What would you do?

Would you buy an NSX with N20 installed?

  • No way, are you nuts! N20 will wreck your motor!

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • Not sure,would need to give it some thought.

    Votes: 17 41.5%
  • Only if it was installed by you or your kit or another good N20 tuner.

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Sure, I am an N20 guy.I know done right it wont hurt the motor

    Votes: 5 12.2%

  • Total voters
13 March 2002
Clearwater FL
Just wish to know this fact. if I install n20 on a car is it still marketable with the n20 still installed but client needs to sell. I dont have a clue as to how many NSX'S have spray on them.I would like to know that also but thats another poll. I also wonder how many are sold and the fact is never mentioned by seller that it did have n20.

Edit: found this previous poll on prime front page, 420 NSX on the spray, compare this number to how many posts regarding blown motors from S/C and Turbo's,how many about blown from n20? I think the numbers speak volumes about n20 safety record on the X but I am a tad bias
After reading about the latest CTSC installed by Larry Bastanza I am really getting the bug to run the CTSC with a 50 shot,I think it can fly.the know how by the motor techs and quality of the S/C seem to be expanding rapidly.

Poll #9 - October 2002 - April 2003

Topic: "My Performance Mods Include:"
Intake 9% (1034 Votes)
Headers 8% (854 Votes)
Exhaust 10% (1052 Votes)
Chip / ECU 5% (634 Votes)
Nitrous 3% (420 Votes)
Turbocharger 4% (441 Votes)
Supercharger 4% (484 Votes)
Internal Engine Work 4% (432 Votes)
Clutch / Flywheel / Gearing 6% (701 Votes)
Springs / Shocks 8% (894 Votes)
Strut / Sway Bars 6% (731 Votes)
Bushings / Toe Links 3% (393 Votes)
Wheels / Tires 11% (1139 Votes)
Brakes 7% (762 Votes)
Weight reduction (50kg or more) 4% (515 Votes)
Total Votes: 10591
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I think for most buyers it would be less of necessarily believing that N2O perhaps is leaving a lasting problem but more a perception associated with "NOS" of 'boy racer, rode hard put, away wet'; visualizations of street races, doughnuts, burn-outs etc. This obviously is not necessarily the norm but there is perhaps a certain stigma associated with it (some of which is very likely through ignorance)
It really depends on the circumstances - who installed it, wet or dry & how well tuned, how often it was on spray, were std. redlines respected, all maintenance iobserved etc etc.
At the other end of the spectrum, there's the perception of the little old lady's car who never drove over 30mph being the ultimate buy - but perhaps she lugged it up hills in high gear at that speed, never changed the oil or did any other maintenance in 50,000 miles!
So you just can't generalize. But I think given similar choices the 'safety' conscious would pick the non-spray car - even if they would consider installing a kit themselves!
92NSX said:
If I were looking at an NSX to buy and it had a NO2 bottle in the car or was told that it had at one time, I wouldn't pursue it any longer.
Maurice, put that IN the poll!
Well first off, the car I bought had N20 on it while for sale. We negotiated it out of the price and he removed it. So yes I would buy it from the right seller. Meaning, the person I bought it from, knew his stuff. He had it set up right, and used it the way it was supposed to be used. So in cases where the owner seemed to know what he was doing, I would consider it. Now if it was some punk a$$ kid who was bragging about how many bottles he went through and didn't seem to fully understand the pros and cons of N20, then not a chance. To be fair though, in my case, I knew I was going to be building the motor anyways, so I didn't care that much in this situation.
92NSX said:
If I were looking at an NSX to buy and it had a NO2 bottle in the car or was told that it had at one time, I wouldn't pursue it any longer.

I'm with you...

BadCarma why do you continually compare FI with Nitrous??? Nitrous is totally useless except for drag/street racing... And it is not permanent hp solution.
AU_NSX said:
I'm with you...

BadCarma why do you continually compare FI with Nitrous??? Nitrous is totally useless except for drag/street racing... And it is not permanent hp solution.

AU_NSX, I have only made the comparison the last couple days,and it is not about performance,its about the safety record.and if you bothered to read the poll the objective is clear .would you buy a NSX that has or had n20 on it.your position is duly noted.

I hardly believe that is about butting heads with the F/I folks like you.its about understanding the perception of n20 on the NSX.I hope that you will reread the poll.you might see my point.and its not about whom believes its useless or has no value to enhance performance on the track or otherwise AND where did you read I ever advocate it as a full time solution?
like it or not many NSX'S have or had n20 on them.I want to know what effect it has on resale value and why,hence pitting its safety record against known F/I motors that have failed (fact!),and if more F/I motors fail and the n20 motors are not.then why the stigma that it is bad for the motor.you are way off on your perception of motive.
Yes I understand that they are apples and oranges as to what can be achieved.I am in no way slamming F/I.INFACT I am looking into F/I for my car with n20 also.you are not trying to see the big picture,I also know that n20 is not allowed at many tracks ,it is on some and know folks that use it in the straights to overtake faster cars.go back and read past posts by me and make the same statement that I am in some way saying it is a better option in any terms and am in a constant battle for hearts and minds..you wont find a single post by me comparing or slandering F/I.the same cannot be said for you.as seen in this post.it has a very combative vibe. I hope that answered your questions.gathering facts via a poll should not become driven by emotion.just the facts please and if the overall opinion slants one way or the other is of no concern to me just the data. good luck with your F/I tuned X but live and let live. as n20 X'S are not going away.

You started this poll and this thread together. This is where you compared the reliability of FI vs N2O:
BadCarma said:
(420 cars on the juice)
looks good for n20 as far as how many cars are on the juice compared to reports of blown motors,now think about all F/I And N20 cars and the number of reported blown motors for the respective choice.n20 has the HIGHEST safety record as far as I can tell from the archives of S/C,Turbo,N20
just food for thought,please feel free(I know you will) to poke holes in this point of view

I think you have misunderstood me... I am not emotional about it, if you want to put Nitrous on your car, it doesn't worry me in the slightest...

If you read my posts... you will see that did not say that it was unreliable, or will destroy your motor or anything else against it! All I said is that it was only good for street/drag racing...

You were the one who introduced the reliability of FI vs Nitrous! All I did was point out that you can't compare the two... Or at least you shouldn't! :wink:
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