What not to do when getting a ticket in NYC

11 August 2011
Arlington, VA

If you think you don't deserve a ticket, trying to drive away while the officer is writing it is a horrible idea. While I think the cop could have shown a bit of restraint, I suppose being a dick to a dick is fairly normal now a days. Personally, I think he should have simply let the law do his talking and not bash the kid or the car around.

If you think you don't deserve a ticket, trying to drive away while the officer is writing it is a horrible idea. While I think the cop could have shown a bit of restraint, I suppose being a dick to a dick is fairly normal now a days. Personally, I think he should have simply let the law do his talking and not bash the kid or the car around.

What kind of hippie talking is this, a car ran over your foot while you were enforcing the law legally.
Please, the cop put his foot underneath the tire. He knew what he was doing. Watch the video he moved his body and foot closer to the car 3 times then limps around afterwards like he's hurt. What a power tripping pussy.
Please, the cop put his foot underneath the tire. He knew what he was doing. Watch the video he moved his body and foot closer to the car 3 times then limps around afterwards like he's hurt. What a power tripping pussy.

Don't push, run over, TOUCH a cop if they are in your way.
Oh no I get it. It's still bs. That cop put his body in the way on purpose to give him the excuse to slam the guy to the ground and then limped around like a punk for something he did to put himself in harms way.

It is the job of a cop to put themselves in harm's way. Stepping in front of the car was a non verbal way to cue the driver to remain there, he did not step in the car's way to pretend to be an autocross cone.
It is the job of a cop to put themselves in harm's way. Stepping in front of the car was a non verbal way to cue the driver to remain there, he did not step in the car's way to pretend to be an autocross cone.

Bs. He put himself in "harms way" so he could get authority to beat on the guy. The car was parked in a valet lane and all he was getting was a parking ticket or lack of visible city reg. Both tickets could just as easily been mailed to the offending party. He wanted an excuse to pound on the "1percenter" with the odacity to illegally park a Ferrari in "his city."
Bs. He put himself in "harms way" so he could get authority to beat on the guy. The car was parked in a valet lane and all he was getting was a parking ticket or lack of visible city reg. Both tickets could just as easily been mailed to the offending party. He wanted an excuse to pound on the "1percenter" with the odacity to illegally park a Ferrari in "his city."

What type of conspiracy theory is that?

If the cop wanted this 1 per center, then why did he wait to pull him out of the car until after the car had moved? If the cop really didn't like him he would of just yanked him out right away.

If you're driving a Ferrari just pay the ticket. Don't try to bully a cop or you get what you deserve.
What type of conspiracy theory is that?

If the cop wanted this 1 per center, then why did he wait to pull him out of the car until after the car had moved? If the cop really didn't like him he would of just yanked him out right away.

If you're driving a Ferrari just pay the ticket. Don't try to bully a cop or you get what you deserve.

Fair enough if your writing a ticket and they guy drives away don't stick your foot underneath the tire so you can take out your aggresions on him.
Both were wrong, but the cop clearly puts his knee against the front bumper and his foot in front of the tire so that he could claim an injury. He was probably looking for workman's compensation/time off/etc., and possibly even a lawsuit against the driver (not sure if cops can sue civilians for being injured while on duty).

The kid should have just taken the ticket, but the cop clearly put his foot there so he could claim that he was assaulted and take it out on the kid.
My .02 is I think he placed his foot there while he placed his knee slightly against the bumper as a "gesture" to "not" put the car in motion. I believe the driver should've at least stopped and ask what the issue was before entering his car. This would've possibly saved a trip to jail. Right or Wrong, we all know if you in any way you touch/poke, or any kind of agressive gesture, it's gauranteed your taking a trip. I blame both parties for not communicating. On another note, the girl was cute but not Ferrari cute.:rolleyes: Of course I could be wrong..............but not about the girl.
I see it this way....

