what would you pay?

stevie said:
For a 94 NSX, blk/blk, 5 spd, 80k km, stock, local
car, 2nd owner, properly maintained. Thanks for your input.

The FAQ suggests around US$35K. So I would think that about C$45K is about right after conversion and a few grand premium for avoiding the issues associated with bringing up a US car.

Less is always better tho ;)
I don't want to be negative, but make sure that you check out your options before getting too serious. Compared to what's in the US, a lot of Canadian NSXs are listed pretty high and importing might be worth a look. :smile:
I would buy in the US. Seriously I looked for Canadian cars and eventually got so annoyed (I don't have time to source a car in the US) and bought a Supra instead. The market here sucks, and the cars are overpriced for what you are getting. I agree with fifrules.
I would price CDN cars against their US counterparts, but I would prefer a CDN car everytime if you find a good one. A US car will sell for less up here then the equivalent CDN car and, to top it off, you can have serious problems bringing it across the border.

Id price the US car, add 21% after conversion and thats the best price AFTER TAX for the CDN car.
You really shouldn't have any "serious problems" bringing the car across the border. It's a hassle, but the price difference makes it very, very worthwhile.

They can't deny an NSX entry into Canada, because it's on the RIV list and meets all the criteria. It's just a matter of bringing it into compliance (DRLs).
The RCL Letter is only a problem for those folks that don't do their homework, to get all the proper papers.

They usually buy first and try to get the RCL after, which is the problem. You need to get the RCL as the registered US owner...ie the registered owner have to request the RCL.

who do you need to show the recall letter to? the inspectors? or at the border? CAn I just get a recall letter from the local Acura/ Honda dealers?
joboo said:
who do you need to show the recall letter to? the inspectors? or at the border? CAn I just get a recall letter from the local Acura/ Honda dealers?

You get it from acura USA. And yeah Bram is right, if you're not the original owner they may give you a hard time. They did to me, till I called back the second time and impersonated the original owner. haha..I sound like a Rodriguez, eh? :p

Customs needs it, details here: www.riv.ca