland is the quickest travel time to the hotel.

Depending on where you're coming from, you may find that there are non-stop flights to San Francisco but not to Oakland.
Oakland is CERTAINLY the easiest to get to San Rafael, with SFO being the 2nd choice. And Oakland is also the regional hub for Southwest, so it will certainly be the cheapest as well.
If anyone has to fly into San Jose, traffic is not that bad outside of the normal high-traffic hours (7-9:30am, 4-7pm). Outside of these hours, traffic moves along decently (60+ mph).

I have taken care of everything (car, hotel...) I still have not booked our flight.

I can get direct flights out of Boston to SFO or San Jose. It looks like SFO is the choice.

How will the traffic be getting out SFO at 1:30 - 2:00 PM on a Weds. afternoon?

If it is anything like Boston or NYC, my guess is it will be better than at 5:00 PM.


Thanks for the help guys,

Traffic starts backing up from the airport to the Bay Bridge Golden Gate Fell Street exit about 2:30pm. The United Maintenance base day shift operation lets out at that time. Belive me its a rat race getting out of there. Once you hit the split to the Fell Street exit you should be fine. That is untill you have to begin your task through the city streets just to get to the Golden Gate Bidge. Good luck!

Ever thought of flying into LAX or O.C. Airport (SNA) and joining the caravan up to N. Cali? You can make the most out of your trip by getting to see the best of both worlds.

I can see it now, a train of 50+ NSX's cruisin' up along Pacific Coast Hwy....aaaahhh! :)

Just a thought.
Joel said:

Did I just open up a can of worms?

No, in fact you just gave us the opportunity to make a point .....

While my initial post was tongue and cheek, Sacramento's International Airport is a good venue for some, depending on your particulars, who may find a direct flight to Sacramento at lower cost since we have a full day of activities on Thursday in greater Sacramento .... for more details of the program visit our web page at www.nsxpo.com.

Given our room commitments to Embassy Suites in San Rafael - Marin County, we still want you to attend the opening night event on Wednesday at the HQ/Embassy Suites, with the program/event briefing on Thursday morning to get on the same wavelength ..... but the above is additional info to some who might find it helpful.

As for 50 NSXs caravaning from LA to San Rafael, perhaps the locals can persuade a CHP escort a la the Lambrogini caravan a few years ago with Mario Andretti leading the pack ....... and yes, we are working on one such program for the event during NSXPO 2003 ........ ;)

Oh, I thought Shaq was under scrutiny to reassess his commitment as well as find better excuses to why he was milking our cows instead of attending practice ........ unless the kart he was riding on the fram had the real flat tire ........... :D :D :D

for your case, SFO is your best choice. It should take you about 45min - 1 hr travel time from SFO to San Rafael. I disagree with NSX2B about traffic start backing out at 2:30pm. I often travel around that time and never encounter any traffic unless ther is an accident. Traffic won't start until 3:30pm. Even then it is not too bad.

From Oakland to San Rafael will take you around 35 - 45 min around that time.

I'll email you the shortest route (time wise) once you decide which airport you will be arriving from.
Hrant said:
As for 50 NSXs caravaning from LA to San Rafael, perhaps the locals can persuade a CHP escort a la the Lambrogini caravan a few years ago with Mario Andretti leading the pack .......

Most NSXers don't think of an escort for a Lamborghini caravan, but rather, the police escort (a helicopter and six motorcycles, closing off the interstate entrances) at NSXPO 2002:


At least, the ones who were there, do. :D
Guys thanks so much for the input. I hope to arrive in SF around 1:00 and be on my way. Can traffic be any worst than rush hour NYC or Boston traffic?

If so, that is pretty darn scary!!!!

Does Oakland make that much of a differnce? Also, how much
in-city driving is involved getting to the highway if using SFO?

Thanks Rich
RichH said:
Can traffic be any worst than rush hour NYC or Boston traffic?


RichH said:
Does Oakland make that much of a differnce?

Yes, it's quicker. However, if it takes you an extra hour to make a connection to fly into Oakland, versus a non-stop flight to SFO, then you will lose more time in the connection than you will gain in the ground transportation.

RichH said:
how much in-city driving is involved getting to the highway if using SFO?

The problem is not getting to the highway from SFO; the airport is located right next to the highway (US 101 Bayshore Freeway). The problem is that after proceeding north on the 101, you must then drive right through the middle of the city to get to the Golden Gate Bridge, and it's not even all highway when doing so.

I would suggest simply avoiding arriving or departing in the commuting rush hours when traffic is worst.
I will have to agree to disagree with the traffic situation. Granted most days are not too bad, but then again I drive that route daily and have noticed the traffic getting worse. I work at the UAL maintenance base and when you unleash thousands of workers who have the same start and stop times things get a bit congested on the 101. For us that live here and use this route day in and day out it may not be an issue. I agree that taking the G.G. Bridge is faster from SFO when you know where you are going. But then again if Rich flew into Oakland he could shoot up I80 and be there just as fast, if not faster. Bottom line is... If you choose Oakland you should drive up I80 if you fly into SFO you should take the G.G. Bridge. Either way… make it an enjoyable experience traffic or no traffic this Bridge that Bridge. Enjoy!