What's the most frequent question you get on the NSX?

1. Is that the engine? (My engine is exposed and dressed up).:biggrin:

2. What kinda car is that?:biggrin:

3. Is that the new vette? (I hate this question!):mad:
I also used to get the "Is that the new Vette" question when the C6 first came out. They dont ask this as much any more.

Here are some others:

  • "Is that a Ferrari?"
    I simply smile and say "No...It's an Acura". Most people usually reply "Oh? An Acura... Really? Sure looks like a Ferrari...".​
  • "How much did it cost?"
    I usually say "about $90K brand new". The most common response is a bent eyebrow and "What? $90K for an Acura?"​
  • "Do they still make those?"
    I say "up until last year!" To which many are surprised.​
  • "How fast it it?"
    I say "0-60 in about 5 seconds"​
  • ...and the follow up question "How fast have you driven it?"
    My answer "I am not at liberty to say"​
Is you car a Lambo??? How much did you pay for it??? What do you do??? They always seems to ask me these questions over and over everytime i met someone new
its always some guy saying, wow nice car... how much is it new, how much horsepower does it have.... (280??) that's weak, the C6Z06 is WAy!!!!!!!!!!!!! faster and only for $60k lol, i need to start saying its made out of playdough and has 1 horsepower :biggrin:
Q. What car is that?

A. It's a Honda...

Q. What like a Prelude with a body kit?

A. Yeah something like that... It's actually an NSX...

Q. What's an NSX?

A. Honda's $260,000 hand-built super car.

Q. $260,000 for a Honda???

A. Yep! A bargain really... Ferrari and Porsche are still trying to catch up with the developments this car pioneered nearly 15 years ago!...

Q. Really... Never heard of one....

A. No, like I said, they are hand made for you personally in Japan!

Q. So they still make them?

A. Yes, if you have a $100,000 deposit you can be put your name down on the waiting list...

Now remember that I live in Australia where in the last 15years a total of 130 entered the country. They do cost AUD$260,000 here and until a few months ago, you could order one still in Australia! But you needed a deposit first! The last NSX took 2 years to sell... and even then they had to reduce the price to around AUD$160,000
What kind of car is it?

Hemster powered car... I will pop the hood and show them the donut, and tell them, a hamster runs on it and make the car run... Believe it or not, some people will say... "really?" lol

true story
I owned it for 3 minutes and was asked 2 questions by 2 different people at the gas station:

1: What year is that?

2: How many HP does that have?
-what is that? NSX

-is it fast? no

-are you serious? no

-how fast? 'bout a buck 70

-what year is it? '02 (i've got a '92, but i wanna see if she's still got it. she does)
Twice so far I've been asked "is that a 2005?" Nope, it's a 1995! I love to see there jaw drop. One guy thought I was BSing him:biggrin:
I get a comment a lot, not a question: "Sorry about your penis"

Not really, but I have heard girls say it to a guy in a Vette once and I could not stop laughing:biggrin:
I always seem to get the "Is it fast?"....they usually get the obligatory look of disgust after I look at my car, then look back at them....and say "Yeah!?" as if you could possibly look at such a car and think it actually wasn't. Give me a break! With my updated wheels, everyone is shocked when I tell them it's a '92. And like most people on here, dont care much for the Corvette comparisons.
1)what is it? 'nsx'
2)how much was it? 'more than you can afford pal; A-CURA... (rev rev)'
3)what do you (i) do!?! (guess it comes from being 22) 'work a lot'
4)how fast is it? 'fast enough to get me in more than enough trouble'
5)bet you get alot of girls with that one 'no, i work way too much and don't take it out much'​
What do you do?
Is it as fast as it looks? (hell yeah)
Want to race?
Can I get a ride? Sure
How much did you paid?
Damn that sound good, what kind of Ferrari is that?
What year is it? is it 02? (You should see their face when I told them, no, it is 92)
What is the mileage?
NsXMas said:
For me it's not about the NSX. People always ask what I do.

Seems like I look a bit too young to own an NSX.

I always answer "pimp." :biggrin:

What are the most common questions you get?

People ask:

1.) Is that a 'Vette?
2.) What year 'Vette is that?

I live in the Midwest where no other car exists in the sports car world to most people. :frown: :mad:
Most of the questions are always the same..

What do you do?
What kind of car is this?
How fast does it go / how fast have you gotten it up to?
What does it run in the 1/4?
Is it street legal?
What year is it?
How much does it cost?
How many HP does it have?

I'm prepared for those. It's the rare off the wall ones that leave me totally unprepared... :eek:

Car: Friend's Blue Geo Storm with a Body Kit
Location: Williamsport, PA circa 95'
Query: "That is the nicest Ferrari I've ever seen what kind is it?"
Right Answer: "GM"

Car: Yellow S2000
Location: Skykomish, WA
Query: "What is that weird blinding blue blinding flickering light?"
Right Answer: "HID's?"

Car: Yellow VR4
Location: Down the street from the Philly Zoo
Query: "Yo my Mercedes would toast your ass.."
Right Answer: "VR4 vs an old rusty 350SL WTF is wrong with you?"

Car: Yellow NSX-T
Location: Gas station along US101, Northern CA
Query: "That's an awefully nice Lambo bro"
Right Answer: "Thanks.. I get that alot.."

Car: Purple M3
Location: Pittsburg, PA
Query: "You paid that much? No one would pay over 20K for any BMW"
Right Answer: "Sure, I doubt that's happened ever before, it's just me.."

Car: Silver Corvette C5
Location: Caldwell, ID
Query: "That almost looks like a space ship with the tint"
Right Answer: "It's the really good window tint I guess.."

Car: 96' Red 355
Location: Lancaster, PA
Query: "Hey that is the new Lotus right?"
Right Answer: "sigh... (nods head) brand new.."
I answer all questions truthfully, except for one. The questions, in the order most asked:

1. What kind or car is that?
ans: An Acura

2. What year is it?
ans: 2002

3. Looks fast.
ans: Yeah, it's alot of fun to drive.

4. What did you pay for it?
(This personal, inconsiderate inquiry from a total stranger gets the answer he or she deserves)

ans. I bought it new, so it cost me twenty-nine five out the door. I thought the price was pretty steep, but she handles real well.

At that point, I figure the questioner will go home and phone Acura dealers to check inventories, and then get hit with the deserved reality dose.