whats the average insurance coverage cost for a nsx

I have two cars on my policy right now (NSX and a Miata) and I pay just over $600/6 months with a good driver's record, $250 deductables on the NSX with Liability on the Miata. I'm 24.

That being said I just found out I can get a much better price from Progressive...switching soon :biggrin:

Stay away from Progressive...FAR AWAY...I speak from personal experience. Had some punk illegal alien with no insurance total my Accord a few years back when he was street racing and broadsided me (I walked away without a scratch thank God), but I had uninsured motorist. Progressive shorted me about $1000 on the car and also screwed me on the rental.

AAA or Farmers; I've had both and they weren't bad, but then the whole insurance game is a racket.
Stay away from Progressive...FAR AWAY...I speak from personal experience...... .

I had one incident where someone did a "hit and run" on one of my cars about a decade ago around 2AM when I left a car parked out on the street. Progressive had an insurance agent at my house 7am the next morning to do an assessment and cut a check on the spot. It was $1000 over the repair cost.
Wow, I'll have to call Wawanessa.

That's a very good rate.

Wawanesa Insurance
Live in SoCal
Age 32, male
$500 Deductible
$100k bodily injury/$300k per occurrence
$100k property damage
$5k medical payments
$30k/$60k uninsured/under insured motorist protection
Added $1200 in special equipment insurance (wheels)
Multi-car (have 2 cars), good driver, and persistency discounts applied

Price is $440 per year.

38 male, married, I'm paying about $600 with AAA, good driver, over 8 years with them

with 4 cars
home insurance
no after market stuff insurance

Stay away from Progressive...FAR AWAY...

+ mercury. They are cheap for a reason. They'll cheap out on paying the other guy if you're the insured. The other guy will take the insured to court, plus others..... These are experiences from LOTS of friends and people we know.
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I wish you guys would list also for where the car is insured as that is a major factor as well for a insurance quote. You dont even wanna know what I pay here in NYC. With a $1K ded and multi car discount im almost $4k/yr for full coverage on my 91 but my driving record is alittle spotty right now also

+1. 2800/yr here in joisey with perfect driving record on four cars.
Man, this is the right answer! I can't believe no one has mentioned this to the OP already. Geez obviously it is so varied by all the mentioned factors here that all these answers are absolutely POINTLESS! Wow - no disrespect buit man do a little homework and you'll find out really fast by calling insurance companies. You don't need to know what we pay you need to know what you're going to have to pay - no two drivers are the same unless they are the same age, same record, same insurance company, same number of years with that insurance company - do I really need to finish this sentence......:rolleyes: Why didn't anyone post the "flame suite"....ohhhh boy! I guess your next question is "can I afford an NSX on my pay" or "Should I finish school first before buying an NSX".....Flame Off.....

Oh, no! Not again!!! :rolleyes:

Do we really need yet another "how much do you pay for insurance" topic? Come on, folks - this has been discussed here many times before. We already have way too many such topics as it is, and anyone can check the numbers posted in them by clicking on these links:


and, of course, don't forget


Finally, to quote Mr. nsxtasy:

"Rates are going to vary depending on company, state, town, age, driving record, coverages and limits, etc.

There's a very easy way to find out how much it will cost for you to insure an NSX. Just call your insurance company and ask. They can tell you, even without you having to buy the car. Or you can check an online service such as http://www.insweb.com"
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Man, this is the right answer! I can't believe no one has mentioned this to the OP already. Geez obviously it is so varied by all the mentioned factors here that all these answers are absolutely POINTLESS! Wow - no disrespect buit man do a little homework and you'll find out really fast by calling insurance companies. You don't need to know what we pay you need to know what you're going to have to pay - no two drivers are the same unless they are the same age, same record, same insurance company, same number of years with that insurance company - do I really need to finish this sentence......:rolleyes: Why didn't anyone post the "flame suite"....ohhhh boy! I guess your next question is "can I afford an NSX on my pay" or "Should I finish school first before buying an NSX".....Flame Off.....

