Where is everyone..........

John I like that, nice,if I was asured that a proper match of color could be had by a powdercoater ,,hhhmmmmm.To the rest of you who continue to question my age and sexual history I say to you "ITS ALL A BIG LIE".
docjohn said:
To the rest of you who continue to question my sexual history I say to you "ITS ALL A BIG LIE".

Does that mean that the next NE "outing" will include a trip to Massachusetts or Vermont?

I'll never look at you with your shirt off the same way ever again............

p.s. it looks like the weather is going to be pretty good this weekend so why don't you take the bee out of the closet, I mean garage, and take a ride to buy some shoes or something.

RSO 34 said:
Does that mean that the next NE "outing" will include a trip to Massachusetts or Vermont?

I'll never look at you with your shirt off the same way ever again............

p.s. it looks like the weather is going to be pretty good this weekend so why don't you take the bee out of the closet, I mean garage, and take a ride to buy some shoes or something.

I guess maybe spike shoes and a whip would look good in black and yellow to match the "Bee". By the way, does Trish know about this??