What's Your Greateast Fear

16 October 2008
St. Louis
Age. My greatest fear is looking in the mirror and seeing an old man staring back at me. I've seen the assisted care facilities the elderly in this society are put in and they suck. With few alternatives, these facilities are waiting for us all. UHG!
Age does not scare me as much as getting dementia and not being able to recognize my kids. I think if you take care of yourself you can stay healthy for a good long time. I had my first of two kids when I was 37 so I'm going to be a bit older when they are getting into and getting out of college. I'd like to take a bicycle ride across the United States with them when I'm ready to retire and they are just starting out. That is unless they think bicycling is "stupid".
and Chuck Norris
Snakes & being imprisoned in a foreign land

Little random, but those are the two biggies.
Being the last NA1 NSX owner (no more parts). (^ and having any of the current GOP hopefuls elected)
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...Obama getting re-elected :eek:

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
getting ill and infirm more than just age,not being able to do the things i love like driving my nsx.the guy i brought it from had a brain tumor,real fine guy.
let's enjoy the people and things we have to be happy about.
At this stage in my life, my biggest fear is just losing my job. Probably because I entered work in a recession and 12 years later we're in another one.
If my fear was more rational, it should be a fear of missing out on life and of focusing too much on work.

Falling into a pit of snakes or 100000 spiders and being eaten alive.

State prison.

Buried alive in a casket.

Being feeble and helpless like a stroke victim.

My NSX being keyed!
Age. My greatest fear is looking in the mirror and seeing an old man staring back at me. I've seen the assisted care facilities the elderly in this society are put in and they suck. With few alternatives, these facilities are waiting for us all. UHG!

Although getting old probably sucks I certainly don't like the alternative of dying young.
Age does not scare me as much as getting dementia and not being able to recognize my kids. I think if you take care of yourself you can stay healthy for a good long time. I had my first of two kids when I was 37 so I'm going to be a bit older when they are getting into and getting out of college. I'd like to take a bicycle ride across the United States with them when I'm ready to retire and they are just starting out. That is unless they think bicycling is "stupid".
i'll be 59 later this year and have to say that i **love** the aging process! i've had some unfortunate medical issues that may have been brought on / aggravated by my age, but aside from that ... man, it's great :)

as for dementia / being able to recognize your kids ... i understand that issue / fear, but i think once you've experienced your wife's menopause - "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY WIFE?!" - you'll be less stressed about it.

back in the early 90's i wanted to cycle the states with our kids, too, so the youngest one (just turned 12) and i rode our tandem down the pacific coast highway here in california - had a great time! i asked our oldest son (then 19) if he wanted to ride with us and he declined ... probably thought it would be stupid. nowadays when we cycle and talk about that trip, he always says, "man, what was i thinking - that would have been a **great** ride!"

as for fear(s), i don't have many, but since my mother, father, sister, uncle and grandfather all died from cancer, i suppose i have a concern about cancer and / or a serious medical issue that could financially destroy our family / survivors.

(edit: oh yeah, chuck norris ;)
Finding out there really might not be a heaven or hell. Could you imagine?:eek:

I would think more people would fear finding out there actually is...

I dont think too many people would be disappointed (or any other emotion since they would be worm food at that point) with a lack of afterlife