What HP expectations with CTSC?

MiamieNeSeX said:
I think it has been shown that the hp ceiling on stock internals is about 440, having said that with great power, comes great resposibility......and greater check writing oportunities.....


It is apparent that internal engine building can cause check writer's cramp; untreated this condition can lead to not being able to afford the fuel for one's car; thus having an adverse impact the cars final performance. :rolleyes: :confused: :biggrin:

I would agree that at 440 HP is right at the LIMIT for stock internals and add that at that level of HP the safety factor is gone. Would you agree, as we approach 440HP, the safety factor is being reduced fairly quickly once over 400HP; how much depends on the age, condition and operating conditions the individual engine sees.
What condition where your main and rod bearings in when you did your build. At 78,000 miles mine were showing some signs of wear but all and all were in fair shape. I see the pistons as the weakest engine component when boosting; what is your read on that issue?

Looking forward to meeting you and seeing your car in person at NSXPO.
Bob Kenney said:
It is apparent that internal engine building can cause check writer's cramp; untreated this condition can lead to not being able to afford the fuel for one's car; thus having an adverse impact the cars final performance. :rolleyes: :confused: :biggrin:


Bob Kenney said:
I would agree that at 440 HP is right at the LIMIT for stock internals and add that at that level of HP the safety factor is gone.

not gone, but considerably minimized, all dependant to many different variables

Bob Kenney said:
Would you agree, as we approach 440HP, the safety factor is being reduced fairly quickly once over 400HP; how much depends on the age, condition and operating conditions the individual engine sees.

Bob Kenney said:
What condition where your main and rod bearings in when you did your build. At 78,000 miles mine were showing some signs of wear but all and all were in fair shape. I see the pistons as the weakest engine component when boosting; what is your read on that issue?

Looking forward to meeting you and seeing your car in person at NSXPO.

The bearings show no more or no less than on any 90,000 mile NA car, my guess is due to better than average and consistant tuning.
