When was the heyday of Prime?

+1..... :rolleyes: 99.9999999% of the pics weren't even that risque... whatevs...

+2 At least there were cars in some of the pics

The rest of the Internet will have to take up the slack for hot girl pics

We only have this one left to check out...

I've been on this site for pretty much 10 years and I can say (seriously) that its been about the same in terms of traffic and discussions.

I've seen faces come and go, but there's always the steady core group. There's a lot of ex-NSXers here, which should tell you a lot about the group as well.

If anything I've noticed that as the the car depreciates and the entry fee to the club as fallen, maturity has taken a bit of a hit but not significantly so, and the newbies keep us entertained.

Funny the guys on S2ki say the same thing. I guess when a model is made for so many years this is going to happen. Sometimes new faces bring new ideas and good information
I understood every inside joke/reference thus far in the thread. I'll consider it a good thing.

We had what felt like a solid 6-12 month period where the site really slowed down; I'd estimate it was toward the end of the worst of the financial crisis (if it has already occurred). Prices were pretty piss poor and a lot of long time members for one reason or another unloaded there cars around that time. I bet at one point a quarter of prime members were in real estate. Not any more!
New faces are always good, and I don't care much about what people say, but one thing it gets me is: RICING UP AN NSX with cheap crap .... and RAPING NSX's, like if NSX's are just glorified Civics ..

Lack of respect to this engineering achievement, yes is just a car, but come on!


When NSX Chat was jammed with people was fun. If you recognize names like len 3.8, prova4re, Dr. Alex Vizcarra, and other from that time period....you remember the fun times.
have had my 93 for 16 years and lurked on PRIME pretty much since its inception.......I have not noticed any decline in the vitality of this web site.....
When NSX Chat was jammed with people was fun. If you recognize names like len 3.8, prova4re, Dr. Alex Vizcarra, and other from that time period....you remember the fun times.

Still rocking that pic is see! :biggrin:
New faces are always good, and I don't care much about what people say, but one thing it gets me is: RICING UP AN NSX with cheap crap .... and RAPING NSX's, like if NSX's are just glorified Civics ..

Lack of respect to this engineering achievement, yes is just a car, but come on!



THAT is awful.. I remember years ago I posted an NSX on here off of I think eBay.. it was red, had awful rims.. and had a FERRARI shield on the front fender just under the side mirrors.
New faces are always good, and I don't care much about what people say, but one thing it gets me is: RICING UP AN NSX with cheap crap .... and RAPING NSX's, like if NSX's are just glorified Civics ..

Lack of respect to this engineering achievement, yes is just a car, but come on!



You thought this is bad? Have you checked out those braindead Hellaflush crap?
You thought this is bad? Have you checked out those braindead Hellaflush crap?

Sacrilege !!!! Its a Buick NSX!!! CRY HAVOC, AND LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR!!!!!

seriously, did you at least wait for the owner of that car to return so you could beat him for us?
This place has been such a home for me that when friends and stalkish-type ex girlfriends want to know what I am up to, they log on here and follow my posts. Then accuse me of being here or there, or doing this or that, because of a post.... "when you said girlfriend who were you talking about? I don't think that was me".... I even have gotten "I know what type of girl you like" because I posted a certain "type" of girl pictures on the the now dearly-deceased hottest girl thread. How bad is that...

I think the hottest NSX thread has breathed a bit of life in, there is now 46,000 views on it. For the time it has been here, that's a fast rising number.

I consider the peak not view numbers as created by the NSX Nick thread, but by quality contributions by members. Over the time I have been here, I have seen some very good members leave, but some good ones have also come in to replace those contributors. And the ones that leave seem to still come back. Overall this is one of the best forums and I certainly have put a good chunk of my life into it. I even like being the anti-corporate whale-loving tree hugger of the group. If we could just get wingZ.... captain of the skirt-wearing LBBP cheerleading squad to leave, this place would be awesome because everyone else is pretty cool.