What do you do when people STARE at you?!

A slightly off topic here, but amusing nonetheless.

A couple of weeks ago, I was washing the gravel, that I collected from Streets of Willow, off my car. I heard from a distance that a little kid was making "Vrrrrm Vrrrrrm" sound while riding his bike. He's around 10 years old

As he approached in front of my house, he noticed my car.

Boy: Vrrrm Vrrrrm Vr..... wow! is that a ..... a Ferrari?
Me: No, it's an....
His little brother (around 8) was riding behind him interupted me: Noooo, it's an NSX!

Matteni, I like that look. It gives you a homey and approachable appearance. :D
CDub said:
A slight off topic here, but amusing to me.

A couple of weeks ago, I was washing the gravel, that I collected from Streets of Willow, off my car. I heard from a distance that a little kid was making "Vrrrrm Vrrrrrm" sound while riding his bike. He is around 10 years old

As he approached in front of my house, he noticed my car.

Boy: Vrrrm Vrrrrm Vr..... wow! is that a ..... Ferrari?
Me: No, it's an....
His little brother (around 8) was riding behind him interupted me: Noooo, it's an NSX!

Matteni, I like that look. It gives you a homey and approachable appearance. :D

Smart kid!
A real man....

I was walking to my car in the parking lot with a boy and probably his mother in front of me. I guess he was about 13-15 years old. As they approached their car which was parked in front of mine the boy just about drooled on my car. When he saw that I was going to get into the car he acted like he wasn't looking at the car anymore and just got in with mom in the old SUV. As they were backing out I saw the boy look at me and he cracked a huge grin and a thumbs up to me. I think he was just echoing my matching grin which still does not go away.

This is the most fun I've had owning a car since dirt was invented.
Joel said:
Many a time have I encountered people who stare at my car when driving down the road. This is understandable. Some of them cops though :D. But occasionally, I would get people who stare at ME driving my car.

When this happens, I catch myself not wanting to make eye contact and shift my gaze at the road ahead. I don't do this on purpose, it's just reflex. They probably think I'm some rich snob. Sometimes however, when guys give me a thumbs up through their moonroof, I'm inclined to return the gesture.

Children however, I happily smile and wave at them. They're so cute when they climb all over each other to get a better view through their mom's car window. ;)

LOL. I thought I was the only one. I always just act like I am oblivious to the stares. But when the Targa's off, it becomes a bit more difficult if the other drivers are yelling "Yo, yo, etc." I still just ignore it. It can be quite akward. They probably think I'm a snob too, which is far from the truth. But little kids, especially the little "future racer" boys, I'll smile and wave. They're too cute!
I get alot of stares and thumbs up etc.. but i get alot of what seems like negative attn, i thinks its mainly because im younger (23) so people probably think im a spoiled rich kid. Which im so far from, shit i grew up on welfare lol.
MiamiMermaid said:
LOL. I thought I was the only one. I always just act like I am oblivious to the stares. But when the Targa's off, it becomes a bit more difficult if the other drivers are yelling "Yo, yo, etc." I still just ignore it. It can be quite akward. They probably think I'm a snob too, which is far from the truth. But little kids, especially the little "future racer" boys, I'll smile and wave. They're too cute!

Dawn, you should try this test:
Borrow a 79 Civic, roll the windows down and go ride around. Same thing still happens, doesn't it? :wink:
If it is younger kids, I'll wave and smile. Otherwise, I concentrate on driving and staying away from people.

Moot point for me as most of the time I've got sun glasses on so nobody knows where I'm looking!

Get the same deal with the Ducati, which is super tricked out with racing goodies. But I have a dark visor fitted to my Arai (to avoid wearing sun glasses with my helmet) so the helmet can be pointed straight ahead but I might be looking to the side, etc.

The worst case scenario, with either the NSX or the 998R, is to be stopped at a light next to someone with testosterone poisoning who wants to race, etc. I just let 'em go. I do all my super fast riding (and soon...super fast driving) at the track.
I usually throw a fire ball at them... hadoken....
91 NSX said:
If it is younger kids, I'll wave and smile. Otherwise, I concentrate on driving and staying away from people.

Moot point for me as most of the time I've got sun glasses on so nobody knows where I'm looking!...

Yes, sunglasses are a big help in hiding where you are looking. By the way, is your NSX really black with red interior?? How did you get that?? :eek:
91 NSX said:
The worst case scenario, with either the NSX or the 998R, is to be stopped at a light next to someone with testosterone poisoning who wants to race, etc. I just let 'em go. I do all my super fast riding (and soon...super fast driving) at the track.

I get that A LOT! And it takes EVERYTHING!! to hold back. I've done my share of "street racing" but now have learned it best to save myself the tickets , jail, unwarranted accidents (other people, of course ;) ) .. but must say, verrrrrrrrry tempting. :tongue:
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Did you realize you guys dug up a thread from 2003?

I just wave or give them a "peace" or "hang-loose" gesture.
This happens a lot in our cars. When ever I am stopped at a light, stop sign whatever, people look over and stare (not at me, believe me) or smile. I always just look and smile and give a quick nod or wave. They usually smile back or wave. Heck this week I took the NSX to the dry cleaners and a car followed me into the lot and then started takinbg pictures of the car while I was talking to a passerby that stopped to ask about the car and admire it. Geez, it's a stock 2001...........imagine if it was all tricked out.

My opinion is if one was to ignore or fail to acknowledge the looker, that might be considered antagonistic (to some) and could prompt them to do something stupid.

A smile and acknowledgment cost nothing and is just common courtesy. However, I am aware that in some cultures, people might be uncomfortable making eye contact and I understand that. Unfortunately, here in the US some people might not realize that and believe someone is being arrogant, etc. Just food for thought.
I once was driving down the hwy and me and my friend looked over to see this guy in a van (passenger) with the window open doing the Wayne's World "We're not worthy" bow with a big smile on his face. My response was a gut busting laugh, a wave and I downshifted into VTEC and stepped on it. In my rear view I saw a big thumbs up out of the window. :cool:
MiamiMermaid said:
I get that A LOT! And it takes EVERYTHING!! to hold back. I've done my share of "sreet racing" but now how learned it best to save myself the tickets , jail, unwarranted accidents (other people, of course ;) ) .. but must say, verrrrrrrrry tempting. :tongue:

hehehe... YOU dont need to race them to smoke 'em! :D
While driving on PCH yesterday a Red C5 driver was staring and waved.
I smiled and waved back. My wife said, why did he wave? I said he must have thought we were in a Corvette. (am used to getting vette waves after owning C2's forever, didn't see it coming in the Honda) :biggrin:
I had people stare my car while driving which I think is dangerous for them and myself. So I usually just speed up and pull way out in front. Whats uncomfortable is when they follow me couple of miles. Usually people in other acura's stare me down the most...in aww of the flag ship car :biggrin: