Whats the funniest thing anyone's said about your car?

I was at a meet in San Diego and there was about 15 of us parked together and this guy comes up and asked it this was a corvette club:rolleyes:.
That has happened a couple of other times when I was by myself:mad:. So this was not really funny, kind of an insult IMO.
i've gotten this 3 weeks ago "is this the new scion?"

and when i was at dmv registering my car. she goes. "you paid almost 20 GRAND for an 91 ACURA?! Dude i would of sold you mines for 800!"

haha i sed its not an 91 integra its an NSX she goes whats that? then so on i explained to her what it was. and i was still charged late penalty fees because of CA STATE REF paper work was very late haha
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I was driving the car home from Florida where I purchased it and heard a noise I did not like from the front right rotor. I stopped for the night in Hilton Head SC to visit my father and waited for the Honda dealership service to open the next day (lucky bastards work 9-6)

Anyway, that night I walked into the dealership and the GM asked me if that was a 2011 Acura?!?!

A Honda Dealership GM should know better than THAT
Two of my neighbors walk by (husband and wife, both in their late twenties) as I'm washing my car one afternoon. I nod to them but don't say anything. After they pass, I hear the wife say:

"Does it torture you to walk past that car?"

Almost immediately comes the terse response from the husband: "Yes".

Made me smile :smile:.
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Two of my neighbors walk by (husband and wife, both in their late twenties) as I'm washing my car one afternoon. I nod to them but don't say anything. After they pass, I hear the wife say:

"Does it torture you to walk past that car?"

Almost immediately comes the terse response from the husband: "Yes".

Made me smile :smile:.

:biggrin: Poor guy. Take him for a ride some day. Then he'll really suffer, or he'll start looking for one to buy.

...Yesterday I was filling up at Costco and a man next to me, driving a Ford 150 came over and said, "I give up. What is that?" I told him, "An Acura. They quit making them in 2005." He said he'd never seen one before. This is So Cal. They are around but the blue must have stood out to him.
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Two of my neighbors walk by (husband and wife, both in their late twenties) as I'm washing my car one afternoon. I nod to them but don't say anything. After they pass, I hear the wife say:

"Does it torture you to walk past that car?"

Almost immediately comes the terse response from the husband: "Yes".

Made me smile :smile:.

CLASSIC. You gotta love those moments!
1st off I am still suprised its almost Dec. and I am still able to drive the NSX. Filling up at a gas station and a guy in a Focus came up to me, and said "Nice car" Thanks I repiled. My brother has a Testarossta just like this. I smiled debating on calling his BS statement(or confusion) and telling him it was an Acura NSX, but didn't and just said have a great one and drove off.

On the way out saw some kids probably 12ish point, smile and one gave me the thumbs up. The reaction from kids is the greatest. Knowing you just made their day.
two of my neighbors walk by (husband and wife, both in their late twenties) as i'm washing my car one afternoon. I nod to them but don't say anything. After they pass, i hear the wife say:

"does it torture you to walk past that car?"

almost immediately comes the terse response from the husband: "yes".

Made me smile :smile:.

On occasion going to shows/race events around Edmonton with some buddies, they pop their hoods and I follow suit. The reactions and confusion that sets when people look in to the empty void (no spare tire) frunk is priceless. "Is this a hybrid?" "Never seen this body kit on a Corvette before..."


My other buddies with a white Evo X, a white 350Z, white STi, and a white cobra are missing in this pic :biggrin:

Believe it or not, had an older guy drop his harley going through a turn trying to figure out what kind of car it was... I honestly felt bad.

Similar story...
Driving from our wedding ceremony to reception we came upon a fellow on a crotch rocket who then decided to show off. He lost control in a corner and the bike slid off the road taking out a street sign as it left. Pretty surreal to watch everything unfold right there in front of us. Probably pretty weird for him also, having a guy in a tuxedo hop out to make sure he was OK & help pick up the bike.
I had a guy tell me "if it wasnt for those wheels our cars would look like twins". LOL He owned a Jaguar XJ8:confused:. I dont see how they even look close to each other. Maybe you guys can see it? I wish I thought about taking a picture of both of them in the parking lot.


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I was negotiating prices with an employee at a shop when he ran out of authority and told me if I could wait just a few minutes, the owner was on his way in. The owner showed up and said, "when I saw your NSX out there, I was scared. I thought Mr. Wolf (Keitel from Pulp Fiction) was waiting for me".
Two good ones. I was washing the car in the driveway when a couple of older ladies rode their horses by. One of them commented to the other, "I've never seen a Lamborghini before!". I smiled and yelled back, "You still haven't!"

The other one, I was in a big box electronics store, and had parked out front. As i headed up to the checkout, two of the employees were standing at the counter looking out into the parking lot. The girl said, "Are you SURE its a Ferrari?". I was going to say something, but kept my trap shut. Which was good, because as I got up to them, the guy said, "Yup, the yellow one is a Ferrari, the red one is an Acura". I looked out front, and someone had parked a yellow 360 Spider next to my car. :tongue:
I had a guy tell me "if it wasnt for those wheels our cars would look like twins". LOL He owned a Jaguar XJ8:confused:. I dont see how they even look close to each other. Maybe you guys can see it? I wish I thought about taking a picture of both of them in the parking lot.

Maybe he was using sarcasm to deliver a compliment.
The following happened yesterday:

My girlfriend has my car right now while I get wheels/tires installed on her car. She locked the keys in the NSX yesterday morning with the engine running.

So she calls me panicked. I am sleeping so I don't get the call. She calls my mechanic then calls AAA. She explains to them very clearly that it is an Acura N-S-X November Sierra X-Ray and they agree to send someone out to unlock the car.

When the guy shows up he looks at the car and blurts out, "This is an NSX." So she is like "Yep, nothing gets by you, it IS an NSX." Then he repeats again, "This is an NSX" like he can't believe it. So again she says "yes, it IS an NSX". "Well, they told me it was a TL." So he doesn't want to touch the car because it is an NSX.

She found another guy who agreed to come out to get it unlocked for her who could control his emotions and get the job done.

This is more common: I had a kid roll down his window at a red light recently: "Sir, is that a Ferrari?" "No, it's an Acura." So he gives me a confused look and drives away.
I didn't think it was that funny at the time; I hope this is not a trend.

I was getting out of my car at a shopping center and an older gentleman asked, "Is that a Fiero?"

Needless to say, he was somewhat confused when I told him it was an Acura.
A homeless @ the light -rather young and not sick looking, which PISSES ME OFF b/c he could be working ANYWHERE- came to me and said:

ME: I don't think so, never was.
HIM: "Yes it was, I saw on a magazine"
ME: "Maybe in 91 lol"

Which made me think, "fastest car ever" ?? what is he mistaking with? Enzo? Vette? NO WAY? McLaren f1 road car?? haha oh how cool maybe that's what he thought it was!! ... what an smart bum! :wink:
So I get back to my car (stock standard '98 OEM wheels even) which was parked on Oxford St in Sydney CBD... This young guy, 20 something, runs up to me with his camera.

Him: "Hey man do you mind if I take a photo of your car?"
Me: "yeah mate - no worries"
Him: "Thanks man! This is the nicest Prelude I've ever seen!"
Me: "Ahh that's because it's not a Prelude; it's an NSX"
Him: "Ohh..."

Guy walks away disapointed without taking the photo...
Oh wow lol. Funny. At school when i took it last week a guy tryed to hide his pho e, then walked in front of me then as i drove off he pulled his phone out real quick for another picture. A funny story..... Some kids said nice car then proceded to rev their 95 mazda 4 door. J was trying to be nice and say a clean turbo (sfdreamer ;) was behind me and they should see it but they speed off like i would waste the gas racing a full car of people. I didnt even burn out or anything, shifted at 4k and still obliterated them. I think it was funny.

So I get back to my car (stock standard '98 OEM wheels even) which was parked on Oxford St in Sydney CBD... This young guy, 20 something, runs up to me with his camera.

Him: "Hey man do you mind if I take a photo of your car?"
Me: "yeah mate - no worries"
Him: "Thanks man! This is the nicest Prelude I've ever seen!"
Me: "Ahh that's because it's not a Prelude; it's an NSX"
Him: "Ohh..."

Guy walks away disapointed without taking the photo...
yes the problem with the prelude is a more often one

I`m refilling at gas station

a Man walks up and says I hade the older model, mine only had a back seat

no command


the quastion wich honda is that??? that isn`t an s2000 right?