What do you guys think of this license plate?

My apologies for the above post. I mistakenly thought nsxtasy was refering to BTRNSX when I now realize he was talking about GOTBUSH (althogh I like the idea of having a "Beater" NSX

'91 Black/Black
Originally posted by rickro:
I agree with keeping a plate simple to read. I am a landscape architect and after going a few rounds with the LA DMV, it looks like I am going to get my original, easy to read, personalized plate.......


I mean come on! I'm in the landscaping industry, what else could it mean?

After giving me the approval by phone the DMV supervisor sent me a letter today stating...."GOTBUSH" will not be made. Although they have granted me my second choice......"N2BUSH". Go figure!
A little off topic, but still about license plates, my friend had RX-TION on his RX7.
Continuing in the off topic theme, I saw one yesterday on the back of an SUV. First, understand that here in Florida you can get a "theme" tag from around 50 choices.College tags, save the manatee tag, etc...Well you can also get one from any branch of the armed forces. This one was on a Marine Corps tag:


This can only mean that at least 3 more exist!
I'm planning on getting this one. What do u think.


[This message has been edited by NSX2NV (edited 27 August 2002).]

I'm in Canada we are allowed 8 characters in Ontario.

BTW did you figure it out.