What the F--k is going on here?

Grow up.

This whole thread is a flame. I'm not impressed with the "maturity" shown by the member that started the thread in the first place.

My friends and I have a saying...

"Take what you need and leave the rest."

This really applies here.
steveny said:
The search funtion is a valuable tool but I also hate to use the search. I can't see the value in spending lots of time sifting through a bunch of crap to find one thing that someone else may be able to answer in seconds. BTW the search funtion helped me to buy an almost perfect NSX.

Reposts: So often people get blasted for reposting. About 99% of the time I never saw the first post so the repost to me is like a first post.


Search can be very valuable and I DO use it but MANY times it takes forever to sift out what you're really looking for.

THEN I just ask.

And so what if it's been discussed before. NOBODY reads all the threads/posts. And this CAR hasn't changed materially in 4 years and if everybody hear wasn't still talking about it you'd have NO site. :biggrin:
Stop wanting or expecting other people to act in a matter you would personally prefer them to do or be.

You can save yourself a lot of aggravation. People are different.

It is your "choice" if you want to pay attention to them or not though.

Trust me.....I've been through that kind of thinking before.
NsXMas said:
I have a question:Is it all Bush's fault?:biggrin:

Stick-e-rice said:
You can save yourself a lot of aggravation. People are different.
It is your "choice" if you want to pay attention to them or not though.

RPM217 said:
Dawn, I can't believe you brought this post up again, it's been untouched for a month!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

LOL... My bad~ :redface: I didn't even look at the dates.... It was the first one bolded when I opened topic.... Guess I hadn't be updated.... Sorrryyy ....

But since we're here and talking about peace and "Serenity Now" :tongue: hehe ..... here's one for ya!!

MiamiMermaid said:

But since we're here and talking about peace and "Serenity Now" :tongue: hehe ..... here's one for ya!!

Since we are talking about peace and serenity and tis the season, here is my addition to a peaceful image (my version of Raphael's Madonna and Child)

Alot of the other forums i was on are 10 times worse then what i have seen on here. When a troll enters, we all unite and scare the trolls away. I am a newbie, and since I have been on this site, met with other members (locally & talked with some internationally), been to meets and events, and i have to say its been the time of my life.....

As for the new culture, we are going to keep the PRIME legacy going when you guys a gone, defend it like a fat kid would a cupcake...

You guys will remain as the OG's of PRIME....
Hmm.. Bored at work and came across this thread. Ressurecting for my $0.02. I frequent two boards, one a local board, dedicated mainly to Stangs and F-bodys, and here, on occassion. The first board, being local, and fairly small (probably 5-600 ACTIVE members) and being "mulletmobile" based, I understand and am amused when the threads deteriorate and result in name calling, cursing, etc. There is only a little bit of technical knowledge to be gained, as all car makes are represented, and there are too many brand specific websites out there. I know or have met the majority of the owners, and although most are good people, some really are jerks, kinda like here.
Unfortunately, I always thought Prime and the NSX community held itself to a higher standard, and it seems those days are gone. Maybe it is the general trend of people becoming less "mannered" due to the net, but I seem to recall a time here when people seemed to be more gentlemanly, and got respect from me simply by being here and being a contributing member. Granted, I still have a heck of a lot of respect for a lot of people here, but the site is not what it used to be. My local website goes through cycles of stupidity, but one of those cycles here got me to the point where I am not a regular visitor any more, and only check in once and a while on my friends, and for technical info, most of which can be found with a search. At one time, I thought NSX's and their owners were classy, exotic, and a true brotherhood. Now I just see it as another car, with owners that are just as bad as Pcar and Fcar owners. And it honestly makes me kinda sad.
I think Drew has a good point re changing demographics and the reduced price of admission as the NSX price drops on older cars and some can scrape together the price.

One of the reasons I like this forum is that generally there is little to no bad language or name calling. Please treat people as though you were face to face while writing.
Cairo94507 said:
I think Drew has a good point re changing demographics and the reduced price of admission as the NSX price drops on older cars and some can scrape together the price.

One of the reasons I like this forum is that generally there is little to no bad language or name calling. Please treat people as though you were face to face while writing.

