when is it not wise to buy an exotic?

I personally think that it is TOTALLY STUPID (all caps for those "cap" people out there) for someone to compare a commonly seen car (ie. Maxima, 325, etc.) to a RARELY seen car (ie. Lamborghini, Ferrari, Porsche, NSX). Even if a 1991 NSX and 2003 BMW 328 are the same price, there are NOT in the same league. Does anyone honestly think that a person looking at an NSX goes "oh, well that car is only worth 32k" HELL NO! The AVERAGE person looks at an NSX and goes Holy Sh!t, that is a nice car. They come from a POV that assumes the car is a 80k-100k car. Most average people place an NSX in the territory of Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, etc.) Supercar territory. Just based on the way it looks. 2-Seater, Mid-Engine, Beautiful Styling, and Rarity on the road. I TOTALLY agree that an enthusiast with an NSX SHOULD have an enclosed garage for their car and a beater car. My NSX stays in an enclosed garage and I drive my 1995 Accord Ex Coupe to school during the week, and also to buy groceries, lift weights at 24, and also when it rains. BUT that is because I can. I admit, if I did NOT have the enclosed garage or 2nd car, I STILL would have an NSX. It is just that it probably wouldn't be a 1991 NSX with 29k miles and one that people mistake for a 2000. It would LOOK like a 1991 NSX. Know what I mean...
Originally posted by hdsr5:
I personally think that it is TOTALLY STUPID (all caps for those "cap" people out there) for someone to compare a commonly seen car (ie. Maxima, 325, etc.) to a RARELY seen car (ie. Lamborghini, Ferrari, Porsche, NSX). Even if a 1991 NSX and 2003 BMW 328 are the same price, there are NOT in the same league. Does anyone honestly think that a person looking at an NSX goes "oh, well that car is only worth 32k" HELL NO! The AVERAGE person looks at an NSX and goes Holy Sh!t, that is a nice car. They come from a POV that assumes the car is a 80k-100k car. Most average people place an NSX in the territory of Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, etc.) Supercar territory. Just based on the way it looks. 2-Seater, Mid-Engine, Beautiful Styling, and Rarity on the road. I TOTALLY agree that an enthusiast with an NSX SHOULD have an enclosed garage for their car and a beater car. My NSX stays in an enclosed garage and I drive my 1995 Accord Ex Coupe to school during the week, and also to buy groceries, lift weights at 24, and also when it rains. BUT that is because I can. I admit, if I did NOT have the enclosed garage or 2nd car, I STILL would have an NSX. It is just that it probably wouldn't be a 1991 NSX with 29k miles and one that people mistake for a 2000. It would LOOK like a 1991 NSX. Know what I mean...

I think this is irrelevant and I understand matteni's point. You guys are thinking from a 3rd person's perspective. A person with $30K+ in their pocket has a choice of buying matteni's aforementioned cars. I don't know about you guys, but I see people in their teens driving NSXs now because the value of the NSX has depreciated to a level in which most people can afford to get used. These guy's treat their cars like a $30K car because to them it is a $30K car! Granted, if I saw an NSX on the road I wouldn't know whether the owner got it new or used, and I don't make any assumptions either.

On the other side of the spectrum, I have a wealthy friend that treats all of his exotics like beater cars, and the NSX is one of them. It has dents, scratches, which were all created by himself cause he just didn't care. If it broke he would just go out and get another one cause he had the money to burn.

If the NSX is their dream car I don't think not owning a garage would be an obstacle. There are other things you can do to care for it. Everyone has their own way of handling things, why don't you just let it be.

Originally posted by NSX_Dreamer:
Hmm, ok, I'll also post on the Hyundai board that Hyundai sucks. How's that?

HELLO, I'm posting about NSX on the NSX board, and you rant on about BMW, Maxima, blah blah blah.

You obviously are a troll. I'll ignore your stupid comments.

Also, we have members on this board that do have a garage, they did buy it new, and they do have other cars besides the NSX, and they got vandalized just the same. Just do a search on "spit" and you will see.

If your car was parked at work or at a restaurant it can still be vandalized. Also, matteni is not a troll, far from it. He's been around way longer that you have on this forum.

Also, when someone says the car has never been in rain I usually take that comment with a grain of salt. Especially if its a used car. You live in Californa and u know we had some rain storms lately. 90% of all the new cars in california are not in the showroom but out in open lots. I bet you they were rained on. Also, has it ever occurred to you that these same cars has never seen a roof over their heads until the car is sold?

I don't know about you, but there is at least 2 So Cal Acura dealers that I know of that display their NEW '02 NSX and also some used NSX out in the open and not in the showroom. That new '02 was sold recently because I don't see it anymore. I wonder how long it was out in the open without a garage? How many times has it been rained on? If someone wanted to vandalize the car it would be an easy thing to do.

No punt intended. Just my 2 cents.

[This message has been edited by RyRy210 (edited 03 March 2003).]
Originally posted by NSX_Dreamer:
I'm really surprised by this. I always assumed that if you could afford an NSX you would certainly be able to beater car for daily driving. I'm very surprised that there are so many people who have such nice vehicles and don't have a beater daily driver. IMHO if you can't afford a beater daily driver, you are probably better off not buying an exotic until you can afford that.

Dreamer - you are one condescending "piece of work". How dare you imply or state that whomever owns an NSX should have a daily beater to drive? What gives you that right? I can afford a daily driver - beater or otherwise - but I choose not to. Why? I bought my NSX (this is my second NSX, neither with daily driver) to drive EVERY day, not just when it is pretty outside. So what if bird poop lands on the hood? (Or your head in this thread
with the targa off?) Solution - wash the car. Sheesh.
Yes, you certainly opened a can of worms over this.....nothing better to do? Let's talk about valet parking some more, shall we?
I'm with MYNSX - good luck defending yourself against jackals like me. Next?
cars are made to be driven (its true honest!), they get wet, they get dirty, some people freak out, some people wash their cars. My last car was a daily driven show car, it was more maintenace but i loved driving it, hell thats why i bought the thing! If my nsx is a 92-03 i will still treat it as my pride and joy because i love the car, not because it cost more or less. i cant afford a beater, i 'll enjoy the fact that the nsx is my daily driven car.. actually i'll take pride in the fact, i know the risks but my time on earth is spent enjoying my hobbies. This is issue becomes null and void when you live in Japan
Garage is desirable not required, some of us (who arent large wallet endowed) will put up with/take extra risks to pursue interests we normally otherwise couldnt afford! If i listened to everyone telling me i cant afford it, i'd never have anything ive really wanted. ahh sacrifices for the things we love

[This message has been edited by ajnsx (edited 10 March 2003).]
Just because people can afford an exotic or any expensive car doesn't give some lame dick the right to trash it. It doesn't matter what kind of car you own if someone is jealous or whateverrr, they're going to do something to it. Delinquents think in a different manner than everyone else. They'll destroy a beater just because they think it's a POS and they get enjoyment out of that too.
It's very unfortunate that people have their cars or property vandalized or stolen regrdless of the cost. You should have empathy for them instead of criticizing those that don't have a garage or a second car. Unless you're one of those delinquent vandals yourself.
If you don't want to buy an NSX because you're afraid to drive it or have it vandalized, then don't. That is your choice. Just don't criticize our choice to buy and own one. There is a very old saying that goes "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all"
S@#t and vandalism happens - that's why we have insurance!!
Wow, I can only imagine if you were to pass by me and see an NSX, 2 Ferraris, a Lotus and a 500sl all parked outside one filthier than the next because of all the snow we've had.