When will nsxtasy hit the 10000 post milestone?

NeoNSX said:
<B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B>: That's your car... but don't worry, it was just a simulation. :D (<A HREF="http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17801">full avatar pix here</A>)
Hmm, I thought it looked familiar...*makes mental note to never let Neo borrow the NSX* :p
PHOEN$X said:
Hmm, I thought it looked familiar...*makes mental note to never let Neo borrow the NSX* :p

It wasn't my fault... i was enjoying a lovely relaxing drive on the freeway (ok, i was admit I was reving close to 8000RPM's) and all of a sudden this guy in a suit jumps on the front of the car!

You can imagine the trouble I had convincing the Insurance company of this story... :D

Now back to Ken ... he was going to say something... ;)
(i bet his post-count is more torture for him than us! lol)
NeoNSX[/i] [B]Let's start a post-whore thread with lots of smiley's... i'm sure ken wouldn't be able to resist posting a "moonie smiley"...[/B][/QUOTE] You’re right about that. [img]http://forums.offtopic.com/images/smilies/moon.gif[/img] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by erobbins said:
It will be today (29-May). Why? Because there's NO FREAKIN' WAY that Ken can go for a 24 hour period without more than one post to NSX Prime.

Wanna bet? :p

erobbins said:
Ken - thanks again for being such a large part of the NSX community.


Originally posted by PHOEN$X
Nice new avatar pic, Neo. Whose car did you demolish?

Seems like a lot of trouble (and cost) to go to, just to get an avatar photo… :D

Originally posted by NeoNSX
Now back to Ken ... he was going to say something...


Originally posted by NeoNSX
(i bet his post-count is more torture for him than us! lol)

Don’t bet on that, either…
Ken could edit a previous post a thousand time without increasing his counter.
This will allow him to communicate with "the world" and remain below 10000 forever. We could create a forum with this post moved in and call it "The Cave of Ken"... :D

Only problem is that the life of every message would be of a couple minutes before he edit it out in the urge of write! write! write! ;)
ROFL.... let it also be added to the history books that nsxtasy's last post under 10000 contained a moonie smiley! :D

Here's a preview of what it will look like... :eek:


  • nsxtasy10000.gif
    11.9 KB · Views: 351
....or it might look like this if the counter resets!!! ROFL... what an anti-climax that would be! :)


  • nsxtasy0.gif
    11.9 KB · Views: 325
I'm baaaaaack... with a whole new identity!

For those who are wondering where I was, there was a hint that no one picked up. Anyone familiar with my alma mater might have correctly guessed that, like 18,000 other alumni (20+ percent of all living alumni), I was in New Jersey, attending Reunions. It was fun, uplifting, cathartic, and delightful.

Thanks to all who expressed hope for my return. Bravo to the many who posted humorous thoughts in that other topic - and to the few who saw that topic as an opportunity to express their animosity, I can only say this:

Incidentally, in that other topic, nsx1164 made what is actually a very good guess as to my whereabouts, although it happened to be wrong. I do instruct for the Windy City Chapter of the BMW CCA, which had a track event this past weekend. My reunion prevented my attendance there, which was the first Windy City event I have skipped in about four years.
Let me be the first to say ITS ABOUT TIME! Some of us were beginning to think we should start paying attention to the wife and kids again rather than looking for you technical expertise and delicate sense of humor?
Is that really you, Ken? Or someone trying to pull our leg? :D

If it is you, does that mean you're not going to humor us and write your 10000th post as nsxtasy? If that's the case, a lot of people are gonna be disappointed...

Anyway, welcome back if it indeed is you! :confused:
ROFL... <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B>, i consider a virtual-b!tch-slap from you the highest form of compliment!!! :D

..so does this mean u pretend you're a woman in the virtual world? :eek: :confused: :rolleyes: j/k dude.
The REAL nsxtasy said:
.....I can only say this:

So what you are saying Ken, is that somebody in this forum is a "clueless *******"? :p Wonder where I heard that phrase? :cool:
If that's the case, then it is reasonable to assume that he HAS actually posted over 10000 messages, and that only the "active" ones are accounted for on the visible post count.