What is your worst and best cop story?

Driving up a winding mountain road with another owner who is videotaping the ride (Can you say DUMB and DUMBER). Not driving too fast but faster than most cars. Unknown to us, another car was following us who was at their limit and we passed a cop's house who actually saw us and then heard the other car. He took off after the other car expecting to see a major accident. Instead, he sees us coming down the mountain sedately. All on tape, some of which made it onto the Internet (thanks Arshad).:eek: Cop thinks that we were racing (Definitely not) and then later shares with me how this road is frequently used by kids to race (He let us go.) We then get back to a certain car meeting (NSXPO) where one of the topics is reckless high speed driving by certain people. We think that it is us and later find that there were others who had much more spirited driving.

Coming home from the same car event, I get pulled over twice. Once for speeding as I was getting passed by every car on the road including an NSX and once for going to slow (25 in 40). No tickets. Something about the Big A** Wing Effect so no Big A** for me:biggrin: !

Best: Seeing cops do their jobs and go after known criminals. :smile:

Worst: Being profiled and pulled over for no reason than to give me the the whole who's car is this, how long have you had it thing, then cops an attitude because he had nothing on me. WTF!! :mad:
I'm glad to see this thread didn't turn into outright cop bashing. I hate getting pulled over as much as the next person but its nice to have the cops around when you need them. I wouldn't ever want to do their job.

Case in point the aftermath of a high speed chase that ended in my neighbors driveway. This is the house next door to mine, my driveway isn't more than 20' from here in the direction of travel. I was washing my NSX in the drive not 30 minutes before this happened.


I have nothing but respect for guys that do a job this dangerous

Hmm ok ...

I was 21. I would sometimes help my folks out at their business which is a very bad part of town. I had a gun, I kept it under the counter just in case. (this is DC by the way, all handguns are illegal)

One day, when I wasnt there, 4 guys came and shot my father 9 times, shot another employee 4 times. By some miracle, both survived and my gun was never fired. When I got down there, they asked if this was my gun. To which I said, "yes". So while everyone was at the hospital, I spent the next 4 days in jail for handgun violation until a friend bailed me out. :mad:

Thats just the tip of the iceberg.