whats the deal with my door handle?

13 March 2002
Clearwater FL
Hey guys, anyway I go to open my door and get out and I grab the door handle and start to open it when I feel a slight pop and my driver door handle is now just flopping back and forth,this is the INSIDE HANDLE.did I lose a cable hook ,did a piece break off.what gives and how much is the fix-me doing it

TIA Best Regards David
Unfortunately realtively common problem David
The pot metal lever lever part of the handle breaks
If you are lucky, it is the lower one that you can get a repair from SOS
That reference actually shows the pic of the broken piece as well as the replacement.
If not so lucky and it is the top piece, you need to replace the handle part itself as there is no part available separately. Only the entire handle assembly is available OEM!
Then the options are to find a used one or replace with the SOS billet ones. I actually sold both my left & right handles to separate guys who had broken theirs, after I upgraded mine to the SOS billet ones (which are beautiful incidentally)
Ken, so thats the deal all or nothing,thanks Acura. BTW I saw the billet handle while on SOS a few weeks ago and thought it was just a dress up part. 45 bucks...I can live with that. thanks for the info!
Best Regards David
Clarification - The $45 dollar part is only for the lower attachment 'fix-it' piece, not the billet pull-handles (which technically are a dress-up part, but may also be the only commercially available solution if the upper lever is broken)
I bought that $45 part for the drivers said from SOS and turned out I did not need it. PM me if you want it for $30 bucks.