What does your user name stand for or mean? Part II

19 February 2001
Southern California
I have wanted to ask this question for awhile now. I got prompted from the thread about user names.
What does your user name mean or stand for? I understand peoples names and NSX related ones, but some, I just don't get. Mine is from a license plate that I've had for a long time and it was because I just wanted to race ANYTIME. Odd how on the NSX, you'd think that everyone and their mother would pull up next to me and want to race. (The plate was previously on my Dodge Coronet, and everyoned wanted to race). I am not into street racing much, so maybe that's a good sign.
Take care,

"supergreen" was a line in the movie "the fifth element." it had a dual meaning for me at the time. one... because i owned a turbocharged samba green del sol and two... um... no comment.
"125" used to be my pager code. remember pagers?? i would enter it after the number i paged people with so they would know it was me. 125 was the stock horsepower of my del sol.

i have used many others... supergreenage.. supergreensol.. supergreenEG2.. but they all begin with the prefix "supergreen"

feel enlightened??
KGP = initials for last name, first name and middle.
hmm my musings..........
phoen$x :a magic bird(nsx?) that lives for several hundred years before burning itself and then being born again from its ashes: to rise like a
phoenix from the ashes (=to be powerful or successful again)

analogies 101 part 2;
1)you feel that; the nsx design took many years to appear, survived unchanged (successfully) for many years and (hopefully) soon will arise again to its former world beating glory in the form of the new nsx.

2)you have a tremendous fear of spontaneous combustion and realise it will cost big bucks to replace an exploding nsx

3)you really like marvel comics and are excited by the prospect that redhead jean grey in her phoenix state (hinted at the end of the xmen2 movie with a big bird thing moving under the water she was just drowned in, spoiler! sorry) will release a bikini calender featuring a red nsx

4) a pyromaniac that drives around in an nsx setting fire to bling bling cars that offend your taste and style

5) and the least exciting yet still clever: your from phoenix and have an nsx that cost big dollars :)

semiotics is my bag baby :)
Ha ha you guys are funny.
I can see now, you're all...


ajnsx said:
4) a pyromaniac that drives around in an nsx setting fire to bling bling cars that offend your taste and style
aj, I like this one. I would need Pyro's (from X-Men 2) power though, with so many bling blings around!
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Couldn't come up with a user name, so I deceided to take a walk and think about it. My cat had just walked into the room, and I accidently stepped on his tail.

"Rowr" pretty much describes the noise he made.

Greg says it's a good thing I didn't use any noises coming from the cat while he was using the catbox...
Good topic ANYTIME... i thought of starting it myself too.

My username 'NeoNSX' probably needs little explaining (especially this week) ... there is the obvious links to Neo from the Matrix movie. :cool: <B>I see Neo being "The One" just like the NSX is "The One" for many of us here.</B> :D

However i was given the tag 'Neo' not by choice... but coz I filled in the role as "Neo" in an amateur Matrix-parody movie... which was pretty funny. And because I wear a black trenchcoat in Winter, my mates hung it on me... (err pun unintended there) so now the tag has stuck. :o

I hope for my sake Matrix 2 & 3 are good or i'll have to change my username. :(
I'm sure it will be good... although matching the first one is almost impossible. We already have tickets for opening night at the Bridge Directors theater. Huge screen, assigned seating, individual leather reclining chairs. Cost us $18 a pop.. youch.
It damn well better be good.... or I'm holding you responsible. :p
Couldn't come up with a name till the moment I saw my cat next to me !

Here's a picture of the real Enzo :


  • sany1039.jpg
    87 KB · Views: 562
It's my hotmail e-mail address ([email protected]). I comes from the fact that I seem to be rather good at poetic matters. Give me a situation (emotional situations work best), and I'll have a poem for you in 15-20 minutes. It's a gift I guess...

I also go by psykosis, but I messed up registering and basically registered my perfered nick and I am unable to use it. Such is life...
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I made mine up when I first go to university... the internet was new... (didnt even have browsers!)... but i liked the net.... I also at the time liked dodge vipers..(yes yes.. shame on me)... so anyway... i just put the two together... an voila! NetViper was born!
Enzo said:
Couldn't come up with a name till the moment I saw my cat next to me !
Enzo: you should sue Ferrari for stealing your cat's name! ;)

ilya: still waiting for an explanation on your username, dood!
Got mine from an old set of Blitz03's- I loved the deep dish shiny lip which I measured at almost 5 inches. I still miss it, but I didnt really go for that look on the NSX. Not the best pic of the rear rims but you get the point..

NetViper said:
I made mine up when I first go to university... the internet was new... (didnt even have browsers!)... but i liked the net.... I also at the time liked dodge vipers..(yes yes.. shame on me)... so anyway... i just put the two together... an voila! NetViper was born!

Logical... we forgive you for the viper bit. :D
You could alway say you like the F16 which is apparently nicknamed 'Viper' by pilots. ;)

:confused: Hey, anyone know what MYNSX, NSXTASY, and NSXAHOLIC stand for??? ;)