What does your user name stand for or mean? Part II

scNSXgirl said:
My cousin's boyfriend thought my old username stand for Asian Sex Girl :(
We speculated about that before. We thought it had a double meaning:

-AZ NSX girl
-Asian sexy girl

I'd like to ask your cousin's bf, what is an Asian Sex Girl? Do they only exist around here? ;)
scNSXgirl said:
Hey Neo,

To make you feel better -
My cousin's boyfriend thought my old username stand for Asian Sex Girl :(
That's why I changed my username to scNSXgirl.

Yeah, that makes me feel a lot better.
But i never thought your old username meant that... maybe i'm just naive. Regardless of ur username, you're still the koolest NSX girl on prime. :cool:
In a past life, I was an operations engineer on a coker process unit (it upgrades bitumen to gas oils and naphtha by thermally cracking it). Even when the unit is running (and 100x worse when the unit is shutdown), you get filthy with coke dust... it gets in any exposed crack or crevice (yes there too). It comes out of your nose for days afterward, even breathing through a mask. Anyway, the guys who basically jackhammer the coke off the walls of the reactor during shutdown are kindly referred to as coker rats. And as the cokers weren't quite the unit of choice for some of the engineers (for some reason they liked the "clean" units like hydrotreaters and stuff...bah!!), the operations engineers on the cokers were called that too. It was fun, I actually sorta miss it some days.
Biaggi is a name that was given to me by my sportbike racing group (SlipstreamRacing) back in the DC area. It resembled my last name and the new and upcoming GP racer at the time was Max Biaggi. BTW, that's me at VIR North Course turn #3 in my avatar :D

A former NSX-er and SlipstreamRacing member, Dave Nguyen, owned an NSX back in '97. I take the credit for convincing him in buying an NSX, because at the time he only wanted a 911 -- go figure... :) He sold it in CA back in 2000 but it's on the FAQ with the Erebuni body kit:
I lived two years in Tokyo Japan and my Japanese girl friend gave me the Akudou nick name (BAD BOY) after the first night we slept together.Didn't take long to make her a Bad Girl.:D
Biaggi said:
A former NSX-er and SlipstreamRacing member, Dave Nguyen, owned an NSX back in '97. I take the credit for convincing him in buying an NSX, because at the time he only wanted a 911 -- go figure... :) He sold it in CA back in 2000 but it's on the FAQ with the Erebuni body kit:

David is a great guy! He pioneered many DIY projects on the NSX (mesh engine cover, clear corner marker lights, mesh side vent inserts, etc.) and they all looked very professional. He and his former NSX are also pictured here: http://www.nsxprime.com/Events/1999/harpersferry/hferry48.jpg
Tom Covington 1992 Berlina Black #000059

gettting Roxanne out of the shop Wednesday (hopefully) with a like new tranny. Can't wait

I switch usernames based on the forum I follow.
Hyper12R on a few others, due to my bike.

I only had 8 characters the first time i used this (speeding ticket).. need i say more
LOL! (i got 3 in a row in the past few months!)
Whoa, talk about some old school memories... David was the pioneer when adding Erebuni parts used to be hard core!

Username is pretty self-explanatory, no?

Lud said:
David is a great guy! He pioneered many DIY projects on the NSX (mesh engine cover, clear corner marker lights, mesh side vent inserts, etc.) and they all looked very professional. He and his former NSX are also pictured here: http://www.nsxprime.com/Events/1999/harpersferry/hferry48.jpg
I use to stay up all night and sleep all day during my Rock star career days great time doing it but no money and no car lots of fun if you know what I mean but any way my mother called me Vampire cause of that and that's why I was like VampNSX sounds good to me. plus my NSX was RED. God I Love my car even it its gone.
I've used this since I got the Gruppe M and then BBSC,
"blown" was my other choice but that could possibly be misinterpreted
During my younger years after I got out of college and started my career, whenever I'd sell something I'd "air" trot around the block of cubes with one hand holding the imaginary "reins" and the other hand slapping the imaginary "haunch" of my imaginary horse. The whole time I'd be yelling "Yee Hawww!" and then spend 30 minutes afterwards begging forgiveness from those I disturbed. After the first week of employment, they knew I wasn't going to stop anytime soon, so they decided to have fun with it as well. Hence, "Ponyboy." And even though I don't do it anymore, it's stuck with me.

But get too much drink in me and the Ponyboy will run wild again.
spookyp stands for "Spooky Particles" and the story behind it is long, not remotely interesting to the general public, and predictably geeky. Therefore, it will not be relayed :D
phone sex?

I thought this was pretty funny. I tried to register at another (non-auto related) forum using my "PHOEN$X" user name, and the administrator banned my name because he/she thought it meant "phone sex." :rolleyes: (we got things cleared up after I explained the real meaning.)

Anyway, I got a kick out of it.