+1 Tim is so d right.
25 male Georgia
State farm 100/300/50, UM,
Comp ded $200 Col ded $1000
98'NSX-T and 05'ZX6R
Man, this is the right answer! I can't believe no one has mentioned this to the OP already. Geez obviously it is so varied by all the mentioned factors here that all these answers are absolutely POINTLESS! Wow - no disrespect buit man do a little homework and you'll find out really fast by calling insurance companies. You don't need to know what we pay you need to know what you're going to have to pay - no two drivers are the same unless they are the same age, same record, same insurance company, same number of years with that insurance company - do I really need to finish this sentence......:rolleyes: Why didn't anyone post the "flame suite"....ohhhh boy! I guess your next question is "can I afford an NSX on my pay" or "Should I finish school first before buying an NSX".....Flame Off.....

wow bad day at work?:smile:
i cant ask a question? i thought this was a free message board!:smile: i mean might as well not even have forums in general. god forbid someone ask a question thats been discussed prior, just google everything right?

i guess closed the thread.

btw my insurance needed up being alot bc the actual cash value of the payout incase of a total loss on my 04 is alot.

twice as much money as my e90 insurance.
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I recommend looking into classic and exotic car insurance (i.d AAA, Hagerty etc.). This is mainly for those, who do not use there NSX as a daily driver. In order to get insurance through these terms, you must have regular transportation, and with companies like Hagerty, you're limited to mileage per year.

I insured all of my exotics, with AAA. I saved quite a bit, and more importantly the values are more realistic and really take into consideration the rarety and replacement for such a vehicle.

Hope this helps.
what are you guys paying btw

im looking into a na2 and was wondering whats the insurance prices like?

for us older drivers over 25:biggrin:

Quite simply, insurance costs can be state specific, and, vary based on you or your families driving experience. Check around with different insurance companies as well as classic insurance companies like Haggerty. If my insurance was say 35% less than your quote...means nothing, you could be getting a better deal based on state and driving habits. Again, only way to tell is to shop around. I would recommend going with a reputable insurance carrier. While no personal experience, anecdotally, folks are having issues with some insurance carriers.
2004 full coverage state farm santa monica
150.00 per month 500 ded comp collison
48 years old with multiple speeding tickets :)
been with sf for 7 years also have rentors ins for beachfront apartment
in santa monica
wow bad day at work?:smile:
i cant ask a question? i thought this was a free message board!:smile: i mean might as well not even have forums in general. god forbid someone ask a question thats been discussed prior, just google everything right?

i guess closed the thread.

btw my insurance needed up being alot bc the actual cash value of the payout incase of a total loss on my 04 is alot.

twice as much money as my e90 insurance.

Not a bad day at all and btw - what does that 3 paragraph mean - man you gotta be clear at least. What I'm trying to say and sorry for flamming you but you gotta admit the answers to your question are of very little use. If you call your insurance and you don't like the answer - then get quotes from other insurers. But the point is that your record, address, age of car, your age, means everything and none of us is just like you. So our info on what we pay means nothing to you - it's not relevant. If you were asking what insurance co.s do we like that's one thing but you ultimately are not getting quotes for insurance from us - you gotta get that from the companies based on your own personal information - right?

So what is the point of your question. One of the answers here has relevance and that's about classic car insurers like Haggerty - there are mileage restrictions - you haven't mentioned how much you'll be driving? Your question wasn't very well phrased. So what have you learned here so far - other than my post? Anything?

Flame off....
Not a bad day at all and btw - what does that 3 paragraph mean - man you gotta be clear at least. What I'm trying to say and sorry for flamming you but you gotta admit the answers to your question are of very little use. If you call your insurance and you don't like the answer - then get quotes from other insurers. But the point is that your record, address, age of car, your age, means everything and none of us is just like you. So our info on what we pay means nothing to you - it's not relevant. If you were asking what insurance co.s do we like that's one thing but you ultimately are not getting quotes for insurance from us - you gotta get that from the companies based on your own personal information - right?

So what is the point of your question. One of the answers here has relevance and that's about classic car insurers like Haggerty - there are mileage restrictions - you haven't mentioned how much you'll be driving? Your question wasn't very well phrased. So what have you learned here so far - other than my post? Anything?

Flame off....

+1 couldn't agree with you more.......