Honda...hurry up with that HSC!!! But then again I think a lot (<50%) of the current members on prime would wait a year to get the HSC at a preowned discount.
steveny said:
Honda...hurry up with that HSC!!! But then again I think a lot (<50%) of the current members on prime would wait a year to get the HSC at a preowned discount.

There you have it...

A lot of "loyal" NSX fans yes, but the question is how many of us would/could buy a HSC. I know I can't :tongue: (because it will probably cost 300.000 $ here). Many will just let other who can afford buy, and just wait a decade and buy one... LOL :tongue: Unless the new HSC has mid-engine layout like NSX, I would probably buy a 997 GT3 instead... I think the whole supercar-from-Honda-magic is long gone...
I've been a member for a few years now, but I would consider myself an infrequent poster. The search function answers 90% of my questions and I always think thrice before posting anything.

I too have noticed a slow degradation of the language used on Prime. I always loved that the usual crap spewed on most other forums rarely showed up here. My pet peeve is the posting with numerous spelling errors and bad grammar, but that's just me.

Maybe a posting fee wouldn't be such a bad idea. It would certainly help Lud with administratin costs. We could make it voluntary, annual, and put a little icon under the avatar of those contributing.

As bad as it may be getting, we are still one of the best forums out here.

My $0.000000000002
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You know what?
In the Canadian section we joke and tease eachother all the time (Dave aka BioBanker always starts it, but that's because he's a big fag and his car sucks)

We do it all for laughs, and we've been pleased to see that the (much) lower American Dollar (Thanks Bush, Please invade Iran so I can get am F-Car for $20,000 CDN soon!) has brought us a bunch of "new" and "young" primers to come to our events and joke around with.

I decided to buy an NSX vs. F-car for the "clubbiness" of Prime and my desire to be part of a diverse community of fun people - I don't give a shiite if Captan Thongs Wheels are too big, or Mikey's car is just too high - I like them as guys and like joking around with them.

Everyone has their own tastes, but there is a difference between flaming and teasing - flaming is when you try to exhert your will on someone else's post - teasing is when you have fun with their opinion.

Lets all not grow up - if we were grown-ups we'd drive chrysler concords.
steveny said:
That is Bullshit!

wat are u talking bout!

Now that is the kind of quality posting that we need around here!!!!!

Three cheers for Steve!! :biggrin:
I'm in your forum, killing your humor....
Red said:
You know what?
In the Canadian section we joke and tease eachother all the time (Dave aka BioBanker always starts it, but that's because he's a big fag and his car sucks)

We do it all for laughs, and we've been pleased to see that the (much) lower American Dollar (Thanks Bush, Please invade Iran so I can get am F-Car for $20,000 CDN soon!) has brought us a bunch of "new" and "young" primers to come to our events and joke around with.

I decided to buy an NSX vs. F-car for the "clubbiness" of Prime and my desire to be part of a diverse community of fun people - I don't give a shiite if Captan Thongs Wheels are too big, or Mikey's car is just too high - I like them as guys and like joking around with them.

Everyone has their own tastes, but there is a difference between flaming and teasing - flaming is when you try to exhert your will on someone else's post - teasing is when you have fun with their opinion.

Lets all not grow up - if we were grown-ups we'd drive chrysler concords.
The guy I bought my car from said the same thing almost 2 years ago.
(And that I should be aware of it) I was........
He said many orig owners are selling their cars and moving on and
as prices drop, younger owners are showing up (I do not consider my self very young @ 45)
He also mentioned Prime had really changed (this was 2 years ago).
This has happened to many cars, but there were no forums around to monitor this phenomenon.
How many mid year corvettes escaped radious'd wheel wells & cheezy paint work? Or 911's turned into Turbo look alike's?
There will be 2 types of NSX's down the road, and 2 types of owners.
With 2 different values systems for our cars. 100% maintained cars, and the rest.
Both types of owners will be posting on Prime.
(Almost forgot, there may be a 3rd type. The dunce who low-balls/ rips off sellers then try's to sell it on Prime for a profit.)
Just my opinion.......:tongue:
This really makes me sad to think one day there could be no more Prime. I really look forward to reading what you guys have to say and I have learned a lot about many things because of prime. I hope this site doesn't just disappear as the price of the NSX goes down. I also hope a bunch of young jackasses don't take the place down. I like to be one of the few jackasses here. Too many jackasses and I will just blend in. That won't be much fun for me.