What kind of compliments do you receive when driving the NSX?

I was visiting some family in N.C. not long ago, and passing through a small town, I stopped in to gas up. This redneck dude comes up and asked me: "Is that like a Corvette but cheaper?" :rolleyes: LOL I just replied "yeah, that's exactly what it is...." Not sure if that would be considered a compliment though! Sad thing is, the guy was totally serious....:confused:
A young lady at the grocery store confronted me the other day. She asked a bunch of questions and I did my best to keep eye-contact as her cleavage was quite substantial. The last comment was something like, "the tail lights make it look a little bit like a Honda." I said, yeah, a little bit. :biggrin:
I got an out the window thumbs up from a Carrera GT and countless honks and engine revs from F-cars and Lambos. Otherwise I think Scottsdale AZ might just be the F-car and Lambo-G capital of the U.S. (save SoCal of course) so I don't really get a lot of attention by the average joe non-enthusiast. It seems to me that most people know what it is when they actually approach me, but many people just say, "nice corvette/ferrari." Girls/Women like the Wrangler better. :biggrin:
one girl said if i could sit in this car for a second i'll be your friend forever and it was very :biggrin: :cool:
i've only owned my NSX for a bit over a month, and I have gotten ZERO compliments from strangers. but, like the guy above, I am from exotic-filled southern california so its a common sight, so no biggie =] not like it matters.

but its always fun to make people guess what year it is... even funner when friends/family think i bought the car brand new (92 white nsx). good times.
I've only had the car since 11/06. I've yet to get the ignorant "corvette" remark yet.
I did have a homeless fellow tell me "Hey Acura, nice car. I bet everyone thinks it's a Ferrari"

I am not sure that any remarks are ignorant...they just don't know or are not car folks. Hell I've schooled my wife on cars since we were first together and first thing outta her mouth when I showed her what I was interested in buying was "looks the Corvette!". This is a woman that will call me on her cell phone to tell me she is driving behind a Lambo or Ferrari! At least they recognize that it is something a little bit above the rest.
I was at a Grapevine downtown event Saturday, I was in my truck and had my two boys 5 and 7, A stock except wheels red NSX drove bye. My son said cool car dad!! Funny thing, he didn't realize we had a black one at home!!! Much modified from the red one we saw... My buddy can't stand my NSX, he has a 2004 Corvette,pretty much stock except exhaust. We take both cars out, and he gets no love at all....He now offers to pick me up,so we can leave the NSX at home.I am like .A kitchen pass, no kids, and a Clean NSX, no way!!! I drove by a Dukes Roadhouse in Bedford the other evening,people came off the patio with cell phone cameras, and making such noise, that I drove off!!! It's all good!!!!:smile:
Best thing is my little brother from the big brother/big sister program thinks its the coolest thing like "in my playstation". Unfortunately he doesn't have his dad anymore but he has an older brother with a very cool car. That alone is worth it for me.
Best thing is my little brother from the big brother/big sister program thinks its the coolest thing like "in my playstation". Unfortunately he doesn't have his dad anymore but he has an older brother with a very cool car. That alone is worth it for me.

But he wishes it was Long Beach Blue Pearl :biggrin:
I am not sure that any remarks are ignorant...they just don't know or are not car folks. Hell I've schooled my wife on cars since we were first together and first thing outta her mouth when I showed her what I was interested in buying was "looks the Corvette!". This is a woman that will call me on her cell phone to tell me she is driving behind a Lambo or Ferrari! At least they recognize that it is something a little bit above the rest.

Simply not having an understanding of a subject is the definition of ignorance. The word "ignorant" isn't always negative, either.:wink:
one girl said if i could sit in this car for a second i'll be your friend forever and it was very :biggrin: :cool:

U live in a country where getting gals is alot easier than in CAlifornia.

I don't even need a car for gals.

When I go traveling I break out the CALIFORNIA DRIVERs License.

They juice up uber fast.....
But he wishes it was Long Beach Blue Pearl :biggrin:

haha... actually he wants to drive it. He is 8. I let him steer around the parking lot. Man I hope no one from the program sees this post or else they will label me as unfit and take him away. I already got into trouble for letting him drive my element. His favorite thing was to go fast through puddles. I'm going to pick him up from school in the NSX once, I am sure that will raise his "cool" factor tenfold.
Man, I kinda feel sorry for you guys out in Cali that just blend in. Come drive it around good ol' Indiana and people will look at you like a space ship just landed. :wink:

There's a saying.

If u can impress folks in CA with ur car and/or get gals with/out use of a car, u can get gals ANYWHERE in the world.

California is the boot camp of trying to pick up on hot gals.

It's worse in Nor Cal.

7 guys to 1 ugly girl.
I get the occasional "Nice Car" & What is It ?.
But nowhere near the attention the DeTomaso GT5 gets.
Which is ok too....It's nice not being noticed everywhere I go.
While fueling up, What kind of car is that? My reply: 1991 Acura NSX,His reply , I have been looking at a 1990 I think I am going to buy it.
Somewhere in West Virginia this past Saturday. I bet my wife $100.00 that is a modified Corvette on that trailer. Sorry you lose.
The coolest thing that ever happened to me was that I drove a friend to an exotic sports car shop and one of the salesman was leaning over a lamborghini talking to a customer about the car - when he saw me drive up in my 91 NSX, he immediately stood up and walked away from the customer to see my car. You should have seen the customer's face...lol...Even the mighty Diablo must go on bended knee to the NSX!!

I need to pick up one of these so i can add to some of these great stories...:biggrin: I'm very close though so don't worry hehe

I do get a lot of good compliments about the s2000 though. Way too many "nice miata" remarks though. :mad: