When is NSXCraze? I need my fix

I would be willing to help put it on if need be. Let me know.

When are you thinking of doing it?

TxChopperGuy is the NSX-Craze guru. Let's all meet-up sometime this coming week & brain-storm/pow-wow for what activities & when. . .

There are some blackout dates for some local NSX'ers due to road-trips (Halloween weekend) & offshore-work (first three weeks of November). Hopefully we can plan around those. . .
November 26, Thursday
Just heard from Kelly. The weekend we were thinking is bad for him, so I'm thinking Nov. 20-22, if that works for Greg Z.

These dates work better. Thanksgiving is family time. Looking forward to visiting Austin again!
I just need to know what weekend your doing it and im going to get that week off for a little vacation.


For reference (tentatively speaking):

Let's let TxChopperGuy confirm this; then, we can start making a detailed schedule & see what activities/events are of interest. . .

I'll check to see what group-drives/meets are taking place when/where, even may solicit to the Acura dealers & exotic showrooms for an open-house chit-chat/info' session. Also, an outing can be organized/initiated by NSXCA SouthCentral (as-per rep' Zishan) for NSXCA members. Perhaps some vendors can offer some grab-bag goodies for raffling (proceeds going to NSXPrime and/or a charity). . .

I can possibly throw a lil' get-together, depending on the rest of the schedule (and my schedule/responsibilities/mood).
Re: planz...

Also, an outing can be organized/initiated by NSXCA SouthCentral (as-per rep' Zishan) for NSXCA members. Perhaps some vendors can offer some grab-bag goodies for raffling (proceeds going to NSXPrime and/or a charity). . .

I can possibly throw a lil' get-together, depending on the rest of the schedule (and my schedule/responsibilities/mood).

Those dates look good! When Luis confirms, I'll try getting a head count. Then contact NSXCA and see what type of funds are available. I've also had a few other things in mind that your guys might like, so lets do it big!
Whoo hooo!! Can't wait. Ill take that whole week off. See yall soon
Any more word on an official date?