Where can I order Zaino Products over the NET?

4 May 2000
Edmond, Oklahoma, US
Already went to Zainobros web site. Wanted to know if there was a place to order Zaino Products Online. On the Zainobros web site, requires u to send in an order through the mail. I want my Zaino Products NOW
. j/k I don't want to go through snail mail.

<a href="http://members.aol.com/saxweb">http://members.aol.com/saxweb</a>

[This message has been edited by saxguy (edited 24 August 2000).]
They're not set up to receive orders from the internet, I called them to order their products and they don't even except credit card orders over the phone. Sal instructed me to print off the order form from their web site and fill it out, write out a check and send it snail mail. I received my box of goodies from them in less than a week.

BTW- I am pleased with the results I got from using their products. I take very good care of my NSX, but after I used the Z2 and Z16 the car looks really good, I even got compliments from a detail shop that I was parked near, they wanted to know what I was using!

1992 NSX Blk/Blk
1995 NSX-T Blk/Blk
I have seen Zaino products available through the Ecklers Corvette Catalog. They accept credit cards and charge the same as ordering directly through Zaino Bros. The phone number is: 800-327-4868.
IN about 2 weeks, I (my detailing shop) will be selling Zaino products. we will be able to take credit card orders, and will ship on the next day!

Contact me if you are interested!

I find it very hard to believe that they do not take credit card orders over the phone/internet. I sure hope its not because of the few pennies they have to give MC/Visa for using there services. Convenience is the name of the game. This is the 21 century, right? They need get with the program.