What does LOL/ROFL mean???

2 October 2001
Ok... Dippy9 and I had an interesting conversation about the meaning of Internet acronyms. While I know, now i'm left wondering how many of you guys know what the following mean:


It's ok to be honest... what do you think they mean???

Note: there will be no gambling of pink slips on this survey. ;)
AFAIK as far as I know
AFK away from keyboard
ASAP as soon as possible
B4N bye for now
BBL be back later
BBS be back soon
BEG big evil grin
BFN bye for now
BG big grin
BRB be right back
BTA but then again
BTDT been there done that
BTW bythe way
CU see you
CUL see you later
DBA doing business as
DQMOT don't quote me on this
EG evil grin
EOM end of message
F2F face to face
FAQ frequently asked questions
FWIW for what it's worth
FYI for your information
G grin
GA go ahead
GD&R grinning, ducking and running
GL good luck
GMTA great minds think alike
HT hi there
HTH hope this helps
IAC / IAE in any case / in any event
IANAL I am not a lawyer
IHU I hear you
IIRC if I recall / remember / recollect correctly
IMHO in my humble opinion
IMO in my opinion
IMS I am sorry
IOW in other words
JK just kidding
JMO just my opinion
JTLYK just to let you know
KISS keep it simple
LOL laughing out loud
NP no problem
NRN no response necessary
OIC oh, I see
OTOH on the other hand
PM private message
ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing
RT real time
SYS see you soon
TA thanks again
TAFN that's all for now
TIA thanks in advance
TPTB the powers that be
TTYL talk to you later
TU thank you
UW you are welcome
VBG very big grin
WB welcome back
WFM works for me
WTG way to go
WU? what's up?
YBS you'll be sorry
YMMV your mileage may vary
YW you are welcome
steveny, you must not have a teen-age daughter. Otherwise you would have included "POS" in your list. Parent Over Shoulder. ;)
KGP said:
steveny, you must not have a teen-age daughter. Otherwise you would have included "POS" in your list. Parent Over Shoulder. ;)
I thought POS was acronym for something completely different - it describes perfectly my first car!
You guys have never heard of KIW? It was invented here on NSXPrime... but it's VERY RARELY used...

KIW = Ken Is Wrong. :D

Now do you understand why it's hardly used? :p
NeoNSX said:
You guys have never heard of KIW? It was invented here on NSXPrime... but it's VERY RARELY used..

KIW = Ken Is Wrong. :D

VBG....ROTFL ....too funny Neo. :D
NeoNSX said:
You guys have never heard of KIW? It was invented here on NSXPrime... but it's VERY RARELY used...

KIW = Ken Is Wrong. :D

Now do you understand why it's hardly used? :p

Is that like KIFN and KITP ???

KIFN -Ken is Forums Nazi :D

KITP -Ken is Troll Patrol :D
Can anyone post a list of NSX parts that have acronyms and their meanings?Example: FPR = fuel pump regulator, CAS = crank angle sensor, and so forth.

Thanks, Danny Yee.