What would you do for a car?

10 September 2002
I was channel surfing last night, and caught Fear Factor on NBC. I normally don't watch trash TV, but they were showing people eating live African cave dwelling spiders for a chance to win an RX-8...
The spiders looked totally nasty and were mean as hell, they were biting the contestants with their pincers and stretching their legs out to keep from being swallowed. :eek:

I probably wouldn't eat one of these critters for an NSX, much less an RX-8! How about you?



  • amplypygid(hon).jpg
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oh i was watching that last night also.....very grotesque, indeed. my goose bumps couldn't go down for the next hour or so.....

in that situation, i would also eat it for a new car.....if they were giving away NSXs...heck, i would even eat the table the spiders were on....
might have said yes to eating a spider two days ago but after yesterday NO. Yesterday I was doing some yard work and felt stinging on my arms. When pulled up my sleeves I was shocked to see little baby spiders and spider bites all over both of my arms. Hundreds of bites. I could not feel them crawling on my skin they were so small.
after the spider bites, did you feel sleepy? and after you woke up this morning, do you feel stronger? no need for glasses? able to sense things better? quicker reflexes? climb walls?

this may be a good sign.....:D
LOL. I did feel very sleepy I could not even keep my eyes open as hard as I tried and was out cold by 8 pm. Usually I go to bed between 1 or 2 am. Must have been a bada@@ gang of spiders.
went to bed early, huh? that's the first sign......

start designing that costume.....and remember, with greater powers comes more responsibilities. :)
Blue Knight said:
went to bed early, huh? that's the first sign......

start designing that costume.....and remember, with greater powers comes more responsibilities. :)

haha, your crazy Blue..................... BLUE, YOURE MY BOY!!!!!!! (from the movie Old School!!) :D
Not that I am on the side of the spider, but don't you think there is some activist group up in arms somewhere about this? You can't do anything these days without pissing off some civil rights, political, or ecological group somewhere and I would think that the live massacre of any creature, insect, arachnid, or whatever would stir the pot, and literally in some episodes of fear factor. :)
jlindy said:
Not that I am on the side of the spider, but don't you think there is some activist group up in arms somewhere about this? You can't do anything these days without pissing off some civil rights, political, or ecological group somewhere and I would think that the live massacre of any creature, insect, arachnid, or whatever would stir the pot, and literally in some episodes of fear factor. :)

Eactly... So don't eat my precious cockroaches... :D
wait so these things were alive when people ate them?

fear factor better have a great team of lawyers haha.
KulSecHskY said:
wait so these things were alive when people ate them?

fear factor better have a great team of lawyers haha.

I would imagine that each contestant would have to sign an agreement to relieve the producers of any liability if anything bad were to happen.
i agree they do eat some nasty stuff.....i always wonder what happens to those people a few days after the show.....diarrhea, fever, vomit???
that ain't nothin.... ill eat two of em if i have to.
Is it me or does that spider look just like the monster in the movie Predator?

And no I wouldn't eat that thing for 50K! I know if I saw it in my house I would step on it for free though. I think I might call the exterminator in case there was any more of his friends.