Cop needed his hands to complete the ticket, He more than likely was going to be writing more than one summons. (no reg, no inspection,no front plate, no seatbelt, and who knows what else. regardless if he was OK'd by the valets.

I only think he attempted putting his body in the way as his hands were being used writing the ticket(s). When the subject got into his vehicle then the officer felt the need to attempt stopping the car. He did stop writing the ticket to better position himself for this. He did reposition a few times but i am guessing to be better stance for authority or stability.

putting his foot by the front tire IMO was not the smartest thing he could have done, but then again with minimal reaction time to do your job (tickets and such) stop the person who was clearly resisting getting the summons, keep calm, I can certainly see why he would do that. However a foot doesnt stop a car.

He did get his foot pinched (to what extent will be a debate that only a physician can truly state) I do think he reaction was within reason, the driver was ignoring the PO and well... I believe the "take down" was within reason for someone ignoring an officers orders and using his vehicle to attempt ignoring the officers orders. I didnt see him get beat up, abused, or anything else of the sort.
I believe the driver should've at least stopped and ask what the issue was before entering his car.
Just to provide some further information, here is some alleged back story.

"A man had valeted his car in New York City. The valet gave him his keys, but as he was about to leave a cop began writing him a citation. The owner told the valet he was getting a ticket, and valet went to talk to the cops. The valet went to get a manager, while the cop continued writing a ticket. That’s presumably when the owner decided his part was done, and got in his car to leave, to let the valet and cop sort it out."

Incidentally, that dude laid there on the ground for an awful long time.

Some good discussion on this topic here:

I agree with the assessment that the officer's behavior will likely rule in favor of the douchebag kid, which is a real shame and does nothing for the image of police everywhere.
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In any city/county/state, when the cop is writting a ticket, no driver can assume his part is done and drive away. Again, that is a recipie for disaster.
Don't leave until the officer says it's ok to. It just won't end well. You can win it in court but you'll come up short everytime on the street. Theres no way you'll drive off and the cop will say, oh well, he left so thats that, just no way. Even if the cops wrong, on the street, he's right. Thats just how it works, everytime. Again, commumication is the key.
bs. He put himself in "harms way" so he could get authority to beat on the guy. The car was parked in a valet lane and all he was getting was a parking ticket or lack of visible city reg. Both tickets could just as easily been mailed to the offending party. He wanted an excuse to pound on the "1percenter" with the odacity to illegally park a ferrari in "his city."

My question is, who was filming this incident and why was everyone allowing it to be filmed? Maybe it's part of another new weekly movie?
My question is, who was filming this incident and why was everyone allowing it to be filmed? Maybe it's part of another new weekly movie?


It was filmed by a random passerby. Just like anyone else you see in the background of the video. This was a public place (in front of a hotel) in NY.

What do you mean why was everyone allowing it to be filmed? No one needed permission to film this incident.
did I say fuck that cop already? Yeah? Oh well, I said it again. I hate power tripping assholes. That driver was wrong also but that cop WANTED that too happen.

I agree completely. The driver was completely at fault for not stopping and just taking the ticket, but the cop wanted an excuse to claim assault. My guess is either workman's compensation, paid leave, personal lawsuit, or otherwise.

Either that or he just wanted an excuse to go on a power trip and cause property damage to the ferrari, and batter the kid a little (thereby also causing damage to the taxi cab).

A professional would have gotten him to shut the engine off, get out the car, and take the ticket without laying a hand on him or the car.

I love his fake limp at the end.
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No one needed permission to film this incident.
While true, Passline's question is valid as police have been rather - uncooperative about being filmed in many circumstances.

This site (http://gizmodo.com/5900680/7-rules-for-recording-police) has a pretty good overview of the situation and some good advice to follow.

In regards to the origin of this film, a car fan was walking by, saw the 458 and was interested. He thought that film footage of a red ferrari getting a ticket would be useful for something and started taping. Little did he know....
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