what's the best product to boost a wireless signal in a home?

In the world of self help there is always the alternative measure and that is to pay someone else who has it down pat..nothing wrong with that...and I'm impressed that you have read all my posts and found nothing useful..I think Lud should ban me for wasted bandwidth:wink:
Wireless bridges imho are not all that reliable.

Better to go with Ethernet over Powerline, or pull ethernet cable to the main floors of the house and then use a wireless access point from there.

Trying to use wireless bridges is like trying to swim the ocean wearing concrete shoes. Just not all that great.

Well now I know that.

Only reason I bought the damn thing was because I got rooked with one of those "wifi ready" bluray players that really aren't wifi ready at all. :rolleyes:

Really irritating that Sony sells a product that has printed on the box "Instantly Stream Netflix Movies" when you can't "Instantly Stream Netflix Movies" without a gotdamn additional piece of hardware.

Even more irritating was that the gotdamn piece of additional hardware (wireless bridge) used to "Instantly Stream Netflix" was a piece of shit, too.

Boxed all the useless shit back up...sent it back and bought a Roku....all the while my poor mother is waiting to have streaming Netflix functionality.

Live and learn.
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