What kind of compliments do you receive when driving the NSX?

6 December 2006
N. California
It never fails. Everytime I go to gas her up, someone will ask me what kind of car it is or they will tell me how nice it is. I've had grown middle aged adults pull next to me and ask me what I drive. Man, this car is an attention whore!:biggrin:
I get something at least once a week.

I remember 2-3 weeks ago I was at a stoplight, completely zoned out in my own little world when I noticed this red light in my rear window. I was startled at first, looked up and the guy behind me has his camera out taking pictures :)

I think that same week I was at a sub shop, and this 40 year old comes in acting like a little kid telling the shop owner how theres a NSX outside and if he knew who's it was and how rare it was, yada yada. He must have gone on for 5 minutes raving about it. I just smiled and kept to myself. That was pretty cool.
I had to learn that "sick" means good here in the US, the first time someone said my car was sick I asked them what was wrong with it .... the worst comment so far was when I was quizzed on what kind of body kit I had on my camero .... nice comments come all the time which is great.
Earlier today I had new neighbors move in so the moving truck and guys were here and I just got home and parked the car on the side of the street and I was getting ready to leave again and about 4 of the guys come running out and started asking me all sorts of questions they first asked if it was a 2007 model...I kindly said no it was a 93 and everyone gasped and said no way what is it? Some small talk later they said they loved the way the car looks and I went on my merry way.
'Wow, nice car..is that a corvette or a camaro', said a lady with her son.

A dude in an Audi TT looked at me and gave me the thumbs up.

This cars shout for attention.
Lots of people ask me what it is. I get alot of cell phone cameras out at stop lights. This baby always gets the front spot in at restaurants and night clubs.
Almost everyone asks what it costs, which I find pretty rude and annoying.

Worst compliment ever.... "Hey, is that the new Saturn?"
Lots of people ask me what it is. I get alot of cell phone cameras out at stop lights. This baby always gets the front spot in at restaurants and night clubs.
Almost everyone asks what it costs, which I find pretty rude and annoying.

Worst compliment ever.... "Hey, is that the new Saturn?"

Yep, the cell phone cameras are the latest trend for me.
Almost every single person that's approached me about the car has said 'they don't make these anymore, right?' usually followed by 'how much do they cost?'
The strange thing is that women seem to know more about what the car is than men, more than once they've said 'oh, an NSX, i've always loved them.'
Brings a tear to my eye :smile:
I was driving downtown Dallas, A guy in the backseat of a very tricked out Jag sedan said" That's a very nice Ferrari!!! and then he commented to his girlfriend, Damn, those cost over 200k.....I just smiled and drove on. :cool:

P.S. It wasn't his fault, my car is way from stock, and doesn't have any Acura,Honda or NSX emblems. Kinda fun keeping them guessing..I really like it at the gas station, when the typical smart ass boyfriend says: Well honey that's just one of those um......um..... Hey dude,what kinda car is that? I reply it's just a 16 yr old Honda. He walks off scratching his head!!!:biggrin:
didn't happen to me directly, 2 buddies driving their nsx to the 7-11 i worked at on a sunny Sunday morning.. rubbing me that I didn't drive my nsx and got "stucked" inside with work.....

A guy and his son came to get a gatorade, son was like, those were nice cars... Dad responded... looking at me, with a disgusting face, "F+*king showoff"

I have a differnt job now, and this buddy came by again, the Salesperson at the honda dealership said, "I don't get it, this guy got a 30k car, put a 20k body kit on it, makes it look like crap and now the car worths less than 10k"
He's commenting Seth's SOS Cantrell CF widebody car..... PRICELESS.
I get cell phones at stoplights. Apprently, cruising around with an STi and a Skyline GT-R yesterday, a group of girls were screaming and trying to jump out of their car... that's kinda crazy! Lots of people ask me what year it is, and I always make 'em guess. It's always 2000 and up, and I love the look when I tell them it's a '91.
I've only had the car since 11/06. I've yet to get the ignorant "corvette" remark yet.
I did have a homeless fellow tell me "Hey Acura, nice car. I bet everyone thinks it's a Ferrari"
i guess alot of people in CT don't see too many nsxs, because i'm constantly either mobbed and such. today i had some crazy girl on the interstate frantically taking pics of the ride. top management at my company also gives me alot of compliments:biggrin: maybe i'll move up fast.
Pretty boring living here in Cali...:rolleyes: I'm just one amongst many other exotics/high end cars that everybody sees on a daily basis. I get comments every once in a while (never the corvette comment). The other day I was pulling her out to wash her in the drive way, and some guys doing construction across the street clamoured over themselves to come ask me if it was a Ferrari (No emblems either). A couple of people at gas stations have asked me what year it was, but that's about it. I'm okay with that though... :cool:
Pretty boring living here in Cali...:rolleyes: I'm just one amongst many other exotics/high end cars that everybody sees on a daily basis. :cool:

Don't worry Bob, you're still special :wink: