drive the car and have it inspected by your mechanic. I prefer my automatic in stop and go city traffic. I'd prefer a manual most
other times. I bought my car for 4K less than a comparable manual. I didn't have to worry about the clutch and the car is effortlessly and flawlessly fast off the line. If the car is good and there is an appropriate discount for the automatic transmission, I don't think you can go wrong.
Originally posted by ck:
And there are less buyers for an automatic. Believe it or not.

If you are talking about the ENTIRE nsx buyer pool, I agree.

Originally posted by ck:
Is 9% of buyers a high proportion to you?

What you don't get is I'm NOT comparing the Auto/Sportshift buyer to your "stick" buyer...you are. I believe they are two different buyers. Acura obviously believed [and sold] that there was 9% of the people who would buy an auto/sportshift. Do you think that 100% of those buyers are something less than that today?

Is there a smaller pool for auto/sportshift yes... that's like asking is there a smaller pool for NSX's than Honda Accords... sure.

But is the pool smaller as a sample size than when they sold new. No.

I believe that the pool for those buyers could be somewhat larger today because new buyers must pay a premium for a Sportshift while used buyers get a discount.

Originally posted by ck:
I don't see where the math doesn't work out for you. If 9% of the whopping 7421 original NSX from 91-98 were automatics. Your dealing with a group of just several hundred people vs. several thousands. That's a big difference.

As I stated above. The math works out for me, it's you that doesn't get it. Of the 100% of the people who are looking for an NSX, believe or not, 9% of those don't want a your "stick".

If I take your position, I might as well buy an Accord, because the pool would be HUGE and as you've said, "That's a big difference."
Awhile back I read an article that talked about the NSX automatic. The buyers of automatic NSX, based from the survey in that magazine, was more interested in the prestige factor of owning an NSX, rather than performance itself. I know that when it comes to performance, a manual car is best, but when it comes to prestige, does it really matter? On the road I won't be able to tell an automatic NSX from a manual. People will still see a person driving an NSX. My local dealer has told me that they have had buyers that would pay a premium for an automatic, if the dealer could find the exact color combination they wanted. JC is looking into this '97-T auto, based on the faq here (http://www.nsxprime.com/FAQ/General/productionnumbers.htm) only 29 were made in the entire US. If we break it down to color combinations, say it was a red/black 97-T, only 4 was made. My friends all would choose a manual NSX over an automatic, however, I don't doubt that there are buyers out there that would pay a premium for an automatic NSX in the exact color combination they desire.

This is stupid. How about you read carefully what I wrote before responding. I was talking about the ENTIRE NSX buyer pool. Why would I be talking about the proportion of auto buyers vs. stick? I am saying there are less people overall that prefer an automatic. Got it? You can interpret my words however you like, but the fact is that less people want and buy automatics. That's it. Not because they are better or worse. Just because that is how it is.

"If I take your position, I might as well buy an Accord, because the pool would be HUGE and as you've said, "That's a big difference." - jag

What the hell is that supposed to mean? Nice analogy. I'm out of this thread.

[This message has been edited by ck (edited 12 March 2002).]
Get him, Chris!
Originally posted by ck:

This is stupid. How about you read carefully what I wrote before responding.

You are young, so I'll cut you some slack. Someday you will reread this thread and get what I'm saying.
